Can we address the FOX support?

Is it not classic control tactics that Trump, et. al point toward FOX as a beacon of truth in light of all news/media controlled CIA propoganda?

The very presence of federal government organizations on alternative social media sources points towards evidence of their desire to further control information dessimenation.

I'm honestly curious on Trump support reasoning that this is not a HUGE red flag pointing toward the continued control and manipulation of the general population.

"Fake News" means all news - it's all fake.

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying tuck and hannity are fake news

>watching faux news

Your side is either winning or losing.
That kind of moral purity means you will be taken advantage of because the playing field will never be fair. You need to look past all that pointless bullshit and look towards the way the world is shaping up and decide the road you want to try to push it down.

All I care about is seeing this little political comedy show that you Americans are giving out to the world. It's funny.

>rail against the mainstream media
>protect fox news, even though it is literally the most popular mainstream news outlet in America

Really makes you think.

why not? If they indeed are - it would benefit the administration immensely - I'd rather hear hannity and tuck, the owners of fox news corp., and all the rest, professing candidly - their involvement with deep state and on convincing the general population to go to war in the middle east.

fox having been historically huge supporters of the bush administration/family should be a blemish not easily removed....

My "side"? This is how nefarious this game is played.

The only "sides" are the "haves" and "have nots"

>FOX as a beacon of truth in light

2003 called, they want the Iraq War Fox news coverage back.

and do you want to have or have not?
Equality is a false god.


democracy - an EQUAL exercise of power by the general population.

I'm referring to power - an ideal we formed this country upon.

How old are you? Genuinely curious.

You fucking faggots are just Fox News watching retards aren't you?

You faggot watch all the other MSM then?

Fuck off back to leftypol you piece of shit cunt fag


>implying you have to watch tv to get news.

What a faggot.

It's literally the only outlet that has SOME programs that give him a fair shake. In all other instances, it's trash. Trump is simply pointing normies to their best hope for accurate information as they drown their lives in the mainstream. We are more fortunate than most.

Is it easier for you to "place" me in a category different than yours?

...rather than realizing that very desire is something instilled upon you by those wishing to exert power and control over you?

For about two seconds, if you're a little retarded.
>meme flag

anyone ever see RFD channel?
pic unrelated but still creepy as it gets

>leddit spacing
yeah, because its easy to see the crock of bullshit that flows from kikeit and leftypol, and when its a concerted effort on Sup Forums to constantly attack anything that is supportive of trump or just right of the left.
fucking nigger.

Fox isn't really news. It's entertainment. All the corporate "news" outlets are scripted; tailored to their respective demographics:
There IS a real news network, but most people don't know it exists, therefore have no idea of all that's really going on -- One America News.

"Among Donald Trump's appointments there have been several former Goldman Sachs employees, such as Steven Mnuchin, Steven Bannon, and Gary Cohn, as well as several generals, such as Mike Flynn, James Mattis, and John Kelly. These appointments have generated some criticism, including allegations of violations of the principle of civilian control of the military and allegations of regulatory capture.[7][8] The Democratic senator from Missouri, Claire McCaskill, has criticized Donald Trump's cabinet stating; "I call it the three 'G' Cabinet: Goldman, generals and gazillionaires."[9]"

MSM thinks they can just ride this out and pretend their not on the same team. They're larping till the bitter end.

Stopped watching FNC in 2012. Too liberal.

Someone post the Podesta/Clinton private dinner news reporter list

Fox news is shit, but I can see why Trump is rewarding them for saying nice things
Oh look - zero Fox News reporters went to this private dinner to discuss matters in private, off the record.
fuck off leftypol and newfag scum

Fordham Alum:

Francis Spellman, Cardinal Archbishop of New York

Jack Keane, Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army

Hage Geingob, President of Namibia

Andrew Cuomo, 56th Governor of New York

Archduchess Charlotte of Austria

William J. Casey, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

John O. Brennan, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency