Daily reminder if you don’t squat when you poo then you are the problem

Daily reminder if you don’t squat when you poo then you are the problem

that's how muhammad was born

At least I poo in the loo

Just put a foot stool by your toilet poohammed

Daily reminder if you didn't take it up the ass repeatedly you wouldn't need to be so concerned with what shape your poopchute takes

i push and matter escapes my body. why are you trying to inject a problem where none exists

>he doesn't use a wooden spoon to reach in there and pull it out before it's ready
>he doesn't use the wooden spoon to chop it up in the toilet to avoid a clog

I'm a proud American.

I will not shit like an ape or Pajeet. I also refuse to drink water from corpse infested rivers or eat food that looks like diarhea.

Upped my whole shitting game to the next level son.

God, this shit should be taught in school.
You don't really have to squat, too - having a nice foot stool has the same fucking effect.
I'm enjoying my continous 30cm log poops

Not having a reverse engineered alien anal probe to vacuum the poo out and keep your rectum clean and cancer free.

Wow, some people are really behind the times.