Hey guys, a nigger moved to my neighborhood, how do i prevent this? How to get rid of him and his shit music...

Hey guys, a nigger moved to my neighborhood, how do i prevent this? How to get rid of him and his shit music? How to avoid my kids to have contact with his little monkeys

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steal his letterbox


Too late. All you can do is try to lure some chink investors to buy your house before they see the discolouration.

Put a giant lower case "t" outside his house

How about you go round with a box of chocs, flowers, booze and welcome him to the neighborhood ?

Do something nice for him; welcome him home to a real fire.

why not become his friend and introduce him to some new music? my black friends like metal

Give him a welcome cross
1) Make a huge wooden lower case t
2) Place it in his yard
3) set it on fire to welcome him

Time to leave.

put a bomb in his car, then make fireworks at a save distance.

have you tried setting the entire block on fire?

For every one you see there can be many, many more hiding and multiplying behind your walls.

1) Get a gun
2) Shoot the nigger
3) Get rid of the body

Go full 1488 and start holding neo nazi rallies outside his front door!

Seed bombs.

>take a syringe
>mix dranol, enamel paint thinner, about 20+ blended apple seeds
>pour contents into a plastic jug
>fill syringe
>break into his house wearing socks
>poison his water bottles using the syringe

or yknow ya could just set his house on fire one night
too bad youre OP who is a faggot and doesnt deliver

>4) Dust off hands



you're the fucking problem, not somebody walking around with melanin in their epidermis.
hahaha you think something genetically predetermined gives you the right to your arrogance, self deception, and hatred- when we all know you have childish minds.
Your reptilian mind was meant for more you fuckin cucks.

>Hey guys, a nigger moved to my neighborhood, how do i prevent this? How to get rid of him and his shit music? How to avoid my kids to have contact with his little monkeys
You'd better act fast, because your property value is about to plummet.

This is what will happen:
- Nigger moves into neighborhood
- Nigger plays loud music all night and steals your stuff
- White people get tired of this and move away to protect their family and property
- No new white people move in, because they don't want to deal with niggers
- Houses sit vacant, so the price drops
- More niggers move in due to lower price
- Crime rate goes up (vandalism, theft, drugs)
- Remaining white people move away, because tired/scared of niggers
- Remaining houses sit vacant, so prices drop even lower to get people to buy
- More niggers move into those houses
- Crime rate continues to skyrocket (now includes murder, rape, armed robberies)
- Congratulations, welcome to the 'hood

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You already know how.


This used to be prevented by what are known as "deed restrictions," in which you could restrict who a new buyer could sell to, but in the 1960s the government decided private property rights don't matter anymore.

Initiate conversations by making a peace offering.
If you are american just offer him your waifu or your mother.


At this point you need to be the first one out. It is very likely property values will decrease, crime rates will increase, and quality of life will plummet. If you sell now, you avoid being trapped later on.

Sell up. You're house value is going down.