Let me lay it out straight for you cock-eyed little spergs; yeah, I voted for Hillary Clinton, and no, I don’t regret it. I voted for Hillary because I didn’t want a narcissistic, sociopathic, glorified clementine leading our country, and you people fucked it all up. You people with your memes, and your “kek,” you’ve doomed us all. Hillary was the best chance this country had; she was educated, she was smart, hell, some nights and even sat alone and stared at her picture, thinking “goddamnit, she sure is pretty.” But now here we are, 2 minutes to midnight with North Korea, our country literally Russia 2.0, minorities being kicked out left and right purely because of the color of their skin, I won’t stand for it! The bigotry, the racism, it has to go. We live in the future, this isn’t the country I want my children living in anymore. I think I might immigrate to Canada, at least they have a leader that seems like he cares about human rights.
Let me lay it out straight for you cock-eyed little spergs; yeah, I voted for Hillary Clinton, and no...
you contradicted yourself. you're just pissed because their cult leader beat your cult leader. she's a bigger fucking fascist than he is.
>ugh I hate racism
>better move to a country with a higher percentage of white people
Don't feed the trolls people.
Bye bitch!
Kinda was like throwing yer vote away
Fuck dump
whew , godamn I love you
your faggotry is the paragon of your movement, you are pathetic
is this a pasta?
k, keep me posted
Voldemort did nothing wrong
The master of Russian disaster hold your plaster because he’s a dastardly bastard
Why must the left always use kids books and movies to relate to their lives? Its almost as if they themselves have the mind of a child.
It is now.
Take the bottom text off and then start re-sharing this.
What a fucking faggot. Dude.
great bate
>narcissistic, sociopathic
Sounds like you are talking about Hillary. We would already be at war with Russia if we elected her.
Take off the bottom text, add a comma between sad and that.
Unironically implying Trudea isnt the most narcissistic sociopathic person in the world. He feeds of adoration. That's why every move he makes is fucking retarded from any logical standpoint but good from an emotional one. Adoration is generally an emotional reaction. Him and his wife probably go through the replies to his tweet jerking eachother off everytime someone says something nice about him.
Lefties have stunted psycho-sexual development. Literally is a mental disorder, they argue like children for instance and like children are unaware that actions have consequences and such.
>she sure is pretty
LMAO wot m8
Why are you even here?