
But seriously.

Why didn't Britain, America and Germany unite to wipe out all other races from the face of the earth and create Utopia? These are the 3 most superior white countries on earth. They SHOULD have cooperated.

The window of oppurtunity was perfect.

The total sum of suffering on the planet would be reduced to zero, because 90% of suffering is done by 3d worlders and they would be better off dead than alive. They could have literally created the seed for an entire UNIVERSE full with life and joy right there.

Communism was the attempt to make all people the same economically. Good in theory.
NS was the attempt to make all people the same biologically, which is the only way that true communism can happen.

If Hitler won we would sleep today literally without doors, because crime would be non-existent. Crimes, money, governments... all that stuff wouldn't even exist. It would literally be heaven on earth. A world where EVERYONE is beautiful, strong and smart.

Instead we got an Europe and US infested with niggers and mutts, we got boomers, we got Reddit, we got feminism we got trannies. We got HELL. Thanks Anglos! We ruined Europe. You ruined a fucking universe.

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DA JOOOOOOS who are inferior but also in charge of everything


>Why didn't Britain, America and Germany unite to wipe out all other races from the face of the earth and create Utopia?

Because Hitler couldn't contain his autism for a few more years so we could all team up on the commies instead

Britain wanted to be top dog, I mean why would you settle for second when you can be first?

Germany should've let the Soviets join the axis in 1940 and crush the anglo saxon warmongers once and for all. The british empire not wanting an equal germany in the last century is why we are in this mess today. The eternal anglo is the enemy of peace.

> we would sleep today literally without doors
what about the wind, rain, snow you fucking caveman. wew lad, good thing the war ended with your grandma whoring out to tuvan conscripts for cigarettes and canned food

You're an idiot.

It's called a "metaphor" Ivan. A saying which makes a point (there would be no crime) with mental pictures (no door) but without being taken LITERALLY. You just exposed yourself as the caveman that you are. Congratz.

Fat, neckbeard, computer geeks are often pretty smart and many end up being wealthy figureheads. Doesn't change the fact that they are genetic trash and overall inferior humans. Same with jews.

>Implying America itself isn't the problem


lost the whole empire for some hooknosed parasites, imagine how glorious it would've been if the whole of europe really had united with germany for FUCKS sake RIP our lives what are going to do


Because Hitler lacked patience and long term thinking.
Britain is looking the other way because they think Hitler and Stalin are keeping each other in check, and bottling each other up.
Hitler signs treaty with Stalin. Ending his good image in most western countries of being anti commie.
Absolutely no way of Germany to defeat Britain. Instead of waiting for a ceasefire, he opens a second front and then brings the US in the mix.
All of this because he couldn't wait couple of years, before invading Poland, for Germany to truly build itself back up and Italy to properly prepare.

Because while Germany was building up, so were the soviets in their five year plan.

OK, so his solution was allying with them (Thus severing any possible alliance between Germany and UK/US) then betraying them?
The Soviets had destroyed their military in the purges and would have taken a decade to properly build it (providing they weren't forced to speed up the process).

Better solution would have been not to ally with USSR, and keep courting UK. Leave Poland for the time being. Wait until Italy is ready and 1 more strong ally joins the AXIS. Then if UK is still a cunt, then declare war while still maintaining the image of being anti commie. Hitler had lots of allies in the US, if he had played his cards right he could have had the US backing him.

its a shame really how much we lost because of the two great wars. the damage was so immense that we never had any chance of recovering to begin with. you cannot simply erase having lost 50 million men and women of highest quality not even a century ago. its like fate itself wants to get rid of the european man.

Because anyone that thinks that it's a good idea to genocide is inherently a unstable nutcase.

No society based of fappism, gommunism and nutalism has worked because asocial retards that kill large groups will never produce a healthy society you mongoloid shitbrain.


Found the jew

Found the faggot.

jews can be white too.... hitler hated jews and pretty much everyone else who wasnt blond hair blue eyed.

What a beautiful world we should have had but if stuff had played out that way who would get what parts of the world m8

How was crime on the 30's/40's germany?

I blame the faggots ...

genocide has been a common war practice throughout the history of the world
there are dozens of cases of genocide in the last 100 years, yet the only one that gets any publicity is the last attempt at getting rid of the jews (there were many, MANY attempts prior to WWII)
and I have yet to see any real proof that the Nazis were committing genocide against jews....they did do a decent job of exterminating gypsies, though, but no one cares about that

We lost our greatest generation of white Europeans In a pointless brother war

Can my country join pls my grandpa fought on the eastern front :(


My country, the usa was long cucked by the jews. The only thing we can hope to do is burn my country to the ground along with its degeneracy.

And those genocides have never brought stability. History is nothing but conflict and crime, the joos are just a part of it.

Lending credence to the inability for unstable people to produce stable healthy societies.

Worked out well for them, losing their entire empire and all.

Meanwhile I am building a nazi monument in minecraft.

Next time we fight, we will be fighting together brothers.

listen here you fucking idiot why should white people always suffer because of fucking jews niggers and muslims? Why should we always be the ones to be tolerant towards the other races while our numbers dwindle every single day and the kindess is never repaid in any other way because jews and muslims never and will never give a fuck about whites? But when a leader says enough is enough he is called out for rightfully trying to preserve the white race.

At the time we weren't fully cucked. Japan attacking us at pearl harbor and Hitler declaring war on us took our attention from home, and then we got controlled.

so america isn't a stable country?
the genocide of the American Indian sure seemed to end the random massacres of settlers and the Indian wars that plagued the country from its founding

Listen you mongrel, i didn't say shit about niggers and shitskins.

Whites suffer on their own accord, you are choosing that big black cock and you like it.

I pointed out the fact that violent unstable shitheads can't form a healthy society. Be it niggers or retarded neo-nazis.

because only mentally ill people think in terms of racial hegemony

Top kek bro, didn't a civil war happen and willy nilly shit like that.

Because the Zionist cunts won't be happy til all whites have been killed or forced to breed with niggas turning out a tribe of half breeds just smart enough to serve them and nothing else

>Whites suffer on their own accord, you are choosing that big black cock and you like it.

Yes because it is totally not pushed by jews who again hitler was fighting against

>but m-muh compassion towards the juden even though I don't give a fuck about them but I just like the be the overall good guy for good points:)

fuck off

>mentally ill to behave in accordance with billions of years of evolution

>not mentally ill to behave according to jewish multiculture brainwash

fuck you

What compassion? Explain mongrel.

Larp harder faggot.

Because (((pearl Harbor))) was not a set up at all?

sure did, and the indian wars ended long after the civil war did
so you could almost say that genociding the indians lead to a period of prosperity and wealth in America....the indian wars ended in the 1920s, fyi

The concept of Noblis Oblige existed at the time. The elite are supposed to take care of the poor because they have the ability to do so and rely on the poor for a society they rule.

This was applied to other races as the white race was clearly superior so it tried to help and uplift the other races. It was never that they were equal, it was purely that we could make a better planet by helping them so we did true to help them.

>If Hitler won we would sleep today literally without doors, because crime would be non-existent.

I can see why you think communism is good in theory, you're fucking retarded. There will always be good and bad people. There will always be mental break downs that end violently. Nothing except killing every other living creature on the planet will prevent this. There is no Utopia, there will never be a Utopia. There is only the struggle and any victory will shortly lead to another crisis like the one we face now.

how fucking retarded do you have to be? I swear this place has become reddit. The us was agitating japan with every day wanting them to attack. Even if they didn't they sure as hell would have because the nips were and always will be a thorn to the jew's side.

>advocating systematic genocide and creating a "utopia" with no conscience
>mentally well
pick one

or that you were isolated well into the 1940s.

You can say that, but I think indiggers didn't have much to do about it. Amerifats got time to build a nation in semi-peace, not much else.

The pox got most of them anyways, didn't have to do much.

Unlike the eurofags that were in a constant state of war, fucks things up.

I would say the romans got pretty close to that fabled utopia. And for considerable amount of years too. Had the nazis won some kind of european renessaince could've emerged.

>Crimes, money, governments... all that stuff wouldn't even exist. It would literally be heaven on earth.

You are literally describing communism.

One simple word, Jews.

> Rome, utopia
You have to be a prime example of a mongroloid faggot.

Rome was filled with niggers and degeneracy.

>they would be suffering less if they were dead

but i agree with the OP

>you were isolated well into the 1940s

so the spanish-american war and the first world war don't count? and we were fighting the indian wars at the same time as those two as well....

>Amerifats got time to build a nation in semi-peace

so the genocide of the american indian gave us a little time (20ish years) to build up a prosperous nation?
that's what I was saying....pretty much exactly...we finally got rid of the indian via genocide so we were able to live in peace and prosper

>niggers interbreeded with whites
oh didn't know this was a fact
And sexual degeneracy the patricians indulged in in no way represented all the good that rome brought to europe

Not the point. The point is we weren't cucked at the time by the Jews as we are now. FDR pulled a lot of illegal shit to get the US involved in the war. However, it was all very well covered.
Consider the following:
The US with Israel and Saudi Arabia have been behind the scenes pushing to destabilize the middle East and push for extremists take over. Yet, when we get attacked we get angry at the muzzies, not the us government. Same shit, except back then, FDR was more secretive so it looked like Japan attacked for absolutely no reason, and Hitler is tyrant that wants world domination. Watch any US propaganda at the time.

What's happening here? Are these holy men? Lads rather. And are these holy lads feeding homeless people?

>why didn't three groups in competition band together to do something that doesn't benefit anyone and no one wanted to do

Hitler is dead you dumb scat porn lover. you had 2 world wars in both of them your cunt country lost. Enjoy the open borders policy and acknowledge the fact that your cunt daughter will end up with a muslim dick in her mouth.

I have watched a lot of it, I went through a college level class of it in highschool, it was a bunch of crap, by than the jews had already shut down father Charles Coughlin from speaking the truth about (((FDR))) at least exept the fact that the jews had already encroached upon our once glorious nation and that it was their fault that we helped Britain destroy the Axis Powers.

your mother fucked an arab that's why you look like a Palestinian you cunt

The real shoah is coming soon kike.

I wonder

The soviets were Marxist communists, Hitler traced all forms of degenerate culture to the proliferation of communism through the jews. The Nazis and Soviets were ideologically opposed so basically your a fucking retard and should kys.

>If Hitler won we would sleep today literally without doors, because crime would be non-existent. Crimes, money, governments... all that stuff wouldn't even exist. It would literally be heaven on earth. A world where EVERYONE is beautiful, strong and smart.
Do you fags actually believe this shit? You people are fucking insane

Disease killed most of them, you got empty lands sparsely filled with a few plain-niggers that could barely do shit. By the time the indian wars came about the indians were already a devastated population.

The americas were never densely populated to begin with like europe was by the time mass immigration started.

The mexifag war was for texas and californina, you were fighting a loser for mostly empty land.

The indian genocide isn't required to explain the prosperity, you guys got prime space with little effort. You made good use of it and got prosperity.

>hungarizmus isn't on the list
why senpai

The enlightenment was step 1 on the road we now travel. A renessaince would have simply lead us to this same place

Nuh. Unlike your faggot country we choose right wing party every election. We protect our borders and our heritage.

Rome brought great things to europe, it changed it certainly to the better.

It was never any utopia and did fuckloads of racemixing, it was based on conquest initially and decayed once no conquest was available.

The plan was to march into the ussr with you, hans.


End of story.

Jahweh would not let it happen. Do you know, all nazis are refused the right to reincarnate? Yes. They are kept one dimension above animals, in a pit.

Because white people are too nice.

Hows it going "top dog"

for 300 years the settlers/Americans fought the indians...every expansion, every westward push...
we finally get them wiped out and force the few remaining to stay on their reservations
then, America really prospers and becomes the leading military power in the world (as proved in WWI and WWII)
yet, you don't think that the genocide of the american indian was good for american civilization? even though American civilization really took off once the indian problem was contained?
I guess you could say correlation doesn't equal causation, but the Germans quarantined their filth (jews, commies, gypsies) and were able to prosper greatly in a decade...it's almost like getting rid of the problematic population leads to prosperity....

>tfw America, France, and Britain had TWO chances to wipe Germany off the face of the planet
>Let it slide both times and now here we are, letting Germans try and destroy Europe yet again

Feels really really bad man

It didn't play the a major role in it, nor did you enact it for 300 years, the british, the french, russians, etc. killed plain-niggers before the revolution.

The industrial revolution kicked in with wast resources being available, you were simply cucked until you had enough industry and no real contenders for those resources.

The reason you don't see any Indian empires today is precisely that, indians were a sparse lame society that got killed of by diseases.

You simply give Indians too much credit and the amerifats of yesteryears too little credit.

those vast resources weren't really available until the roaming bands of natives were contained...you know, because dying in an indian raid is really not what an investor wants to do when they build a factory or mine

the industrial revolution should have hit America nearly 100 years earlier than it did, but we had a civil war and roaming bands of indians to deal with first...

however, we did fight the indians for 300 years....the russians, french, brits, spanish all had to fight the indians as well, any time they were in the Americas during that time period....but here in America, the indian wars lasted from 1622-1924....that's 300 years of fighting a force that didn't quit until they were all killed off....
>indians were a sparse lame society that got killed of by diseases
they put up one hell of a fight for centuries

>you don't see any Indian empires today
hmm, south american countries don't count as indian empires? I mean, they are lame, but mostly populated by natives....

>they put up one hell of a fight for centuries
No they didn't, people made more of it than it was. The white man always acts like a pussy.

They resisted in a disorganized way and slowly gave away land, the same way the Russians gained their territories.

Indians could have co-existed as the niggers of the americas, they didn't give into the white man and got killed.

The prosperity isn't correlated with red skins, it's with industry, wage slaves and such.

Fuck there was an influx of the jew in the early 1900's, it could be correlated with that as well. Those kikes know their money well.

> south american countries don't count as indian empires?
They are mongrel versions of spain or portugal, they weren't formed under native rule, they came with the beach niggers of europe.

Nice discussion keep it going.

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my point still stands, though...after the genocide of the indian was complete, America became a prosperous nation and world power....internal stability was achieved for a time following 300 years of warring/battles...
now, America is dealing with internal instability due to blacks, jews, spics, and communism....
hell, half the crime in the country is committed by 3% of the population (black males aged 16-34)
genocide of that population would lead to a more stable society, however, even suggesting that something real be done about the nigger problem (or that there is a nigger problem) is racist

genocide isn't the first or best solution, however, segregation does lead to stability and genocide is one way to segregate

>These are the 3 most superior white countries on earth.

Says the eternal loser who never won a fucking war.

Because Britain and America were and still are controlled by jews

Only the jews want to wipe out all the other races you disinfo kike
When are you goyim going to wise up?

Great plan: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm_JTYfDOtBxCndj9i8a5XITUjywC78VN

Politics: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm_JTYfDOtBw0XY3oFp48B4Yf2bHgmptG

White Nationalism: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm_JTYfDOtByv0i04BQGH6vsJRRDbgUZc

William Pierce: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm_JTYfDOtBwpWIp1co5lTlpkdFNIsthZ

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