Tell me about the Big 1000ml Energy Drink.
What flavors does it come in?
Tell me about the Big 1000ml Energy Drink.
What flavors does it come in?
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What kind of faggot does this? And why not abbreviate it as 1 kml?
>1 kml
nigga what
k is shorter than 1000.
You ok?
Just like the energy drink and her boobs...
Yeah and you know what's even shorter? 1l.
Yes, that's what I was trying to point out by my exaggeration.
1 1000(1/1000)l
it takes a special kind of retarded
Because 1000ml sounds larger than 1l. It's the same reason sales often mark prices as x,99 even though it's the same price when rounded up.
Comes in all flavors except Bassist Blueberry.
"100 cl" would be understandable since 33 cl (about 11 fl oz) cans are so common.
no more or less stupid than 1000ml. In the UK and I believe Japan too, 33cl cans are sold as 330ml. 'Centi' isn't a standard SI prefix but 'mili' and 'kilo' are
honestly it really doesn't matter what base you use as colloquial forms vary until you get to the next order of magnitude and since mili is 10^-3 you should just use 10^1, or litre with no prefix
>10^0 you mean.
Is there a symbol for that?
American """"education""""
Fuck off.
> he put a space in the wrong place
> hurr hurr hurr
>> he put a space in the wrong place
>> hurr hurr hurr
What? The problem with that post is that kml isn't an actual thing. A nondumb person would just say l.
you mean a litter?
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I hope you mean litre and not the internationally accepted american misspelling.