Why are Oshii and Anno the only directors who made trully personal works in anime? Even with other more ambitious directors like Tomino and Miyazaki you only get works where they complain about the world being not like they want it to be, like little babies. Oshii through Angel's Egg and Anno through Eva actually had the guts to express their inner self and not just nag about others.
Why are Oshii and Anno the only directors who made trully personal works in anime...
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Anno is Ikuhara's bitch.
Is any of Ikuhara's work personal?
No budget, 2 frames per second, AVs talk at x3 speed, sells like around 200 copies every time.
And yet we got 8 seasons and an upcoming one all thanks to the work of a person basically.
I didn't make the suggestion, but elements of Utena and Adolescence feel personal.
Satoshi Kon
I always wondered. It did seem like it could have been but I guess Ikuhara never referenced it in his interviews.
Kon did say that the characters represented him in different stages of his life, but ultimately the stories were more focused on society.
Wind Rises was a semi-autobiography.
FLCL was Tsurumaki's brainchild
I can't help but think that the subject matter of Utena's Black Rose arc is close to Ikuhara's heart.
>those who are not chosen must die
It's pretty much the backbone of Penguindrum and YKA too.
To make anime as a way to vent a personal statement is a fucking lame. I couldn't give less of a shit on what so and so thinks, so long as the product itself is of good quality. I watch anime because I want to be entertained by a well constructed story, not because I want to learn about the director's personal life.
What inspires one to make a good story?
Other good stories.
Then you are talking about fanfics, not stories.
Oshii has a weird fucking mindscape and might have a basset hound is what I get from it.
Too bad Sup Forums stands for anime, and not autobiographies.
just read manga if you want personal works they usually have only one artist and his vision
because 90% of anime is manga/lightnovel adaptations so there is very little room for personal interpretation, and animation is collaborative industry anyway
What did Anno want to express with Eva? "Fuck otaku"?
Grave of the Fireflies is something more personal than either have them have done.
>have them have done.
*of them
No, that would be Me Me Me
EVA had a broader message
>Anno the only directors who made trully personal works in anime?
Is this bait?
Usually people who have something to say make better stories.
Unlike the tripe you posted.
Other directors are simply just not very good outside of their animations, sadly.
I guess The Lord of the Rings isn't a personal work because he took heavy influence from norse mythology.
Also Ideon is shit.
How about Tomihiko Morimi's Tatami Galaxy?
Not a director, but weren't Lain or Texhnolyze pretty much Abe's pet project or something? Off-topic, but personal works don't mean they're good I believe, since there are a lot of those boring "personal" indie video games whose designers are so full of themselves (i.e. just an excuse to self-jerking).
Translation: "I'm a massive pleb."
Stick to haremshit if Ideon is too deep for you.
>Also Ideon is shit.
Stick to A/Z, idiot.
What the actual fuck? Any author worth his salt has read or watched and been influenced by other good works.
Viewing someone else's life through their viewpoint is literally the most boring way to learn about someone because of bias.
Directors creating characters that aren't like themselves but know very well are always the best. That's why Yoshida Reiko is the best writer in anime.
Gainax and Anno are the Tarantino of anime, high quality entertainment but utterly derivative of previous works and includes a lot of exploitive elements. They all annoy longterm and knowledgable fans of their mediums but also had a huge impact and pulled in tons of new fans to their respective mediums. Be Invoked > End of Evangelion
I can break down exactly why it's shit too, but, like, it has fucking lightsabers. Should I make a chart about how much it ripped off Star Wars? Would you post that a million times too?
Never even seen it.
Or harem anime. No interest.
>Star Wars invented beam weapons
>Beam weapons = A show is shit
Stick to IBO, kid.
Yeah, it didn't.
Just like Ideon didn't invent mecha. So, how is Eva a ripoff of it if Ideon isn't a ripoff of Star Wars?
I haven't seen IBO either. I don't even like mecha.
Actually Tomino did invent modern mecha and Anno admits to ripping it off.
The concept of mecha used as a divine entity is much older than Ideon. Tomino didn't invent, though Anno himself did admit he was inspired by Ideon for Eva.
>The concept of mecha used as a divine entity is much older than Ideon.
I claimed Tomino invented mecha, not that Ideon invented divine mechs (which were created by the Jews over 2,000 years ago)
Tomino is just a whiny self-centered baby that complains about the world around him through his works. Nothing personal about them.
I'll bet anything that you're posting this without actually having seen Ideon, or maybe you just saw Be Invoked and not the series itself. People who are actually familiar with the material would not make your post.
Sure, there are SOME similarities between Be Invoked and Eva - Anno has openly admitted to it being one of his insipirations - but not nearly to the extent that meme images like this suggest, nor to the point that anyone who has actually seen both would dare suggest that Eva is not a personal work because it is somehow a ripoff of Ideon.
This seems really incorrect to me. Every "auteur" work is personal, almost by definition.
What wasn't stolen from Ideon was stolen from Gundam.
>Sure, there are SOME similarities between Be Invoked and Eva
No EoE plagiarized Be Invoked
It's not plagiarism, it's a homage. Also, I don't remember seeing a kid's head get blown off in EoE, nor someone jerking off and cumming in Be Invoked.
Personal for the author, not the filmmaker.
Anyway works that express a clear philosophy feel personal to me, even if it's not literally ABOUT the filmmaker. That's a pretty narrow view.
Complete and utter bullshit.
I suggest you actually go watch Eva, Ideon and all of the Gundams up to 1995 (some of which I highly recommend) instead of regurgitating other people's nonsense on an anonymous image board.
Like hell it did. There are some similar themes which are dealt with in very different ways, and a superficially similar ending (Ideon's version of "instrumentality", and more specifically the whole Messiah thing, is very very different from what EoE did). Again, I'm not saying that EoE wasn't influenced by it, Anno himself admits that. But saying that it plagiarized it is no more than memespeak.
>what is Iczer 1?
Fucking retards.
Evashit ripped off everything. Anno has never had a single original idea.
>Sadamoto: We had talked a lot in the beginning about wanting a title like "Space Runaway Ideon (Legendary Giant God Ideon)", so I think I did push that. And to tell the truth, the story composition is also similar. For example, Nerv can be considered the same as the Solo Ship fighting a lonely battle against both humankind and the Buff Clan, and then there are the incomprehensible robots that can only communicate with children and tend to geo berserk, etc. It might not be an exaggeration to say that if you add "Ideon" and "Devilman" together and divide by two, you get "Evangelion".
Sure, man.
>trully personal works
>he doesn't know
Oshii is fuck who cares only about money.
I never understand why people praise him so high. Yes he's good director but not real artist.
>"anime industry is bad" "there is no money in industry"
His last words. Last words of guy who failed with milking patlabor and now makes shitty B-movies.
>EoE plagiarized Be Invoked
You don't read books right?
Not him but I don't get your comment.
Why do you think that complaining about the world being not like you want it to be like little baby is not expressing your inner self?
>Talentless hack makes garbage
>T-There's no money in the industry....
>Meanwhile actual talent people become rich when they make hit after hit after hit
>sayo yamamoto
>make ambitious, personally-driven works with a visual identity and a unique flair
>flop hard
>make fujoshi pandering show fetishizing cute gays like hell
It's never about talent
>make fujoshi pandering show fetishizing cute gays like hell
Which character was a cute gay in Code Gayass R1 not R2?
I think TV anime is different case. Normal people don't really cares about TV unless it's some adaptation of famous something made by famous director
All Eva fanboys should be lined up and shot in the head, or at least keep their delusions and unwarranted sense of self-importance contained in one thread.
Rurushu, Suzaku, Roro.
Not an argument.
what does code geass have to do with anything you dumbfuck
Money is to be made with actual good anime like Code Geass, not fujoshit or pretentioushit.
Geass is one of the best selling anime ever in case you didn't know
>Code Gayass
I've got bad news about your taste, user. I'm afraid it's shit.
Geass isn't good though, just entertaining. It's mostly throwing shit to the wall to see what sticks with an occasional moment of brilliance.
>isn't good though, just entertaining
See this is what I'm talking about you pretentious anime consumers are insane.
It's blaming things on others, when you are the problem in the first place.
You can have an amazing story but suck at telling anyone about it. Sometimes you can just have pretty mundane personal experiences and represented in a good way. Sometimes it helps to experience stuff to know how to tell stuff.
Oshii for example was amazing at this, with a scene in DB based on the whole office staying late at night working on the anime.
fuck off /m/ we want to discuss good shows
How you sat through Eva and had a take away other than "Wahh the world isn't what I expected, I have to come to terms with that but I don't wanna!" is beyond me. Are you sure you aren't fucking retarded?
Are you possibly misinterpreting things on purpose to start an argument?
Stories are about and carried by the characters, and the crux of a good character is their ability to resonate with the audience. Anime and film are mediums that build upon their predecessors, and obviously creators who love the craft are inspired by the creators that came before them. But stories still have to be grounded in the personal experience of the writers in order for the audience to relate to it. Anime that only draws on other anime for inspiration is riddled with cliches and shallow one-note characters, which is fine if you love the popcorn LN reddit fodder that gets crapped out in droves every season, or the same boring cute girls in high school slice of life that has and will be repeated ad nauseam until the end of time. However, anime like this forms a disconnect with people who aren't heavily committed to the pure escapism qualities of anime, and these shows do nothing to advance the medium. The reason why a show like Evangelion resonated with so many people was because Anno used it to express his deeply personal experiences and world views, not because it was a rehash of devilman, godzilla and ideon.
>look, I'm pretending to be retarded on the internet!