
Fucking women are dying now because they have made all men scared of rape accusations and lawsuits for touching them,

So no guys will perform CPR anymore.

I don't know how to perform cpr, so I wouldn't attempt it anyway.

CPR without consent is pretty much rape, why shouldn't I press charges for a strange man touching and kissing me in public? dumb bigot author doesn't know anything awhat he's talking about

sad thing is some dumbass woman out there really thinks like this or close to it

Who's this guy?
I always hee him posted here.

he did like youtube reviews of food or things way back when i think.
super autismo

Stop being fooled by over exaggerated identity politics and Sup Forums

Normal people aren't throwing around d false rape accusations. The world isn't a college campus. Normal people don't even know what feminism us, and not do they fucking care about -isms

Women are dying because of the bullshit they claim to want.

This never ever happens.

I used to say this until my mainstream normie friends busted out the white privilege narrative on me.

It is more mainstream than you want to admit.

>Normal people aren't throwing around d false rape accusations
You're right they're not normal but it happens frequently

feminism is cancer and needs to burn. if a whole generation of roasties need to die in order to purge it then I would say it's worth it.

Don't know how anyway.

why not just go gun us down then senpai?

Artificial wombs will soon finally allow our race to continue without being trapped by the vaginal Jew.

He's the food reviewer we need, but don't deserve.

why is everyone so gung ho about this technology here but doesnt see the real power of it?

>manlet reviews foods in a suit,
>its all garbage food
hes exactly the food reviewer we deserve.

Hes also not Steve, who is infinitely superior.

I live in a large liberal city and it happens quit often in the work place. women, liberal ones, are especially petty and don't give a second thought about destroying a man's life. honestly the only way to deal with women anymore is to be coldy polite and keep interactions to a minimum. I've seen way too many guys go down over total bullshit.

why would I do that? you're killing yourselves

yes but steve reviews things the vast majority of anons will never try themselves. Reviewbrah is reviewing fuckin neetfood

>killing yourselves
lol kay, yeah we're really dying in enough numbers to stop feminism.
thats what makes it good you fucking faggot, it makes you want to try that food, want to get into mre or prepping and learn and grow as a person, learning about food storage techniques.

review brah just encourages trying out garbage to line the pockets of shitty restaurant food.
he may make it enjoyable but you dont grow anything but more fat if you aspire to try or eat any of the shit he touches, and the only reason he does it and finds it novel is because hes used to having real good food.

Giving an unconscious female cpr is the worst form of mansplaining.

Think about it. Here is this wahmen not asking for help and then some guy comes over and literally explains to her body how to operate properly.


they arent touching you anymore anyway
thats the Point of this thread

"huuur but what if a women did the cpr and then what happened duur"

It's bait you idiot.