Trump dun goofed

this is embarassing

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Thank you Trump

it’s embarassing how far British people are going to defend Islam

>trump caring about optics

Boy I sure do remember that time when trumps bad optics lost him the election. Man those pesky optics.

Muh optics

Trump doesn't want to win reelection

I’d like to hear word from the ground. I suspect that there are more people secretly delighted by this than the media appreciates. People keep their anger hidden.

this isnt about Islam

PJW hates Islam but even him think trump went too far with this nazi first group

Meteor man is right. Racism is never good

Islam isn't a race.

I just left work and I have to say that the atmosphere in there was unlike anything I've seen before.

There was a buzz around the warehouse, peoples spirits were visibly lifted, in this Muslim dominated town where the rape gangs have been operating for years under police and local council protection, these great British people suddenly felt that the world had been reminded about what Islam is.

Lots of hope in Luton today, there is a massive swell of public opinion regarding islam, but the establishment has so far succeeded in keeping it in check, but what these 3 simple retweets have done is allow ordinary patriotic men and women to openly criticise the religion of intolerance and child rape.

For us in Britain this is a big day, and the liberal media can definitely feel it too, hence the fear and panic.

>muh nazis

I thought you'd get a visit from the thought police for videos of Muslims behaving badly.

Where is the line for hate speech in the UK?

Yeah, ‘Britain First”. How horrible of them to want to take care of themselves.

>posting video evidence of crimes is rayciss if the criminals aren't white

>Islam isn't a race.

Sigh....this is the same thing bill maher says when he says something racist.


He is and will be President for 2 terms

Will you guys lynch this fucking faggot already

>Yeah, ‘Britain First”. How horrible of them to want to take care of themselves.

We live in a global world

You literally can't in 2017 take care of yourself.

>He is and will be President for 2 terms

So why Pence already getting super pacs set up for himself?

So glad the optics buzzword is making a comeback

Didn't we have some good copypastas about optics way back when

The only thing that is Embarrassing is the UK. If Trump was your leader, I have no doubt he would unleash the army into no-go zones and round up Muslims. If British people had any balls they would do that themselves. How can you let Muslims rape white English girls and do nothing? Cowards



Uh oh solidarity is bad now. Sort yourself out PJ

Secret admission that he's a closet Nazi?
Heil Trump, Hail our people, Hail Victory!

>dont bring a nazi flag, its bad for optics
>jew brings nazi flag
>helicopter crashes killing two officers
>communist has a heart attack
>media releases its stockpile of information its been sitting on and collecting from jews in a discord server

PJW is wrong on this particular case, but perception is still important, Trumps doing a great job in that aspect

I agree my Irish brother, my ancestory is almost all British isles and it's sad what they've done to London and Birmingham.
At this point it might do less damage to annex them to Pakistan as enclaves lel


Trumps redpilling the fuck out of everybody.

All i see is butthurt, Its magnificient.

PJW is controlled opposition

I hate Britain so much. God I feel bad for the 2% of their population that have any balls left but can't do anything. I couldn't imagine living in a country that treats it's own citizens like third class citizens yet sucks off Muslims, Indians and Africans

Imagine my shock when PJW is a faggot



We just gave you a tailwind. Don't waste it faggots.

A video of a muslim beating someone up and another of a muslim smashing a statue of the virgin mary is an 'anti-muslim' video?

unless you live in a city it's fine here

By doing the same things that got him elected in the first place? Right.

>video showing Muslims doing bad shit = an "anti-Muslim" video

That's why libshits want police body cams banned now. I stead of revealing police brutality, it revealed that tons of niggers actually ARE violent criminals.

GOD bless President Trump. What a great man.

>PJW is wrong on this particular case
Read his tweets thereafter. PJW totally backpedals, realizes he gave the leftards ammunition.

you know anything that is an inconvenient truth will be labeled as hate.

Yeah I'm not surprised. What a shit heel. Controlled opposition

seems like the muslims are the problem here, promising to take over the UK

>violent muslims want to beat up peaceful marchers, while hijabis talk shit to british women dressed normally

WTF I hate britain first now

fuck PJW, you newfags need to understand we don't give a shit about about infowars. Their worth can be measured in their meme potential. Alex Jones is controlled opposition.
>The president shouldn't be tweeting mean things about islam
fucking yes he should. he should go all out and tweet the entire liveleak library until there is not a single liberal left to defend islam

I keked

It's inconvenient when 60 "Youfs" rob and beat people on a train, at the Oakland (coincidental) station.

I detest that man Ali Dawah so much.

it starts with "SWUTZEEKAS R BAD OPTICS"
not too long after, it's "NATIONALISM IS BAD OPTICS"
just where will the semitic stairs of (((sneakiness))) take us next?

What was the story behind this? I mean, is there any source revealing what he told GEOTUS?


is pjw one of gods chosen tweeters?

But Islam isn't a race.

Gosh darn, those dang TEENS.


>Alt-lite CIA disinfo e-celebs showing true colors

We must be getting close to the real storm

(((bad optics)))
Reminder this phrase showed up out of nowhere after Charlottesville.

>PJW shilling for leftism and diet pill scams

Oh look, it's the optics cucks. This shit is tiresome. Grow a pair, cunts. Truth is truth. Fuck optics.

Pro Tip )----> Don't ride Bart anywhere in the East Bay. The Youths will get you!

>"America First!"
Um, sweetie.. we live in a global society and the week being of... blah.. blah
>"Britain First!"
...Um sweetie this is bad optics... you should really.. blah.. blah

Jus gas them... gas them all.

>"Britain First"

Ew. Don't these people know that "nations" are a thing of the past? We're far past caring about imaginary lines drawn on a map. Time to advance as a species.

It's a religion you don't have to be anything but a human try it sometime.

Truly the best timeline? Even the controlled op is being told to shift narrative for the coming storm

Looking at his twitter it seems it starts with
>bad optics
then it becomes
>yeah okay it's dumb, but it isn't endangering anyone
and finally
>people whining about Trump retweeting an "extremist group" (inverted commas verbatim) are in the extremist groups antifa/BLM

Infowars more like disinfowhores :-]

nazis loved muslims, tho


I don't see what's so bad about a country looking out for it's own well being. We should help ourselves before we help each other, otherwise our efforts would just be undermined by instability at home.

Only if you define race as something that's strictly genetic, but you should rather use the word genotype to avoid the understanding of race as ethnicity.

Or is ethnicity also strictly about genetics to you, user.?


how bad is uk/usa going to btfo yuropoorcucks?

You must teach them the ways of the ira

they are only Nazis to people who love Islam.
Fuck Islam.

Never underestimate how stupid the american public is.

>Implying Trump has any fucks to give.

OP is a faggot

He brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.

Its over, I'm not a liberal shill, but it's still over...Trump's completely isolated himself and fired literally everybody good apart from Pence.

El trajo malas visiones para la administracion de trump con su acto de nazi de mierda. Yo stoy contento que se fue, solo fue una gran distraccion como Flynn.

Oн пpивeл плoхyю oптикy в yпpaвлeниe Tpaмпa c дepьмoм нaциcтcкoгo личинки. Я paд, чтo oн yшeл, пpocтo oгpoмнoe oтвлeчeниe, кaк Флинн.

He broughd bad obdigs do da drump adminisdradion :DDDD with his nazi larber dybe shidd :DDD :D. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distragdion lige Fug :DDDDDDDD benis in bagina :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Yep, Infowars was pretty good back when it was one loudmouthed bastard in a black t shirt ranting and raving in a cheap studio, but the wealthier he gets the more Alex sucks. Not unusual development actually.

Someone should help PJW understand that a nationalist helping other countries promote their own nationalism is a positive thing, and in no way, shape, or form is anti-American.

"Dear Lord, please rid us of these faggots."

OP it's bad optics to use a meme fag then censor out all the foreign words in a Twitter screenshot.

sick fake tweet btw

Pjw is doesn't get the eb and flow. Reserve, strike, reserve, strike. Paul is always reserved. What a puff

who the fuck cares about this PJW faggot

Dank you for da Spurdo dransladion :DDD

>european union flag
How sad are the E.U. cucks these days?

Doing Gawker style reporting posting revenge porn isn't great optics, faggot

who cares about the source the content of the videos is what matters

>Donald "Teflon Don" Trump caring about optics

>trusting (((PJW)))


I'm going to need before/after liberal editorials for redpilling purposes, I'll compile later.

Didn't he say he was going to act "so presidential"?

Y'all fuckin' commies need concealed carry.

PJW is a faggot a massive larp. He's the Lauren Southern for desperate virgin fembots

This memeflag extension truly makes this board better

wow he retweeted a video and i dont like whats in the video because it shows bad things happening omg lol so unpresidential fuk drumpf