Modern GOP is the party of racism, homophobia, pedophilia, and war mongering. This is the Trump/Moore party

Modern GOP is the party of racism, homophobia, pedophilia, and war mongering. This is the Trump/Moore party.

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Projecting Intensifies

No, it is quite literally the 'Sup Forums' party

Reddit Shill.. we can see you.
Just wait until bill clinton, hillary, the podestas & and all the hollywood pedos are behind bars.
its going to be glorious.

fuck yourself

Serious question...what's wrong with racism?

>no you are pedos

Execept reality shows the oppostie.

Nice projections.


We need more Moore, desu.

I'd rather live in a society made up of the children who were aborted than among the bitches who aborted them.

Oh look. The shills are back.
dont you faggots get tired of spamming pol with your liberal garbage?

Now refute my post without memes

Sounds good to me, will continue to vote for them.

no ones falling for your shilling, faggot

Im ok with it. It is about time to reverse what you faggots have done.

"nice projections"
>bill clinton & hillary on Epsteins pedo Island
>Franken groping women
>weinstein & all the hollywood liberal rapists investigated
>democrats resigning
>liberals in the MSM accused of sexual harassment
>Hillarys libya selling african women (sex slaves)

nice try shill faggot.. we can see right through your liberal nonsense

Wrong. That's the democrats. It will always be the democrats.
>war mongering
The only war mongering comes from you retards making Bang Ding Ow out to be a credible threat.
>racism and homophobia
There is literally nothing wrong with either of these. I defy you to prove they are.

>Democrats, there were certain pedos amongst your midst, here are the emails that prove it
>no u
literally this is what's happening

Dear shitforbrains,
Faux is pronounced foe.

Don't forget conspiracy theories and lying

So many shill threads today, is anything major going on?

The podesta emails proves that the Democrats are child fuckers, even your Obama was mentioned. sick fucks
>shill BTFO

>The podesta emails proves that the Democrats are child fuckers,

>but trump and moore aren't pedos!

>conspiracy theories
Muh russia.
>I did not have sexual relations with that woman
>Benghazi was a response to a youtube video
>you can keep your plan

Do you guys think once Soros money runs out shills will just disappear or more $ will follow to continue the shilling?

We are $18b worth apparently, why not some more?

>4, 5 & 7 year old children in the warmed up tub ready for you
>you going to have a great time with them
>you can have them as long as you want

lol shill you`re defending pedos.

I can't wait for the salt to flow 2 weeks from now when Moore wins.

in case you haven't heard.
We run this shit now....
The Senate, The House, The Supreme Court, The Presidency, etc etc.....

You libtards lost over 1000 seats to us under obama.....

The ball has only begun to roll, Moore will still win and Trump will win reelection. I'll bet my left nut on it.

amd PS ......Thank you for those taxes. :)

nice digits

Fuck off boomer

God bless President Trump. What a great leader.

>Thank you for those taxes. :)
These idiots pay taxes?

how salty are you going to be when moore wins?