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At what age did you find out nothing matters?

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everything matters
if nothing mattered you'd have no reason not to kill yourself right now, but you're still living

8. I jumped off the back of a motorbike on the highway. woke up in my bed.

No escape no rescue. infinity free lives.

>implying you can escape


If nothing matters you have no reason to kill yourself you brainlet.

the things that happen right here, right now matter while you, your family, loved ones, and friends are right here, right now

it does not have to matter in a cosmic sense or on a macro scale to matter locally on a micro scale

what are you living for if nothing matters? nothing matters so you might as well just kill yourself you brainlet


>the things that happen right here, right now matter while you, your family, loved ones, and friends are right here, right now

It does not matter you brainlet. It's only matters because of your emotional interpretations

It's only (You) that can make this decision. However I don't live in delusions i accept reality

Despair is just toxic, if that's what you think, you probably need religion and are just to proud to admit it

In fact that's most people; atheists are the most unhappy people, with the highest suicide rate -- for a reason

Today....I learned today

You don't need a meaning to live you brainlet. Maybe it's more suitable for primitive people who can't think for themselves.

>You don't need a meaning to live you brainlet
yes you do
if you seriously thought you had no meaning, you would starve to death. you're a pussy faker though, you're not really about that life

Nothing matters makes me happier. Nobody believes in any static these days. It's all propaganda bullshit.

I grew out of it around 19

The only thing that really doesn't matter is Nihilism.

What matters and how much is your choice, silly. You can choose for everything to matter and for nothing to matter and all in between. Ever since I discovered I had an immortal soul by choosing to create it, I discovered nothing matters for all is eternal. Yet it showed me, together with sacred geometry how every single bit of sand matters. Now I stare with awe at every sunrise, the best gifts cannot be had.

right now, at 25

thanks user

When I stopped trying to be a Christian

It's actually a pretty comfy feeling

>survival instinct = meaning
fuckin aussies man

>I grew out of it around 19

Means you became reatrded or just living life in delusions? Please give me answer senpai other than muh grow out of it.

You're literally stupid. Your body needs food, why should i starve to death when my body asking for food?

There is difference of being on this earth nad your body needs food you brainlet. Because you just exist in this space without any roles. Means you can do whatever you want and nothing matters anyway.


Trump winning unironically helped break me out of a nihilistic haze.

The white race matters and that's why I will live to fight for it

>muh instincts
you're not an animal
What are you, a fucking dog?

>Nothing matters makes me happier
Oh boy, will that be incorrect by the time you're 40

You may think that you are happy believing in nothing, but when the circumstances of life stomp on you, you're going to have a hard time getting back up, or justifying the continuation of your life, and that's just not profitable.

18, after I lost my first gf



Cringy as fuck.

>Please give me answer senpai other than muh grow out of it
Grow our of it you fucking clown. You grew into it as you were once a happy child full of life, but then you turned 13 and thought you had figured out life with you retarded nihilism. It's time for you to grow the fuck up, or, like most people, keep wallowing in your teenage sadness for the rest of your life. Bumfuck depressed atheist loser.

causality is a law of physics


never going to happen because there is no need to reach any goals so there are no failures
everything is and will be as it should be, nothing but peace

If nothing matters, then something must matter a lot.

Then kys, cause there's nothing peaceful about life

>He does not wonder what sort potential he has
>He has no self will, and he waits for others to tell him what to do
>He does not appreciate the opportunity given to him by his ancestors

this fin knows

Brainlet, you know dogs don't have a meaning they do what they like to do. Do you see animals killing themselves ?nope

>Do you see animals killing themselves
I see roos killing themselves everyday

no meaning in everything =/= no purpose in life
all you have to do in order to die is to live
all you have to do in order to find purpose is not become a crybaby like that one big moustache syphilitic faggot
to live is to search purpose

>you're not an animal

>he's a monkey
go live with the monkeys in afric- oh wait, you're already there

>monkey needs bananas to live


>nothing matters
for each person a set of things matters to them, this set of things is out of their control and determined by their biology. There is no point trying to escape it.

Exactly this, I realized this at age 19 when I got a head injury. It really cleared up my thinking and made me realize 99% of life is bullshit. I want to please my desires with games, content, sex, and drugs. I see no reason to ever get a job. I have several different family members that will give me free housing for life, and I don't see why I shouldn't just use that. I can pirate any content I want, I already have a cute gf who loves me, and I get some money from my parents for food. I am content with this, and if I ever want to go on vacation or buy something big I can just get a job and work for a few months. Absolutely no reason to care about "the white race"(as if that even exists), or family, or making my parents proud. I only have one life and I'm not going to waste it working for someone or having children.

Y-you dont actually think Humans arent animals d-do you?

snowflake, I know you're special please keep it to yourself.


Same here user. Do whatever you like because life is short.




one day you will ascend

I really wish I had parents that would let me be a neet.

Just delete this stupid meme image it's literally stupidand for brianlets escaping reality. Nihilism doesn't mean sadness

What's the idea with "small = insignificant"?

An ion like sodium is very small, but your body wouldn't live without it.

"Small = insignificant" is a projection of the human brain, which is built to gauge potential threats.

One day you will grow up from your childishness

It's all relative bro.

Nothing really mattress.

If I don't care about anything other than my immediate desires, why would I care about you calling me an angsty teenager?

So your life is meaningless?

You sound depressed, user. Are you OK, bro?

when i was 13 yo and understood that this Universe is huge as fuck and the human race will someday die off leaving traces or maybe leaving no traces but no one will find or bother to investigate our shit

Ah, good old Japan.

Quite young, so young i don't even know. I was suicidal for a while but then i realised that if i top myself some real shit could go down and i'd fucking miss it. So now i live on the hopes of witnessing something great, America's deterioration is looking promising.


The idea that god is dead is wrong, god does not live nor does he die. God simply is. God is everywhere and god will always be everywhere.
I know what god is.

If nothing matters, then you must also apply that statement to the statement itself.
Nothing matters and it doesnt matter that it doesnt matter.

The meaning of life is quite fucking clear, the reason you can not see it is because YOU have a YOU instead of a WE/NONE.

Why do you fail to realize the first statement is always just the beginning and as soon as you stop thinking about the first statement and the process the statement creates, you have created a end?
Are you all complete fucking brainlets?

>Only through me, Jesus Christ, will you find god.

>lel criiinge xD

Stop pretending that you're not retarded. Won't fool anyone.

it's why facts don't matter as well

if nothing matters then killing yourself doesn't matter so why would you do it if it doesn't matter either way, it would be easiest to take the path of least resistance and stay alive than to take the effort to kill yourself.

When I stole money from the local church to buy cigarettes and snacks with my friends at age 11.