The biggest conspiracy is that there is no conspiracy. Yes there are influential groups vying for power, but they are more disorganized and scattered than people are led to believe. There is no tightly controlled global center of everything. We're a bunch of fucking monkeys hurtling through space in a speeding train with no conductor at the helm.
The biggest conspiracy is that there is no conspiracy. Yes there are influential groups vying for power...
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Believing in a global conspiracy controlling the entire world through nigh-incomprehensible means is the same as believing in an angry God controlling everyone's fate and destiny whom everyone is powerless to oppose, just like little kids believe in fairies and monsters that are to blame for everything.
It gives people a focus to put their fears and hopes and anger toward in this complicated story that is called life.
Adults are just little kids who managed to get older. But the desire for having some invisible boogeymen to blame on everything and thus explain the world remains, no matter how old we get.
I agree with this. But there is still a lot to uncover and a bunch of pigs who need to be exposed and taken out. So, relatively speaking, it is still worth to investigate conspiracies.
t. Cass (((Sunstein)))
Just because it's not the former, doesn't mean it's the latter. There are no all-encompassing conspiracies, but there are ideologies, and there are different cultures and societies. There are abstract forms to our relationships that have real meaning and value. We can compare their qualities. There is such thing as Good in Evil. If not, there is no way to distinguish between better or worse in any regard.
you are going to die and find out you were wrong
how do you feel about this new revelation
That's a terrible argument. Please don't use it. It serves no purpose other than making you feel superior. You will not get to heaven by pushing other people out of the way.
yeah i know but it's true anyway
I would unironically be glad, actually. Because then I would die knowing that there was some higher will actively shaping my life, instead of the alternative where everything is our own fault and that we have no one to blame except ourselves.
There's nothing to see here goy, this entire board has no reason to exist, all just conspiracy theories derived from baseless rumors and hearsay.
t. Chaim Rosenblattbergstein
Shit we know its not just one group participating in the internationalist boogaloo, but Jews are just too narcissistic. They do something and then brag about it openly.
>you are going to die and find out you were wrong
No, you.
how do you feel about this new revelation
If it is true, than you are doing a bad thing by reveling in his damnation.Every soul lost is a tragedy. God weeps for them most of all.
You wouldn't be glad though, because it would be too late, and you would be divorced from being for all eternity. Because the truth is everything is our own fault. All the evil that exists, exists within men's hearts. There is no one to blame but ourselves. Everything was given to us as a gift, and we have turned that gift to our own misfortune.
>Everything was given to us as a gift, and we have turned that gift to our own misfortune.
But what are we? Are we somehow not a part of "everything", and thus an integral part of that "gift" that keeps on giving?
It is entirely possible, therefore, that a species could have been formed by biological selection that automatically preys on our species as instinctively as wolves prey on caribou, although, of course, with much greater cunning and versatility.
But I would be able to blame everything on somebody else, even if I had only 1 second left in my life.
Divide 1 by Infinity. What do you get? Does it make 1 any less 1? So, you can either be 1 against infinity, or 1 with infinity. Our existence is integral only to ourselves. That's what makes the experience of ourselves and everything else such a gift.
But it doesn't let you blame anyone else. The truth of creation seals your fate as the only one responsible for your actions. You could have chosen any other life, and you did not. You will be stuck with that knowledge for all time, unable to change it.
Others are happy blaming everything bad on someone else.
But why is that the likeliest scenario?
>Divide 1 by Infinity. What do you get?
Please don't talk about something you know nothing about? t. Math graduate
>So, you can either be 1 against infinity, or 1 with infinity. Our existence is integral only to ourselves.
This is an equally meaningless nonsense.
Are they happy, or do they just say they are happy?
They have found happiness in anger.
wrong. the biggest conspiracy is actually makes people believe that conspiracies are true.
Raid the massive vaults of the Vatican and then try saying that again.
It's perfectly meaningful. You are a finite thing. The universe is not. Existence itself is infinite. As a finite thing compared to an infinite thing, you are effectively nothing. So, you can either rejoice in getting to be a part of that infinity, no matter how small you are, and rejoice at having an awareness of the whole, or you can despair at being so small and insignificant.
There's no Jewish conspiracy. But there is a Jewish shared interest that certain sects of the race are acting on, and they are getting their way. Shared interests of one group or another doesn't mean any one group has all the power, or is one big secret movement. Claiming however that "hurr durr we're all insignificant and these groups don't exist" is just as moronic.
For reference, this Jew gets it.
Please demonstrate how one can be angry and truly happy? If they were happy, what could they possibly be blaming other people for? Their happiness?
What's incredible is that no one who claims there are deep dark secrets in the Vatican Vaults has actually seen the Vatican Vaults.
>the biggest conspiracy is that there is no conspiracy
>biggest conspiracy
You don’t know what that word means.
After you vent and revel in your anger, your brain releases hormones to make you happy.
I'm sure there's conspiracies of varying kinds, even at high levels, well not sure, but it seems probable, to what extent, who knows.
In the case of Jews, people are often confused because it's secular-Jews, communists, anarchists, Zionists etc Many branches. Jewishness has many faces but only one core. It's all much more organic rather than conspiratorial, a result of values unfolded in the world.
bbbbbbbbut shut it down!?!?
I need an enemy to fight and ill pay my tax to protect me from it !
Only if you stop being angry. That's why it's called venting. You get mad, expel your anger, and then reorient your thinking in a more positive and constructive way. But if you blame other people for everything all the time, there is no release. And since you don't change, you will keep running into the same problems over and over again. It's an endless cycle of bitterness and resentment. I've even cases so severe that a good deed is met with scorn because it prevents the resentful person from being properly unhappy. It's not the anger that makes you feel better, it's letting go of it.
You're beyond fucking wrong you retard
It's like a drug. Used responsibly, it allows you to cope through your life.
But many are not trained in its use and overabuse it.
To truly understand evil, you must know the origin of evil, which is the self-deceit of placing yourself before God. Most people today do not find themselves in many difficult decisions, so do not realize the extent to which they have done this. But we can easily see by our politics and warfare how much evil we are willing to commit just to live a comfortable life.
Try to be GOOD. Don't try to be GOD.
It is not like a drug. Drugs are like it. Except they only provide the feeling and not the substance. They will make you feel like you've changed, when nothing has changed. I'd like you to show me where I say anger is bad, however, and should be eliminated. The way you originally positioned "blaming other people" was not as venting but as long-term life strategy. Even St. Augustine says it can be okay to rail against God, and to be angry with him, because soon your anger will be used up and he will answer your anger with clarity. However, to never take responsibility for your actions can only lead to suffering.
While a true and fair statement, it's worthless unless you can actually discern what is good.
Haven't seen this one in a while.
We've broken through the illusion already. This pasta is outdated. You cannot argue this anymore.
This is also a pasta.
I've seen this thread before.
>being this new