Just started reading this. What am I in for?

Just started reading this. What am I in for?

Hunter boys doing hunter things.

a never ending story

for hiatus


one of the best shounen jump series, but also the one least likely to get an ending, it will get cancelled or the mangaka will just die

>What am I in for?
???? just fucking read it?

Hype mixed with sorrow. Just watch the 2011 very up til where it ends and read at your own risk knowing the fuck load of hiatus and frustration your in for.

Good - Bad - Good again.
When it's good it's great but when it sucks it really sucks. Much like my last relationship.

Why is he doing this?

Greed Island is the only bad arc though

Watch the 2011 version, art is complete garbage

I suffered through the chimera ant arc with its terrible art. Well Greed Island's ending was terrible too in that regard.

Pretty much as good as jump can go, especially if you have vast battle shonen knowledge and appreciation, but don't get addicted to it, as no new content does ever come out.

it's good, people who say the art is bad are plebs who think only hyper detailed works like Berserk have good art

And lots of it

Berserk 's art isn't that great anyway.

Overratwd shit for teens.

I know but plebs hold it up as the best manga ever

>people who say the art is bad are plebs


why does he have pointy ears is he an elf


All the characters in Berserk look like they got botox injections now

Writing is absolute top tier for Jump mangas. Very much worth reading just for this.

Art gets steadily worse until you hit the point where it's basically sketches. At that point you may want to switch to the anime (2011 version, there's a 90's anime but it's poorly made) which is an excellent adaption.

Either way, get ready for Hiatus Hell once you catch up.

Holy shit really?