>Alexander 'Sasha' Chechik was killed instantly soon after he posted a photograph of a hand grenade from which he had removed the pin.
Russian intellectuals.
>Alexander 'Sasha' Chechik was killed instantly soon after he posted a photograph of a hand grenade from which he had removed the pin.
Russian intellectuals.
Unless he let go of it, it shouldn't have exploded though, right? The spoon is still held in place in that image.
Was it faulty or was he just retarded?
do you know the tale of STRELOCK the eater?
>Police believe Chechik expected the grenade would not explode as long as he didn't throw it.
Maybe he wanted to cook it a litte and counted to 5 instead of 3.
Why are slavs so fucking dumb? No wonder why they are not considered white.
Why would you need to cook off a grenade you're holding in the middle of your commie block studio apartment with rugs on all the walls empty vodka bottles everywhere?
What the fuck. They don't have CoD in Russia?
Worth for the pic tho imo
This reminds me of that user that died in that one thread.
Lol. Do you guys remember that guy in Brazil who found a hand grenade and did everything he could do to prove Sup Forums that it was real and we continue saying fake and gay?
Then someone told him to sprint it and flash it down the toilet?
He stopped posting and 4 hours later the news told us about an apartment explosion in Brazil?
Haha. Gold old days.
Soon and instantly are different words. Words matter.
i member sven, i member
Anyone got a translation of the pic?
>Was it faulty or was he just retarded?
This guy gets to be a Darwin Award nominee.
there is one of him dead in the car, no more legs.
Well - it shouldn't, as long as you hold the spoon down. Dunno about the mechanics of this particular sort of grenade, though, but I haven't heard of "exploding regardless" grenades after WWI, these old types where you pull some cord.
the idiot that put it in the microwave and shit or hit it with a hammer?
And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
nah, the retard let go of the spoon but didnt throw it. he thought the act of throwing it and it hitting something is what made it go off.
He was killed instantly by the explosion - which happened soon after he posted the photo
Need more 3rd worlder stupid grenade tricks
the hue that flushed it down the toilet hue
>getting killed from grenade exploding in your hand
Fucking weakling
>where are you?
>everything ok?
>depends on what your definition is of 'ok'
>listen up, stop messing around.
>where are you?
etc etc
Damn, beat me to it!
Something to the effect of
>"Are you ok?"
" It depends by what you mean ‘OK’ " *posts pic*
>"Don't fuck around!"
>"Where are you?"
Was it suicide?
Well, in that case it's just another Darwin award. Toying with explosives not knowing how they work ...
Probably. Russia has a problem with suicide cults recruiting online. Or at least, that's the official story. some say it's made up to push for government internet controls.
Remember the /k/ommando who gassed himself?
>my sides are still in orbit
>he holds the spoon on the photo.
>It's not meant to go off if the spoon is in place
It is either a defective grenade or suicide
>You ok?
>Depends on what you consider OK
Sounds like he's not ok
Calm down Texas
I wish I had a grenade. Seems like the best way to off yourself. Pull the pin and put it between your teeth. There's no surviving that and you wouldn't feel a thing.
Sounds like it would be extremely painful.
FOR (((((((YOU)))))))
A magical place
For you
>Goodbye k
amerilards have their brains in the stomach area, so you'd probably have to eat the grenade in order to achieve the same effect
for you
Just go to Latvia and stand in a supermarket. It will eventually just fall on you and instantly snap your neck.
kek a friend of mine managed to sneak a grenade home with him, while serving.
He used to be well bat shit crazy, so he went out drinking with his friends and when they were going from a party to another or from a party out on town, he decided he was going to "scare" his friends.
So he somehow tricked them to just go a bit in front of him, then he pulled out the grenade and remove the pin. He was just going to throw it out on a field to have some keks of them jumping a couple of meters into the air.
Unfortunately he was so shitfaced, so he was to slow, it blew up in the and he got splinters in particularly his face. He... was on the hospital for quite some time, and he had to do multiple surgeries to his face to somewhat look normal again.
Well other than that it turned out well though, none of his friends got injured or killed at least
>can't have too many russians talking to each other online about life, they'll eventually decide to kill themselves by the hundreds
hilarious if true
do you have a bigger pic
Looks like the person A is worried and looking for the person B who says "depends on what is OK" so it probably was.
Russia has problems peroid.
And the suicide cult is an imaginary strawnam created by the government to shift the blame on.
>Russians kill themselves so muchh cant even hide it anymore
>Totally not our fault, it's not because we're tyrannical authoritarian fuckers and economy is fucked That the INTERNET'S FAULT QUICK BAN THEINTERNET
I sure am glad I am an ant and can read this easily
What's with those red coveralls you all wear for graduation?
Get a hunting smooth bore shotgun you pussy
kek yes, I had actually forgot about this
Here you go user.
It's an F1 type grenade, so yes if the spoon is still attached it won't go off. Fusing is a different story though.
It used the UZRGM fuse, which has a typical delay of 3.5 seconds. If he's an avid Call of Duty player he probably assumed all grenades have a 5 second fuse and tried cooking it, only to win a Darwin award.
However, they also had instant fuses for booby traps, so there exists a possibility that it was fused as such.
Cant find uncensored photo.
Isn't suicide worse now than it was under even more tyrannical authoritarian Soviets though?
Not just in Russia mind you, but everywhere on earth it seems there is a trend for more liberalism, more suicide
is called russ, you dress up in that the color depends on what kind of highschool you graduate from, red(stem) or blue(eco) being the most common ones.
So in that last semester you get that coverall, and you get together with some friends and buy a shitty van and paint it red, put some local adds on it and other crap. Then you do a lot of pranks in which you get some symbol for you add to your hat etc, drink a lot and cause a lot of shit. Ending it all by marching/driving and causing a lot of noice in the indepence day march.
Is quite funny actually, I was arrested once then.
Like in the 60ies or 70ies they kidnapped the prime minister and held him hostage getting him drunk as a prank. It is common to kidnap kids from jr high where you went before hs, you don't harm them but they get scared as shit y ou know.
>Many people fuck their grades that last semester
Then you go straight for the army after this, after that uni or college
wow poor dude
Looks like he sat it down between his legs and it went off. Legs are gone.
The dude literally blew his dick off.
thanks for pic btw
Remember the Sup Forumstard that made mustard gas? Absolute classic.
That's fake though, chlorine doesn't just acts on your upper forearm.
Thanks toothpaste bro.
what is this, a screencap for ants
>Russia has a problem with suicide cults recruiting online.
Congrats for buying into dumbest media hoax. The entire thing was just "THINK OF THE CHILDREN, INTERNET IS EVIL" propaganda.
1 down, 144 million to go.
Liberalism means individualism and individualism robs people of a purpose in life.
>"Of course it's a good idea!"
He should have shared an apartment with toaster steve. Probably would have had a more explosive ending.
Mmmm grenade burgers
Grenades are also mass produced in the millions so i wouldn't bet my life that the fuse is actually 3.5 sec and not 2 secs or worse.
Unless i was in a real fight with 5 guys in the other room coming to give me a lead overdose, then i might cook it for a sec or two. Otherwise they might just run out or into the room which the grenade came from, as any sane person would.
one thousand, two thousand...
Roses are red, violets are blue, playing with grenades in peace time is retarded, its true.
is the last time you go in the indepence day march before you get children your self again, well unless you have other relatives that are kids you go with them too.
The police are batshit angry at you during this period, they are really tired after this, have to use so many resources and follow you everywhere because you are only up to no good. Each year sore asses tries to outlaw this tradition
He was from Guatemala user. That and the kommando who gassed himself was priceless.
It is.
Living under soviets was MUCH worse than under Putin, but the trick is USSR was getting a little bit better and prosperous every year, it was still a horrible shithole, but the positive trends kept the people positive and hopefull.
Right now it's not even bad, but all the trends are negative, each day economy gets worse and you get less free, so the people are growing increasingly bitter and negative.
Think about burger great depression, they were still a rich free prosperous nation even in their worst time BUT the people are going livid when today is worse than yesterday.
In other hand Indians are literally living in poo but it gets a little better every day and they are collectively happier than Burgers in depression or Russians now.
>Well other than that it turned out well though, none of his friends got injured or killed at least
And he didn't get shit for stealing weapons from the military? Sounds like that would be a huge deal. Or did he make up some bullshit story?
Maybe he was just a conscript and therefore not as accountable, it being forced upon him and all that.
>Conscription militaries ...
In capitalist Russia, grenade throw YOU!
i like the guy in the middle
That's why Swedes and Germans are so butthurt, its not that its that shitty to live there right now. But any sane person knows that it gets worse by the minute and that it will most likely be complete shit in the future.
>Unless i was in a real fight with 5 guys in the other room coming to give me a lead overdose, then i might cook it for a sec or two.
You really don't need to cook IRL, peoples muscles cannot react like they do in cawadooti, IRL you can't even A-D spam to dodge bullets and abuse buggy netcode.
It looks like disruptive but innocent fun to me.
>Also, all those blondes that will be BLACKED
>I'm sad.
>gas mask
>protects you from skin exposure
One less paid internet troll. Hopefully the entire shit country gets depopulated.
>The USSR was getting better and more prosperous every year, comrade!
>until it went tits-up bankrupt of course
>soviet citizens literally risking getting shot by armed guards for trying to jump the berlin wall and get away from communism
jfc is this a ylyl thread?
Your economy is really tied to the price of oil. You will sing a different tune if the price increases.
>slavs are smart
Tbf there are Russian grenades that do explose on impact rather than using a fuse. The japs also had grenades which were armed by hitting the stricker on top of it.
Grenade on pic is a F1 nade, originally a French design from WW1, which was also used by the US for their MKII nades.
This is why you don't play shooters on console guys.
btw this is bullshit.
Russian grenades don't have the release lever like American grenades. As soon as the pin is pulled, a spring is released that hits a chemical striker, that then ignites a fuse
Nothing ever happens
Aoutch... He might even have lived to see is whole bottom blown to shit... RiP..
>Holy hand grenade
it's a very long time ago, we didn't have contact then, he probably lurks here btw. It's gone many years again so I have to ask him how this went.
It was from when the military mostly disciplined you directly them self you see, I postponed my service and he is a bit older than me so I went after they started to use the police more instead.
I mean to recall his duty past when he was still in the hospital, but I am not sure. This was 98 or 99 I think. Thinking hard but I don't remember if he had to go to jail or not, but I don't think so. It might have been one of those "you got punished enough with your injuries and we're glad you at least didn't gas your self or your friends"-situations. It can actually happen here from time to time. Is like when my cousin smashed his brand new car while drunk driving and speeding at 18 only days after he got his license and his car.
You should really go to jail for that, which in most cases and regions you will. But they though that the injuries he got was enough(he had to go back to the hospital again and again for like a year or 1,5) and they took his license away
Those traditional norwegian suits and dresses are cool as fuck. It looks fucking great, such a european white style
Isn't the one in OP pic they model that needs to be thrown to activate the striker? Like the type attempted to be use to assassinate GWB in Georgia that didn't go off because the grenade hit a kid whose body was too soft for the grenade to use as an impact ignition?
Thank you Darwin.