Only 11% of Japanese people willing to fight for their country: Gallup survey

Why are the Japanese so anti-Japan?

Why should the Japanese wish to die for the Americans?

Check the global statistics on that.
No first world country goes above 35% if i remember correctly

Finland 74% :DDD
wh*te people are weak :DDD
morocco 95%, we destroy any european country anyday, we are already infiltrated :DD

It's not that they're anti-japanese. They just equate war with getting nuked, so they value pacifism

It's also in their constitution.

They're not anti Japan, they've just had their minds corrupted by anime, tentacle porn, and cultural hypnosis

if you kill your enemies they win. fuck off leaf

>wh*te people
Brother wh*Tes ain't people, they're subhuman.

It's the soy. Visit Japan and try to eat, fucking everything has soy or soy products in it. No wonder their men look like women and their women look like children.

Well Germans shall stand at their side and ...surrender, like them.

Fighting for a broken country just ain't worth it.

Leftism and GHQ brainwashing. Years of propaganda saying having a military = war.

moroccans are already on the path to destroy France without needing to fire a single bullet

Have you ever ask a jap gf or bf if she love you?
It is always "like" at most canucks my dear.
Dont ever trust Jap when it comes to feeling and emotions, they are not emotionless but are not honest about their feeling at all

Why give that comfortable life up to fight in meaningless wars that are the fault of incompetent politicians and greedy businesses?

I wonder how many Western weeaboos and ethnonationalist would be willing to fight for Japan.

Can you imagine if Japan opened its borders to a bunch of alpha high-test sub-saharan Africans and Arabs?
It would be like lambs to the slaughter

You mean the zionist US-Protectorate Japan, Japan cased to exist 72 years ago

>believing in the soy meme
Their diets didn't change for centuries, and still had the soy when they had balls of steel by ramming planes into warships.

Is the term weeabo in the west only restricted to anime or Idol shit as well?
Anime only neets will probably wont ever leave basent
Idol fanboys are crazy though, they will the 1st one that would go banzai on the enemies

>Why are the Japanese so anti-Japan?

Because Japanese women are so anti-Japanese men.

So what the fuck do they have to fight for? Not a goddamned thing!

Demoralization will do that to you.

Japan is an occupied country. To fight for their independence would mean getting nuked by the US again, and if they survived that and became a sovereign country, they'd just get nuked by Kim in the end, since there would be nobody to protect them.

mountain jew, tripple 7 and some belive this site is not pozzed, le kek, gonna go make myself 2 pork sadwiches

exactly, there has to be a reason to blow yourself up and it's consistent with jihad approach, only they are just imbecile monkeys blowing themselves for the promise of infinite puss in the afterlife- no you need a real reason for, at least slightly rational man
but on thie sidenote - germans seem to be special kind of people in wake of hololol, nothing will move them forward after the greatest psyop of the history, but even then, at least some of them have children, do they have no compassion for their own blood?