Fuck SJW's

Why can't SJW's just fuck off away from things I like. Video games get fucked by SJW's, Football gets fucked by SJW's, and now magic gets fucked by SJW's.

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what the fuck is gamergate now anyway

make video games user

...literally all of those things are privatized. What the fuck? This can't be real.

Is that a parody account? All those things are privatized.

havent played magic since Mirage, what happened?

When you're dressed up as a Geisha and a wild SJW appears


A woman dressed up like a slut, got treated like a slut, and cried to the internet about it.

So you know, what always happens.

Can anyone post a link to the US government run pornography website, please?

A cosplayer got called out for being a slut, and "quit" magic but kept her patreon open

Come and play LCG's instead.

Does that mean they shut it down?

No, they're instilling new "inclusive" rules for Magic. Changing design philosophy, yadda yadda, virtue signalling.

Problem is, Magic has sucked for years now, so who literally cares.

>When you tell a sjws and fake girl gamers to stop culturally appropriating gaming

Oh my god, that's not the same you asshole! That's totally different!

what did she dress as? serra angel? shivan dragon? thicket basilisk?

Maybe stop being a manchild. Do you actually have any interests that arent for children?

Because Post-Modernist philosophy has a revolutionary bent. Same commies from the 60's only now instead of class struggle is a struggle between old power structures and their endless lists of victims.

They have to destroy the things you love because the things you love are problematic. Also you are problematic so you better get with the program or be purged shitlord.

>manchild hehexd cuck hehexd soyboy hehexd
Back you go


got lcg is good as well

What does LCG even mean?

They are trying

T. Soi boi

Anything that passes for entertainment is childish, that includes sports. We don't dispute that games are a time sink, but what do you gain from telling us you don't like it?

Living card game. You purchase expansion packs that always have the same cards in. So no booster pack jewery. Legend of the 5 rings is getting super popular. Netrunner is good and GOT LCG 2nd edition has a good player base.

couple bros at my old work used to play Legend of 5 Rings, looked pretty cool

That's pretty cool. I saw Legend of the 5 rings the other day and it looked pretty cool


Did anyone see the (((anti-bullying))) posts on CFB and SCG ?

Yeah L5R has the best mechanics imo. But I'm a massive sucker for a song of ice and fire so I like GOTLCG better. Me and my gaming friends all take turns buying expansion packs so it costs us next to nothing to play LCG's.

It is you should check it out. Pretty hard game to get into but its worth it

i mean he has a point. my interests of working out, boxing, hiking through nature, fishing, etc arent ruined and cant be ruined

only issue i have is finding players/community. i dont live near any shops where people would play unless i drove 45 mins

Yeah I like me some good Government Porn and Government Burgers

The Australian police ran a child porn ring for a few months after they gained access to the servers hosting it.

>full of potatoes and niggers
>cant be ruined because its already terrible
>the rest of it is just shit everybody does.
Top kek

So this is the power of liberal reasoning. Fuckin' libshits.

Lilliana vess

Yeah I suppose. I'm lucky here in the UK where everything is so close together. Do you not have any gaming mates nearby that would be willing to give it a go. If there are 4 of you the cost is pretty irrelevant. Especially if youre coming from a tcg.

im not a pro boxer so why do I care if some nigger is a champion boxer? I do it for fun, to stay in shape and to physically vent
>hur dur everyone fishes so dont enjoy it
ok enjoy video games then I guess. shit I was trying to help

ive got a best bro that i play a lot of D&D with, im sure he would be willing

Because the Jews own it all and use them as tools to destroy the country.


>video games ruined by SJWs

I dunno about you but people still call each other Faggot and say they raped each other in CS:S and CS:GO, and multiple MMORPGs.
Fucking ever play any RTS or MOBA recently? Cunts will never get a word in.

Oh? You're talking about gameplay? That shit went downhill after 2002, i'm being generous by a few years too.

Sure thing dude, I'm 100% sure nobody else has ever participated in a sport or physical exercise in their life. You are truly a bastion of guidance for the future. An outlier in todays society. So brave. So precious.
>I was trying to help
No you fucking weren't you just listed a bunch of normal shit that everybody does claiming that your hobbies are somehow special and make you so "manly". You're not special, stop being a cunt and fuck off back to kikebook.

>being this bitter
maybe you should take a break from Sup Forums for a bit m8

shit taste

yeah me and my mates meet up on Saturdays for dnd/board games/LCGing. Most people who enjoy one of those hobbies likes the others.

I accepted my bias for gotlcg in another post. ltr.

>Being this retarded
No wonder he does boxing

Because they have the Marxist goal of erasing all culture and tradition. Their goal is to replace everything with Marxism and destabilizing/subverting anything with values is the first goal in this step. Marxist should be purged from society.

y-you have room for one more?

shit taste

>a game that was literally designed by and for (math) students
>game for kids



The reason why they keep infiltrating all these things and ruining it is because nobody is stopping them. People who are against it just go online and have a whinge about it, but they don't actually do anything about it, and so the SJW's continue doing it.




The thought police is already policing those. Just look at LoL and the very creation of the idea of something being """toxic""".

It's the Long March Through The Institutions.
Bolshevik long-game political strategy. Make sure their people are in control at all levels, culturally and politically, so nobody can stand against them. Its basically mafia tactics.

If you fly to the UK sure lol

Maybe i should sell my old Magic cards while there is fans left

Your flag told me you had brain aids before I read your post faggot

The crazier they get, the closer white people become.

Eventually things will get so out of control in the political sphere that the instinct of self preservation will posses all European brothers and sisters as it once did.

And this country will be handed back to the decedents of the white gentiles who founded it

let's start new anti sjw organisation and burn teir houses or lynch them kkk style

because it's a culture revolution nothing can stay unaffected and at risk of a rollback

Well you’ve all triggered CNN into making a commercial that you could label anti-transgender! Have a “win.”


some dude said female cosplayers are usually 6 outta 10s who dress up as characters to feel like 8 outta 10s for a day

cosplay is lingere he said also

Wait, what happened to Magic now?

You missed the part where she's a known shark and doeant make shit in her cosplays. She's not momokun or Yayahan level yet, but she does abuses the shit out of her bet aorbiters by begging for more money she doesnt spend on her work but play and vacations as well as begs for free passes to events that WotC didn't hire her for.
She was made the "face" of Magic for a period and even has a fucking card sucking her off for fucks sake.

The whole drama is because an oldfag in the community called her out months ago and she just cant let it go when WotC did nothing about it. Shes been planning to leave Magic for a while and is just kicking up a huge stink now to try to stab her most critical critic on her way out. The nerds need to realize what a sociopath she is and not give her any attention. The guy she's throwing shade at doesnt even give a fuck if he get banned from events or pisses off the community.

Because they are like vampires. When they suck the fun out of one thing the fun in another sector just shines brighter and they must attack it. You know it is in the final stages when they are targeting the /tg/ losers and attacking Sup Forums on major media platforms.

They are too strong and we can never win.

Those are the only ones they can beat

Unfortunately nerds are too weak against this kind of enemy. Most of them are too much beta white knights to resist women in any way.


L5R is pretty fun so far. I'm unicorn though, so times are tough right now.


>Fucking ever play any RTS or MOBA recently? Cunts will never get a word in.

You wot m9?! League of mongoloids already infected all mobas with le toxic meme. Call somebody a retard when he is being a retard? Gl playing in hiddenpool.

>stay away from muh vidoegames, just leave me alone and let me enjoy my escapist fantasy
Neckbeards and soyboys must suffee

Its both sad and funny, last November I spent around $200 on magic cards, I bought a starter deck and a ton of packs (I know its not efficient, but it is fun for someone starting from scratch to have a pool of cards). Tons of my 2016 new cards had minorities or women on them, I played for a couple of months and figured maybe it was just the sets I was playing. They then released Kaladash/Kaladesh card set that I was waiting for, I was excited that this would be my first set I could join in on at launch with the other players, by now I had learnt the game and made my first deck that I thought was pretty cool.

Anyway the new set came out and the diversity was just as bad, maybe even worse actually because the new main character/planeswalker was not only female but a POO

DROPPED MTG so fast after that, I enjoyed the game and I love card games so in the future I plan on getting back into MTG. I will however never support the company, I intend to buy cards from the base set on ebay used and to collect them, maybe I can learn and play a vintage style or something, but fuck buying their new sets. Unless they change their company mission from diversity and putting the pussy on a pedestal and make the game as it once was I will not give them another dime.

Pic related is my coolest Pokemon card, atleast they can't make Pikachu a nigger right user hahaha...




Sweet Jesus!

Poor normy trend follower has no idea GoT stopped being cool 5 years ago when it became apparent George RR Martin and his team couldn't finish the mess they'd painted themselves into with book 5. There is no ending bro. HBO sucks. If you want to look at hard gay and straight soft floppy penises you don't have to buy all that crap.

“Are you asian? No? So I find your getting offended to be offensive. Oh, and you should also stop eating asian food, 'cause that's cultural appropriation the same way dressing up as a geisha is”

Denounce to public officials that Magic Online is Online Gambling disguised as a game. Fuck them hard.

Who the fuck was calling to nationalize the media?! WHERE?! WHO?!


those aren't even hobbies or interests, everyone likes walking in the woods and fishing, and everyone is supposed to work out to. You sound like a fucking woman "I like long walks on the beach, travel and Netflix"

C'mon man, you must have some actual interests, do you like working on cars each week? Collect anything?

Maybe you need to stop getting triggered so easily you crybaby snowflake. Who gives a fuck some guys are taking a knee before the match? It doesn't ruin the game itself at all. Just tune in 5 minutes later if you can't handle it.

>everyone likes walking in the woods and fishing
Walking is boring as fuck and I have fish phobia so no.

Dont forget boyscout gettin2fucked bt sjw

You are a Commie though, I was talking to a human.

ebin joke dude.



>Maybe you need to stop getting triggered so easily you crybaby snowflake
>said the marxist

oh im laffin

>I get my news from anime


read the fucking thread you chink

Magic used to be so much better back in the day.

Magic was at its inception an intellectual game about skill, now it is a Jewish pay2win online gambling scam that disguises itself as a card game. The random number generator is suspicious, and WotC refuses to disclose it.

fucking commie burned

>everything seems to have been so much better back in the day