
Anybody else here not racist? I mean do I (personally speaking) hate non-whites? No. Do I believe whites are superior over non-whites> No.

Do I want the West (especially Europe) to remain white? Yes. Do I support white racial and ethnic preservation? Yes.

Truth be told I think most white people hold similar viewpoints to me. Most of us aren't racist (we don't hate non-whites or believe whites are superior) but we do want the West (especially Europe) to remain "white" and we want to exist in the future as a race and support White European racial and ethnic preservation.

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not racist just hate non whites

>I mean do I (personally speaking) hate non-whites? No.
Yes, this is reasonable. Actual venemous hatred of anyone is unhealthy, unwarranted, and counter productive 99% of the time.

>Do I believe that whites are superior over non-whites? No.

You must be intentionally blind. Of course whites and Western Civilization are superior. Acknowledging this fact does not mean that you want to treat other races poorly or open shiny new death camps.

Western Chauvinism just means that you are rational and paying attention.

I'm not racist but one might build such a case against me based on circumstantial evidence. For example, I don't believe in high (or even mid-range) immigration and I don't agree with affirmative action.

I'd be 100% cool with niggos if they weren't genetically predisposed to violence and low intelligence. But they are, and nothing can change that.

>I'd be 100% cool with niggos if they weren't genetically predisposed to violence

So how you explain the following African nations?

>Ghana 1.70
>Sierra Leone 1.92
>Burkina Faso 0.71


These West African nations are some of the safest in the world in terms of violent crime.

Or are you judging all blacks based off the behavior of African-Americans? Truth be told I've met a decent amount of blacks from Africa and most were good people.

slave owners weren't racists either
you can't refute this

I'm not racist either, I just want white countries (and all countries, really) to be a supermajority of their native ethnicity.

cuck bitch

>Anybody else here not racist?

I wouldn't be racist if non-whites stayed in their own countries. I don't care about them if they keep to themselves and do their own thing

its going to be about race until it is not about race anymore. i dont make the rules i just worry about my own.

Speak for yourself. I want Europe to remain white and I want "racial and ethnic preservation" specifically BECAUSE they're lesser humans. I don't want them shitting up the gene pool.

>Western Chauvinism
What have we done but get further and further out of synch with Nature?

It's almost like being black has nothing to do with being violent. It's almost like maybe something else, a certain right to own something in America, is the reason they have so many homicides. Maybe it's something other western nations don't have so easily available to the public.

I just want foreigners to fuck off, white or not


1. If it exists in the natural world, it is nature. Unless you are suggesting that Western Civilization is supernatural. Natural and supernatural are the only two options and the second option is dubious.

I am not a full autist, however, and understand what you meant by out of sync with nature.

2. It's fine with me if you want to get back into sync with nature. Go live in the woods, be mal-nourished, live in constant fear of darkness, cokd, and predators, die at 30 and have 6 kids so that at least one survives until adulthood, if you prefer.

>darkness, cokd, and predators
*darkness, COLD, and predators

I used to be like you, user. I was a full-on disciple of Paint Job Theory. What changed my mind? Decades of watching TNB, and seeing the endless (((excuses))) made for it, as well as the endless (((blaming))) of whites and Western Civilization for that TNB. Here's a redpill everyone needs to read, pic related.

>Western Chauvinism

You are using a computer? It was invented by whites. Do you use electricity generated by power plants? Do you drive a car or watch television? Have you ever flown in an airplane? Do you have indoor plumbing? Is your home heated by something other than burning wood? Yes, all of these things were invented by whites. Modern medicine? Modern agriculture? The use of petroleum and petrochemicals? Modern industry and production methods?

It is because of these white innovations that we have a global population of 7 billion...these are people of all races.

Everyone, around the globe, of all races, have white people to thank for this. Our medical technology, our agricultural innovation, our industry, our chemical engineering, and our transportation has allowed, for better or worse, for the global population to surge.

From unlocking the energy and versatility of petroleum to the atom, from something as simple as penicillin, anti-septics,sanitation, and sewage treatment or refrigeration to something as complex as surgery, vaccines, internal combustion engines, turbines, or nuclear power...whites are the reason why everyone, of all races, on this planet is living longer and why the global population is the largest that it has ever been.

Even on just a utilitarian metric, we have allowed more people to exist at one time than ever in human history. For better or worse, we have allowed, through our innovation, more people to live simultaneously, than ever in history.

Our global hegemony, is a testament to this fact.

The fact remains that every race on this planet owes a debt of gratitude to Europeans and European Americans. It is not Asians or Africans who did these things, it is whites.

You don't have to hate other races to be a Western Chauvinist, but you do have to be blind, not to be a Western Chauvinist.

We will be waiting, with baited breath, for a collective "thank you".

You don't understand Sup Forums... fuck niggers, and I'm married to one. The problem with immigration and multiculturalism is a simple one. The US limited immigration for 40 years to integrate the Italians and Pols, the Irish and German. What's happening now is the same shit with 1984 bs thrown on top. We aren't going far enough in immigration reform yet in my honest opinion to allow for full integration to take place. We need a break for the sand to settle.

It's almost like you're a commie douchenozzle, who wants to disarm the public so you goddamn commies can roll through the streets and subjugate us. And it's almost like any such attempt will turn out very fucking badly for you.

Everybody is racist. It is a survival instinct.

if it did, why would commies want it? Why are most commies anti-guns? Stop being so paranoid.

I'm not racist

I'm not a unicorn either

Racism is just applied statistical analysis.


This is why all AI will inevitably be considered "racist".


I really don't care about the race issue until they initiate an engagement by forcing it upon me, then it's a de facto middle finger and they can go fuck off for all I care.

If they plan to escalate that like a nigger that's their choice.

it's America, this explains Africa's astonishingly low crime rates and high standard of living

They're not a bit anti-gun. They're quite happy with the government having guns - as long as it's a commie government. Nice try.

I don't hate nonwhites, but at the same time they aren't my people.

I have zero problem with blacks. Usually cool AF

I’m not racist because niggers are half demon half gorilla

Not racist but a few of my white liberal friends consider me racist. I'm marrying an Asian girl and live in one of the most black cities in the country.

As individuals I wouldn't really say I hate someone simply based on who they are, but faggots and Jews tend to have the lowest morals as groups. I feel like I get along with your average black man more than some deformed tranny queer or some shriveled communist Jew manlet.

i personally believe Whites/Asians are superior to other races, but i do not hate another person outright based on their race. it may be harder for me to accept a non-white as cool, but ive had black friends in the past

This was a great read.

Even though the American nigger slightly more domesticated compared to the wild African version, so many of these traits are so evident.

- Can't hold on to a nickel.

- No morality, respect is only earned through a show of force, avoiding punishment is the only deterrent not to misbehave, sees kindness as a weakness for exploitation.

- Expect everything for free. Would rather live in squalor than work until the next gimmiedat comes along.

- Always bringing one another down. Inverse sense of community is destructive and demotivating instead of uplifting.

- Don't understand cause and effect.

- Engage in destructive behaviors to the point of ruin to impress others.

The list goes on and on.

I agree with you, save european whitey.
It's self-preservation.