Is white DNA an abomination?

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Why are whites incapable of understanding the fact that these people hate your guts?

University star newspaper in San marcos texas. Cool with white genocide

I'm definitely a newfag. I grew up rural TX I'm just now getting the redpill I go to school with this guy

Show me the light pol. How do I get the redpill?!?!

why did i think "cunt" ?

Let’s see how Trauth responds to this... I’m ready to be outraged

I don't know why did you?

Who is tauth?

University president

I don't think he will. Everyone is saying

>he has the right to freedom of speech

All I'm thinking is what if this race was reversed? This would make national news if it was


She has a history of commenting on racism on campus but if she doesn’t I’m prepared to start flinging shit

Guy is half-right but has drank the kool-aid he criticizes.


Black/White/Red (then Yellow) (now Brown) are all social constructs derived from Biblical literalists trying to figure out how all of humanity descends from Noah's 3 sons.

Red was Jewish - then expanded to "Asia" - but over time they found Hindus, Chinese, etc and realized "Red" is too vast.

Jews (and Arabs) thus gradually get nudged under "White" - Red given to East & SE Asia.

Then the New World threw the scheme to shit so East Asia became "Yellow" and "Red" was tossed to the Native Americans.

Now we got idiots peddling "Brown".


So yeah. There is no "white" race or gene. Race needs culture, language, law, values, history. You got Nords, Celts, Slavs, Latin (these categories can correlate along DNA/Regional/Linguistic lines) - but only those ignorant of their own heritage say "white" or "black", etc.

But the writer drinks his own kool-aid.

- Would he defend Hindu sati (self-immolation suicide of widows)? The Brits ended that.

- Would he defend the Aztec genocide against their neighbors? It was the natives who pointed Cortes to end their empire.

- Would he defend slavery in Libya today?

- Would he defend organ harvesting for traditional medicine in West Africa?


Everyone is shitty.

He's right - "white" is a term by/for the ignorant. But then he doubles-down on that ignorance, pretending "whites" have only caused harm (or that PoC were always victims).

This Martinez fellow also writes extensively on the Bolshevik Communism. He seems like he is the classical "woke" leftist

I want genocide more than anything in the world.

I just got into a crazy debate with a coworker from Hati after thanksgiving. I said "happy holidays" and he said "white people have no holidays or culture you just rape it from other people" I asked him what he was referring to historically and he said "slavery and the native americans" I told him "first off that has nothing to do with me my family came here as immigrants in WWII, also didn't you come straight from Hati? So why are you talking about your ancestors and American slavery?"

His response was: "I'm black you're white that means you're apart of their team"

I didn't know what to say

>Race doesn't exist
>Your white DNA is an abomination
There is no such thing as white DNA according to leftists. The amount of cognitive dissonance is astounding

Tell him to stop taking advantage of other cultures and go back to that shithole Haiti?

Rudy Martinez is not my brother, he is my enemy

>you're apart of their team
He's 100% right. Shame so many whites are retarded about this.

Your wish might come true

>There are muh "race is just skin color" out there
Albino individuals are helpful in noticing the distinct facial-skeletal and nasal differences

Coworker tried to explain it like this

"Being white is a social thing because you have no culture" and I said

"Well my entire family are German immigrants and I'm proud of that and proud of my culture"

He did a sperg screech and said I was a "nazi" and I responded with

"Actually my family left Germany to get away from nazis and the war"

He couldn't understand

What Red Pill? That is just a metaphor for waking up to the anti white agenda and fighting back against it. The only way to get Red Pilled is to reject the self hatred that whites are taught from nearly every single media, news and educational institution. Then you try to wake up others or fight back. Before any of that works, you have to forgive yourself for being born white and for crimes you did not commit. If you are cool with being punished for just being white or because people like you conquered land, you will never be Red Pilled. You will always be a servant to a master. The question is "Are you ok with being punished for things you didn't do, just to fit in with mainstream society?" If your answer is Yes, you will not be Red Pilled. If your answer is No, welcome to Pol. Lurk more. Look up how much power Jews have over Central Banking, Media, Education and Entertainment. They are not the poor losers from the Holocaust Hoax that you were taught about in school. They taught you that lie to make sure you would fight against any form of White Identity, for fear that the Evil Nazi's would come back to life.

Yeah we do look different but immediately people scream eugenics if you bring up differences

I looked up this article about how white albino are starting to get massacred in Africa along with the white farmers. Crazy shit

It doesn't matter, civilization is failing because the white race is dying. White people have been the crutch for other races for years, the leched of white civilizations and we are just now starting to feel the effects. Productive white people are what fuels civilization, it's incredible that such a small minority of the words population actually generate the most revenue. The sad fact is we are in the middle of the last death throws of civilization, and the other races blame the white man for their own shortcomings, nothing is going to fix this long drawn out death.
There aren't enough white people to pay taxes, to donate to the needy, to prop up industry. Countries like china and japan are dependent on white revenue being injected into their economies , the few white people the less capital to fuel their industries. White people pay the majority of taxes, buy the majority of goods and are pretty much the worlds entire economy.
Hate to be the bear of bad news, but we are at the dawn of a new dark age, and it's going to set back the human race 100,000 years.

Not all turkic peoples are white. The roaches and central asians are mongrels, the Tatars or the Chuvash are white.

Well I thank you for clearing this up. I grew up rural life on a farm in a small town none of this stuff is really talked about but since I started going to university I'm noticing alot of crazy stuff I know one guy has been telling me to" take the redpill"

I have no white guilt and I've worked my whole life around other races with no issues

But since I've moved into the city race seems to be like the biggest issue on campus, I'm shocked how news and society as a whole is so biased towards us... what would be good sources for the central banking and media jews?

Start with hating minorities

>waking up to the anti white agenda and fighting back against it

t. ypical amerikek brainlet

its a metaphor for opening your eyes to whats actually happening, not just white genocide which is so obvious now that even bluepilled niggers see it

its about what the true problem is, not what the most obvious truth you can decipher

USA was a mistake.

I met a guy who lives with the Hare Krishnas he said he is a "redpilled devotee" he has said that the swastika is actually a vedic symbol and that aryans are the true vedic people of advanced civilizations. Said we are in "kali yuga" the dark age

>I just got into a crazy debate with a coworker from Hati after thanksgiving. I said "happy holidays" and he said "white people have no holidays or culture you just rape it from other people

sounds like a fun guy you would want on your party

Realize that minorities absolutely hate you and wish all of us were dead and there is NOTHING you can ever do to appease them, you can only dominate them

Can you give me some links or something to get started?


Dude is a real prick. I only work with him one day a week but he says shit like that when no one is around and he spreads rumors about me

>"I am become white, destroyer of worlds."
this text forced me to adjust to position of my handgun

It's actually a quote from the bhagvad Gita Google "vishnu reveals his multi armed form behold I have become death the destroyer of worlds"

Vishnu is like the Hindu Christ

You retard everyone knows this

Hey I'm new to this shit man. Newfag to the extreme so bare with me

Do the brown people really want an actual race war?

Nah just kidding, they’ve been fighting a race war against whites since at least the 1960s. Maybe whites start fighting it back.

Slit his throat, soldier.

How do you suggest we do that. Just as individuals or do you know of organizations that'd be best?

Just a coincidence, goy

>g..g..goychan, it was a coincidence!

>minorities still do not know that whites and asians belong to the same afroasiatic migration wave that left africa about 40k years ago
hqng on famalams I thought we were all part of the same race, the human race? There is no DNA evidence for race amirite goys?

He tried to warn us

Well its kind of a big school don't really know how I can find him hahaha. I sure would like to give him a punch to the face in the least

But our ancestors didn't listen


Man texas must suck

But muh IQ, says the Jew. Even if we were to assume the 115 IQ number from that study with a too small sample size, it wouldn't account for the disproportionate representation of Jews in banking, finance, media and education.

Whoa this is crazy. Holy shit!


He's right we should start killing everyone that isn't white ))))
>This is what I actually believe

Watch TGSNT and see what has been done to the Europeans then it'll be much easier to do it back to those who've wronged you.

Also read the 48 laws of power to gain an understanding into Jewish/sociopathic styles of trickery so you'll have other ways of fighting.

Spread his details all over the place. Act all hurt like the Jews do and attempt to get people against him.

Texas fucking rules. I like rural texas alot better though it's the life blood of the lone star state. But this university can be the worse

They are attacking DNA now because they realize that DNA can actually be racist. They KNOW that white privilege is down to DNA. This is actually good to know if we want to maximize butthurt.


>rural is better
Motherfucker wake up, we lost the cities, and now we're retreating. I like the country too but you have to see that the GDP zeitgeist of the cities and our museums and culture are out of our hands

In addition to TGSNT, I suggest checking out this channel.

Start with Europa - The Last Battle

And a link for TGSNT (The Greatest Story Never Told)

try looking into any of the 3-letter agencies fellow user, they've been undermining white america for decades :^)

The greatest story never told

Its available on

Also watch NWO communism by the backdoor.

They're both quite long and can get a little boring in some bits but think of it as a school lesson that you have to do. Watching them both is worth it in the long run.

>TFW they say whites iz oppressing them and need to give them gibz, while simultaneously saying that we don't exist.

He was arrested in D.C. Antifa chimpout.

Original image from last night

>There is no "white" race or gene
Would that you all had but one throat and I my boot upon it.

>tfw moving close to Austin soon
am i wandering into ground zero of the race war?

if you have an hour off, I recommend this

The French imported 3x as many slaves as the Anglos but Haitian descendants are only 10 million while African Americans roughly 40 million. The secret? French worked their slaves to death. I don't agree with the Haitian (obviously) but yeah, they have a deeper loathing than other ex-colonies.

Incidentally, that's my concern with Mexicans DESU.

I'm Latin. Family of all colors. Spain used the Roman model of assimilation (learn the language, laws, culture, etc? you're in). Most Hispanics I know get along just fine...
...but then some begin talking about race they begin using white/black/brown (instead of Columbian, Cuban, Chilean, etc) and you know it's a weird road they're taking. Mexicans are in this phases atm.

Good on you!

Good info!

Case in point, it's best to call them Tatars or Chuvash and leave colors to the coloring books.

I think I know the girl who posted this. I've seen her around school. Never seen rudy before but they have taken all his pics down. But now I know what to look for thanks user

Going to university?

Keep wishing, pig-skin.

no but your mama is

>The left's obsession with Nazis is slowly turning them into ones.

Does 'genetic privelege' exist or not? If an abomination can secure a future for their kid then what does that make a nigger?

why are niggers incapable of understanding that we know they are idiot chimps

That is one edgy article. Show it to the faculty.

It could happen
we are ready to genocide you nigger

Interesting. I don't know shit about Hati or Hatian people. Please share more if you know more


u are a mistake

like your mama does

So can we get this guy expelled from the university for hate speech?

Stuff like this infuriates me. When are we going to start spouting the same shit as these people?

>It's time we remove the black population for society. Their DNA itself is a detriment to the world.

>Black is over because we want it to be

Fucking fuck I want to kill some niggers

Faculty already knows about it the editor of the paper just tweeted out not long ago some bullshit

You'll be fine then I'm sure

Editor of the paper posted this 14 hours ago "university star" texas state university paper

And yet you're still a filthy shitskin. I hope you get killed in a drive-by.

> A point of Haitian pride? They were the FIRST country in the Americas to revolt from European rule.

Imagine how shitty the French were, that with no allies, no supplies and no where to run - they just revolted and kept them out. When the French sent ships to retake the island, the "pure blooded Europeans" wasted 2 years on the shores because so many of them were sick from tropical diseases and foreign climate.

Tangent 1: Actually, all ex-French colonies were shit. Notice most of the Muslim ones. There was an old book I read where this was public knowledge a century ago. In regions where you had a half-dozen or more ethnic groups, INSTEAD of keeping them splintered (or better yet, empowering the most amenable ones), the French decided their ambassadors would just learn Arabic. Imagine 6-10 languages per region.... "why learn all these languages - if the local Muslim minority is bilingual (due to the faith) - and thus the bilingual Arabic-speakers can translate for us?" Thus Arabic became the language of translators, judges, office clerks and cops. The French helped legitimize the religion over paganism.

Tangent 2: The British also lost 3 ambassadors in Afghanistan to the weather (2 of heat stroke; the 3rd from pneumonia from being in the bath ALL day trying to avoid heat stroke). There's a reason the Romans, Spanish and Portuguese spread further (race defined by culture - and thus hybrids were welcome to help conquer non-European environments).

> Predictably, the US shunned the Haitian revolt (fearing it would embolden the slaves) - but LATAM embraced it ("if they could do it, why not us?").

However, the Haitian revolt spilled to the Dominican Republic.... and the DR kicked the Haitians out a few decades later, ASKING Spain to come back (which it did).

French/Anglo were more race-as-phenotype - so more "black" slaves hating "white" masters.

Spanish were more race-as-culture - so more pan-Hispanic sentiment.

Haiti was offended.

Oink oink, baby.

You might like this (pic relevant):

Judging by your flag, you're a Nord. So where's your pride?
> Being the unwashed vandals who pillaged Europes greatest Empire of antiquity to death?
> Spawning the Visigoths that burned and looted plunging Europe into the Dark Ages?
> Splintering the Church into a few dozen petty heresies?
> Plunging Europe into Two World Wars (both lost)?
> Merkel and the Migrant crisis due to German guilt.

Anyways, whatever my phenotype - it's irrelevant. Nobody gets to claim other European's achievements just because you're an inbred swine-skin. I'd encourage you to go do something with your life (but it seems the Nords have done more than enough).

>Bonus Jajaja if you're a confused Celt or the Anglo half-spawn who cleaves to Nordic heritage.

I am wondering if SJWs are pumping out this rubbish to intentionally radicalize white people.

Good natured whites who wanted to work together with minorities to "end racism" have adopted white nationalist politics because of shit like this.

This can't be a coincidence, post-modernists marxists are actively trying to draw battle lines. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. White people who didn't hate minorities are definitely starting to now and leftists have nobody to blame but themselves.

They have effectively created the 'white oppressor other' due to their own actions.

I'll get ya started with some stuff from my collection.
>pic related
I think the whole MGTOW movement is just defeatist faggotry, but they are at least half right that you should be careful around most women. Think with your brain not your dick

That article is an absolute abomination. It should have a platform but should also be roundly rejected as abject nonsense.

How can we not hate (((them))) when they hate us SO much?