srsly if you have a minute and you want to see some of the most butthurt faggotry in the world go check out this reddit thread at the top of that cursed website right now. there is so much salt. so much fucking endless salt. dump trucks after dump trucks of salt. they are like literally crying right now. i think they're "literally shaking right now".

and they're claiming one of the guys "wasn't a muslim" because he's a dutch citizen lmfao like there are no dutch citizens that are muslims. fuckin' libshits

what the fuck can we do about the god damn fucking reddit cancer. this website is the biggest piece of filth on the fucking planet.

Other urls found in this thread:

gross reddit yuck


"his state run media"
this dramatic faggot is literally talking about trumps twitter and referring to it as "state run media" omfg when do we get to burn left-wing witches?

muslims murder people = "DRUMPF IS RACIST"


Don't you mean.....Drumpf trucks?

Their world is crumbling down in front of them. kek

"/u/whitemuslimconvert" = 4K upvotes

I live in Orlando and I saw Eric Paddock at the local Mini-Mart a few days back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, and that I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him by asking him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “Huh? Huh? Huh?” and opening his hand shut in front of my face.
I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle and snort coke-boogers as I walked off.
When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen sushi boxes in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those.”
At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually put on an unconvincing “Oh, yeah. Duuuuuh” and turned back around and brought them to the counter.
While she was ringing the sushi up he leaned in and started murmuring something to her. I couldn’t really make out what he was saying, aside from a few times when he emphasized the words “comped”, “all comped”.
The cashier feigned a smile.
After she was done scanning each box and put them in a bag she said, “That’ll be $102.73.”
Paddock made a “pffffff” sound and rolled his eyes while reaching for his wallet.
“I’m used to eating thousand dollar sushi. This Mini-Mart sushi doesn’t really compare.”
“But it’s better than Taco Bell.” he said, with his nose turned up while looking in my direction.

mining for salt right now. fuck its hilarious to watch them


>mfw americans call chocolate globbernaughts "candy bars"
>mfw americans call motorized rollinghams "cars"
>mfw americans call Merry fizzlebombs "Fireworks"
>mfw americans call genocide 'Thanksgiving'
>mfwn americans call wunderbahboxes a "PC"
>mfw americans call meat water "gravy"
>mfw americans call electro-rope "power cables"
>mfw americans call beef wellington ensemble with lettuce a burger
>mfw americans call fart tornados "bar mitzvahs"
>mfw americunts call Whimsy Flimsy Mark and Scribblers "pens"
>mfw americans call twisting plankhandles "Doorknobs"
>mfw americans call french toast "pussy bread"
>mfw americans call breaddystacks "sandwiches"
>mfw americans called their hoighty toighty tippy typers "keyboards"
>mfw americans call nutty-gum and fruit spleggings "peanut butter and jelly"
>mfw americans call an upsy stairsy the "escalator"
>mfwn americans call tossin' the thimble in the tipper "Archiving the Thread"
>mfw americans call Montezuma's Revenge "Water"
>Mfw an American called gnome magic ''Science''
>mfw Americans call a pip pip gollywock a "screwdriver"
>mfw when an american calls a Winchester bumbag a "briefcase"
>mfw americans call bobby buggies "police cars"
>mfw americans call hosh posh jerpee tosh "lingo"
>mfw an American called pokey blokey "gay sex" near me
>mfw americans call buzzy fuzzy trundlies "electric razors"
>mfw americans referred to the jolly golly haste wagons as "trains"
>mfw americans call cold-on-the-cob a "popsicle"

Lmao liberals safe echo chamber is breaking infront of them

>I have reported Trump's twitter account for violating the Twitter guidelines... I am sure it will do absolutely nothing, but I had to do something
That post sums up Reddit better than anything I've seen yet.

True, Trump is the personification of all the American stereotypes.

Muslims need to know they're not welcome here.

>pokey blokey

>endless salt
this really made me think

powerful stuff

virtue was signaled

Twitter was dying before Trump made it relevant again, they won't ever ban him

Not going there. Can I get some more screenshots from braver souls?

is he though? I mean do you guys picture the average burger as trump?

Red rover, red rover, it's over, it's over

Typical leddit

Good Lord I can just picture the soyboy faggots and neckbeard losers writing those comments. And I thought they were against hacking (muh Russia)?

go here

is this true goys?


i randomly sorted by new and this is what popped up

wait are they acknowledging fake news now...?

That’s why so many foreign leaders like him. He’s nothing like them and that’s the point.

>unfounded claims

Didn't he retweet video evidence?

Are any of them upset at or discussing the content of the tweets?

Jesus Christ

Man that's an easy way to farm gold.

That's why we picked him. He is America. Deal with it faggots.


>drumpf gets #banned from twitter
>goes to gab
>twitter is kill
>leftists somehow blame trump for this
wew lad

wtf I’m gobsmacked now

If you ask them about the content of the tweets they'll say "there's no proof it's Muslims"
and of course if there was proof it's Muslims, #notallmuslims
There isn't anything that will get them to stop sucking Muslim cock

I can literally feel the soy oozing off this post

one of us, one of us

>All these triggered lefties

Omg gobsmacked

this one thinks trump is "legitimizing murdering politicians" somehow. how i don't even know. this shit makes no sense whatsoever but naturally he found at least one other redditor to agree with him on his insane point (fucking /u/the_vagina_whisperer)

>hack trump’s account
>no “hurf durf I’m a fagit” joke tweets, memes, etc.
>just apologies and virtue signaling
That’s the most Canadian screenshot I’ve ever seen

>Not all though

Quintessential reddit right there

Fresh, comp'd pasta. Delicious.

This is what they fantasize about. This, of all things. I bet they go to bed thinking about it to help them fall asleep.

>mudslimes murder people
and the response is
>impeach drumpf!!!!111111
"mental gymnastics" is worn out at this point

Oh look, a gobsmacked faggot

>discussing sacred cows

lol no

sounds like T_D makes some sense once in a great while, but reddit is still so cucked that to them T_D is the most evil, right-wing boogeyman on the planet

I only got r/news/ to do it once, and that was a few months before the massive bot farm entrance.

holy shit i forgot what big faggots you guys all are, you are strawmanning them every turn, using pathetic buzzwords, getting triggered enough to downvote them? surprised reddit:the_board is taken so seriously

i'll take "things that never happened" for 400 alex?

>living in Mueller's fantasy world
>reddit popcorn meme
>received gold for a gay ass comment
>thanks for the gold with a soyboy "ta"
>not even from America

they're mad more people have witnessed the barbaric truth now, they're not mad these videos exist in first place.

Tfw us Brits have been brainwashed into thinking that Britain first are somehow the enemy.
I remember my friends used to laugh at one of their members who couldn't properly articulate "Muslim rape gangs". They used to take the piss out of his accent and go around imitating what he said.
Little did they know that retarded chav was right, and they were the cunts who helped to cover up the rape of countless young girls.
They probably still don't care to this day.
Fuck this country.
>Also its funny to see Americans aren't aware of the term gobsmacked.

since we're on the topic of reddit, lets see how our friends over at /r/communism are weighing in on the most recent north korean nuke test. if this doesn't piss you off then nothing will

>strawmanning by posting their word for word comments
what niggardly nonsense is this?

>gommunists unironically defending the norks
My only solace is that many of them will be incinerated if commiefornia gets nuked


Is Hank a kike?

probably a "fellow white person"

No I think he’s a soyim
>a fucking conifer

note that the top post was given "gold"... i think that means someone was so smitten with that post that they gave plebbit real money to in turn give that poster special perks like unique avatars etc.

Man redditors are such faggots.

>sounds like T_D makes some sense once in a great while, but reddit is still so cucked that to them T_D is the most evil, right-wing boogeyman on the planet
t_d started out as a Sup Forums outpost, i was here when it all went down, they hate t_d

>"fellow white person"

I mean, if you look at his brother's videos on YouTube regarding history of Islam and the Crusades, there's a lot of bias shifted towards Islam, so I'm assuming he's a kike, since you know, kikes.

i know, i remember, it was cool back then. believe it or not, there was a time when reddit was actually really cool. there was a time when reddit was actually more right-wing than Sup Forums even (cuz Sup Forums was more centrist libertarian). there was /r/gasthekikes, /r/coontown and so many other subs like those ones. the front page was pretty much the same as Sup Forums and Sup Forums before Sup Forums existed (both supported ron paul).
the nazi thing only started on Sup Forums a few years ago, prob about around the time of gamergate and in the run up to the 2016 election

Hearty kek.

Why can't you lefties blend in?
You always call him Drumpf, say he's the worst, act like everyone on here is supposed to share your mindset.
Try harder faggot.

once upon a time reddit was known as "a bastion of free speech on the internet" and the founder and CEO even said it himself. they let everyone on that website. every idea. every point of view. it was an awesome place actually. then, i wanna say around 2013 or 2014 it slowly began to go downhill when they got this asian cuntress as a CEO named Ellen Pao. she took the company in a total left-wing SJW direction. but the userbase was still mostly right-wing or right-leaning back then, so they had to fire her because the users revolted against it. then they brought in steve huffman AKA /u/spez, who was one of the founders but not the guy who wanted it to be about free speech. he basically just went ultra SJW on the site, even more than Pao did. so the site eventually just became a lefty place. the last vaguely "redpilled" thread i ever saw on the front page of that website was back in like 2015 or maybe early 2016 when there was that poop swastika at mizzou and the whole university freaked out. there was a video of a lefty faculty member asking for "some muscle" to physically remove a student who was covering the event. didn't go with the narrative, so /r/videos started with a "no political videos" policy (which they mostly selectively enforced). after that, people who are right-wing or right-leaning more or less gave up on the website i think. ever since then i've seen nothing and i mean literally NOTHING but lefty salt in both the posts and the comments section. it's fucking sick and sad

unfortunately what's worse is that the website is now more effective and popular than ever as a left-wing website. they're like #4 in the US as far as alexa ranking go. but i don't think anyone who isn't a rabid lefty would ever want to go on there. they have a hugely international userbase they benefit from

>the nazi thing only started on Sup Forums a few years ago
everything you say is fairly accurate except for this

Sup Forumss original logo was a fucking swastika

Thanks for that piece of information user.

from what i vaguely remember this is actually true, but i thought it was supposed to be more of a statement of "this is a place where you can talk about anything, even nazism" rather than a full out endorsement of nazism.
i mean there's no doubt that it was a strongly libertarian website back in the day. at the very least you've got to admit this board was in love with ron paul, and wanted to abolish the IRS, and basically create a right-wing libertarian paradise.

but i dunno, these are just my memories. i prob spent more time on GLP back then (which was really fucking far right-wing and libertarian too) than i did here but i feel like i still came here a lot

Do you think your average reddit user actually takes the time to think about these things? Heh fat chance. I bet 95% saw the post headline and then ran straight to the comments in a mad dash for updoats and karma

>it was an awesome place actually. then
one ALWAYS got huge blowback there for right-wing views on the main subs

they promoted ron paul for the same reason jon jew stewert and old version colbert etc. did... to hurt the republicans

but true, they did have a lot of good smaller subs

i don't think any subs aside from t_d exist now that aren't complete sjw commie shit holes, even porn ones

> Muh civility

Literally all the left had to do was stop accusing everyone of being racist Nazi bigot phobic whatevers. Civility is for people who try to reach mutual understanding with the presumption of good intentions, not soyboy commies.

These retarded faggots still think Muslim is a race I’m lovin it

>they promoted ron paul for the same reason jon jew stewert and old version colbert etc. did... to hurt the republicans
maybe, i admit i spent most of my time back then on the smaller subs.
BUT i will say that i def remember that there were a fairly regular "redpilled" and "right-wing" posts in the big subs that would make it to the top. esp stuff against feminism and SJWs and campus insanity. it wasn't really uncommon up until a couple years ago to see posts about "anti-white racism" on the front page of that website with all of the people there crying about how "it's not fair that white people are discriminated against" which is still kind of civic nationalist but it's at least in defense of whites.

and every single time there was an "announcement" all of the top comments would be whining about /r/shitredditsays and asking for the management to ban then (which they obviously never did)

now they just whine about banning T_D and nobody even talks about /r/shitredditsays anymore. that's how far the site has fallen. how badly it has changed. it's a shame IMO

The first 3 mins are identical to tarantino being an ass video from yt. Nice larp.

>supposed to be more of a statement of "this is a place where you can talk about anything, even nazism"
sorta, but there was always extreme views here

and those views grew as SJWs got more extreme

ron paul was loved, but that's all we had back then. shareblue etc. do their best to divide and conquer but trump was basically ron paul on steroids and acid with the balls to actually win, that's why he was a natural fit here once we saw he was legit... not in all policies but in what he represented vs the "left/right" establishment

>original logo
That was, is and will always be Sup Forums's logo.

This is what the death of America and the internet looks like


It’s called a queef faggot

i'll never forgot that sub, so many redpills in the sidebar, so many humor threads. But the ban did something good, i discovered Sup Forums shortly after.
after banning /r/european i more or less abandoned reddit entirely.

Lmao this fedora just compared America to NK. What a fucking fantasy

That name ahahahahaha


>state run media

Don't pretend you didn't write "americunts" on purpose taco

oh, it was defiantly a million times better pre-sjw insanity

God damn these fucking kikes make my blood boil. GAS THE FUCKING LOT OF THESE SUBHUMAN PIECES OF SHIT

>and that's why his base loves him

I'm a europoor and that's why I love him

Eat more fast food goy, these faggots are so brainwashed