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What year is it?
>tfw you run out of cereal
Quick rundown pls
He got 20 years for war crimes in Bosnia.
But drank hemlock instead, and now ded
Bosnian-Croat war criminal was told his 20 year prison sentence would be remain in place, drank from a bottle of poison. Then they shut down the court and called him an ambulance.
He didn't get shit cause he's dead
He died some minutes ago
chad croat doesnt accept haag's sentence and decides to die instead
Spoon feed me a video faggots
He did get the sentence just before he took poison.
>be Bosnian Croat leader in war against muslims
>be indicted by International Court in Hague
>spend 15 years in jail tring to naivly proove he was doing everything with honor
>at the end the cuck Court gives him 20 years sentence (the time spended in jail is also included)
>instead of admitting the ruling says the judges to fuck off and drinks poison
>naivly proove
At least he went out on his own terms.
(((who))) gave him the poison?
The chad Praljak, the virgin Mladic
Here's the videos. (you)'s appreciated
Some yugobro please translate this
Bump for a moment in history.
Here is your (You)
(you)'re the best! AROUND! Nothings gonna ever bring (you) down.
he said "ooga booga" then he said "ooga booga ooga" and then he drank it
I hope this catches on. It would be really nice if all the evil people started ending themselves.
Save a lot of court fees.
In all seriousness, what did he say? Did he live?
Fucking based
Muslims aren't people. Remove kebab. Gas kikes
Clearly an elaborate way to fake a death. Someone find this guy and give him a televised beating.
Nobody cares about the shit (((sentence))). The guy went out like a man.
>kills muslims
Go away soyman, we don't want to buy anything.
Holy fuck lads.
This is the fucking storm Q was alluding to...it was all real.
Trump going to war on the deep state, Matt Lauer getting BTFO, now this, everything was planned.
This is the greatest fucking time line.
God bless Trump
one video one (You)
honorable, even in death
more of a man as a corpse than any of those glorified cuck paper pushers in court will ever be
>A shot of Albanian raki and BTFO
>average 56% burger
>people are evil because muh CNN said so
Suicide is for cowards.
here's your bottle kike be sure to share with your rabbi
>tfw santa commits suicide
Because staying incarcerated and being ass raped by muslims till you die make much more sense.
was he, dare I say /oursocrates/
>camera zooms in instead of cutting off, multiple angles
Looks organized. I don't know who helped him get the poison inside, definitely not Croatian intelligence but someone more capable. Desired effect is achieved as kebabs are being baited into being their true self. It's one of the events that's leading towards dissolution of Bosnia and another war.
“Slobodan Praljak is not a war criminal. I reject your judgment with contempt.”
>speaking in absolute terms
you mutts never fail to amuse
>ooogaaaa boooogaaaa
Drank soy like a little bitch then died
How do we disable the international organizations form ((intervening)) once it happens again?
look at those judges lmao hock noses, niggers and women
F based Croat
Coward is you not having the courage to kill yourself even though you want to. Giving satisfaction to your captors by spending the rest of your life in 2m cell is for cucks.
A new Balkan war would be amazing. Fingers crossed for more based holocausts!
t. mudslime-American
He screamed gas the kikes and drank the poison
Gotta do some ethnic cleansing across the board
I don't think this has anything to do with Q.
Mother fucker when full Socrates
He said Kosovo is Serbia and then he drank the poison.
He chugged it.
Was this intended to make Mladic look like a pussy
That is impressive... A true Mishima moment! I don't know, if he's guilty or not (probably not). But this is one helluva way to die!
Says the bitch who can't even remove rapefugees from his own land
>still falling for the Q meme
Bosnian Muslims were not innocent.
Why do Nazi's always tend to kill themselves?
Of course not, but you're not going to convince that loonie.
Wait so he only had to spend 5 more years in jail? And despite that he decided death? Honorable
Are they a lot of Southeastern Europeans that will harbor bad feelings toward the US forever, in a seriously vengeful way? I've met quite a few and they seem to not give a shit about what went down, but I suspect there may be more to that underneath their cool demeanour.
he is swedish, its like a dream come true for him
I'd do it too, better than rotting in prison for who knows how many years
Well go on. No one's going to stop you.
Maybe hahaha
What a fucking legend.
Judges, Slobodan Praljak isn't a War criminal! I don't accept your judgement.
Something along the lines
-He said: Slobodan Praljak (his name) is not a war criminal and rejects your judgement. *drinks poison*
-judge: stop it please
I demand investigation on how he acquired the poison. The bosnian muslim people were denied rightful justice because this monster was allowed to chose his own destiny.
Reminds me of that staged killing of that guy with the kino american camera angles.
It's that fucking joke of a "war crimes/international law" court that is evil--just like the hypocritical fuckers presiding over Nuremberg trials, pontificating from on high as they handed over half of Europe to the Soviet Union, swallowed their lies, and armed them as they raped and pillaged their way across Europe, while sitting right next to them condemning people for "crimes" (not to mention using testimony obtained by torture to convict, and ignoring every legal precedent that ever existed).
Real human being, and a real an hero
He was already on trial for 15 years and the 20 years sentence included the time he already spent there. More than likely he would be out in a year at most.
But he rather chose to off himself than to accept injustice
>international organizations
Uh oh, *deep concerns intensify*.
This shit is getting so convoluted. Then again I guess that's the point.
Well, till he is dead. You have to be a major soyboy cuck not to kill yourself when there is no way out for you (like getting captured).
if not b8, kindly fuck off
kek what a fucking legend
>mrw pic
Yeah that photo op was art, Putin retaliated with his own on the funeral.
gr8 b8 r8 8/8
Mega never promised anything and has always been on point. Trust her more than that "Q" guy.
My guess is they wont be coming back to shitpost here anymore.