Muslim here. Why are you westerners so cucked and effeminate?

Muslim here. Why are you westerners so cucked and effeminate?
>inb4 “I’m not” as you sit on this board crying about minorities all day

Other urls found in this thread:

You don't understand user, Islam is a threat to our superior moral values!

We didnt use to be like this. Europe has had more wars and genocide than any other continent. It has something to do with all the wealth we have nowdays. It makes soft.

I mean... user! They want to destroy our christianity!!!

Bet ya I could kick the shit outa u no problem

Europeans were wealthy before as well and that didn’t change anything.

That's a Sikh you retard

why dont you go back if you hate the west so much then?

I bet you can’t but you can try.
Where did I say I hated the west? Someone’s a bit delusional.


>bet ya i could make a claim and not back it up when it comes to it

Why not actually arrange this fight? Im getting bored of larpers, just arrange it, someone get a discord and we can put goodboy points on it

We were dirt poor until industrial revolution. When you think about it we had two world wars on our continent and until nuclear weapons we had constant war.

>so cucked and effeminate?
Excuse me?

Because we live in a society of progress and lifequality.
And dont belive in a deathcult of a tousand year old barbaric, pedophile massmurderer

All the Christian photos are from centuries ago. Christian women are all whores btw as are all women.

fucking niggers


Brother they actually say things like "white women are the prettiest women on earth" and then post pictures of white women, as if inviting us to have their womem, pimping their women. They have no honor.

Cuckoldry is ingraind in their culture and maybe their genes.

It is the natural cycle. Now that the weakness of the softness is provoking incursion by hungry outsiders, a new base of strength is being provoked in turn, as the facade of safety gets rudely torn away from the western nations. Those from outside who seek to exploit now will be rudely awakened in their turn, when the remaining strength of the west is reconstituted and directed against them.

Not true. There were Europeans raking in gold prior to the industrial revolution.
>le muh muslims
>literally westernized cucks
That’s a great representation of the state of your society. Thanks.
>muh progress
>as he gets his wife’s son on his first hormone therapy for his sex change
Enjoy your progress ;).
What’s funny is 99% of the women they post wouldn’t even get close to them.
>natural cycle

Sunni or shia?

is that faggot wearing eyeliner lol

Brother fuck you and your barbaric cult ;
The slmplest way to explain is:
The worse you are in beeing a muslim ;
The better you are as a human

I don't know, but it's the only way I can feel good about taking big Arab cock into my hole.


If you want you can fly down here and i will smack the shit out of you.

No its cucktianity it causes a moralfag slave mentality.

the Islamic world is full of inbred paedophiles just like the prophet Muhammad

Atheism has not been truely tried since whites still operate on christian madness LIKE HURR DURR HELP ANYONE WHO IS POOR OR IN NEED HURR.

Don't be fooled by mainstream media, westerners are not cucked despite the media giving that impression.

they have always been faggots

It's called kohl
Actually prophet Muhammad literally wore it and dyed his beard. No wonder all the lolis were crazy for him, like they are for Jack Sparrow


luxury has made us weak. The brainwashed idiots don't seem to mind more and muslims pouring into our countries, but you shouldn't expect the same amount of indifference from the rest of us. We may not succeed in preserving what's left of our decadent civilization, but if you do, remember that it only makes you a ruler of ruins, not a true conqueror. Islam is laughably depraved and insane considering that most of you are inbred. Don't get too cocky, because like Aeneas we will escape from the burning city and lay ground to a new and greater civilization than before. SOL INVICTUS

that's a good thing, they will die out in time?

>So many light colors flooded with muslims
Except Czech. Czech is special.

Hey Muslim, why are ragheads always such cowards that need to immigrate to a Christian country which they hate and try to fuck shit up?

>There were Europeans raking in gold prior to the industrial revolution.
A handful of monarchs and nobility. Less than 0,01% of population.

There were also nigger kings raking in gold but that didnt make their population wealthy.

Says literally the most effeminate and cowardly people on earth.

if theres no war, the immigration problem are came from shitholeuropean nation like you.

Is that even a question? Shias aren’t muslims.
I live in two countries. Are you so poor you can’t?
And all the merchants and business owners that deal with them.
>implying parts of Italy didn’t see wealth like never before
>Implying only kings held wealth

Cucked and effeminate Westerner here

Why are you muslims so sexy and alpha? :^)


Medieval merchant class (bourgeoisie) was small and weak compared to modern day business owners. Land owning nobility had most of their wealth created by peasants.

>S-shias aren't real muslims
Shias are literally cucking the entire sunni world right now. How does it feel to know that your faith is soon going to be dominated by persians?

I wish my boipucci were dominated by Persians :^)

Okay so thanks for agreeing that it want just nobility and monarchs.
I’m not worried at all, as I said those are nonmuslims.
>Iran chucking anyone by themselves

>richest man ever
>didnt manage to build up his nation for shit
>splurged it all on useless shit, bling and travels

And OFCOURSE he's black, lmfao!

Us shia Persians are juust crypto Zoroastrians.

The magis remember.

I'm a Sunni but I must say that the only non-cucks in the Middle East are Shias
I am fully supporting Iran

Sunni takfiris only know how to bomb themselves

TYPICAL fucking nigger lol shias cucking sunni world like there is no tomorrow and sunni countries except turkey are all industrially behind Iran. you guys are mostly niggers anyway.
>pic iran UAV

>I'm a Sunni

That mean's you're sexy and alpha :^)

>I’m Sunni
>recognizing Shi’a
>le cuck cuck cuck
>grts bombed by Israel repeatedly and does nothing
Oh yeah super cuck lol

>Iraq - shia militias win, sunnis btfo
>Syria - Assad and alawites win, sunnis btfo
>Yemen - houtis win, saudis btfo
>Lebanon - Hezbollah win, saudis and jews btfo
>Iran is the one being cucked here, not us
Which makes the whole situation even more hilarious. They are literally going to submit islam and turn it into zoroastrianism 2.0

>haha you guys are such pussies haha not like me who fled my homeland im a real tough guy haha gib visa pls

We hate the people you are talking about too.
Best policy in the us is wait and see on Trump while recruiting heavily.
If Hillary had won we would be outdoing isis in terms of political terror and false flags by now but more effective and without getting caught ever.
Pool is a board of peace. Violence is bad. Never do violence

As-salamu aleykum, brother. Western cucks should be our slaves, when we are going to conquer them?

our women are emotional creatures and are brainwashed by leftism and kikery
they think that allowing shitskins to live and migrate is a virtue
we know that is not true but we allow it because we love them
when a critical mass occurs and enough of them are hurt and they begin to nag us
then something is likely to occur and in a very short time there wont be a single one of you left alive
there is only so far people can be pushed


> Blowing up people is not being man.
Man up and leave that Jewish controlled Christian and degenerate country. You don't? Let me tell you why. Cos you're an asshole who doesn't have balls. You live in peace of that country instead of jihad. Geez. Be a man faggot

> go to random Shia mosque to knock out asr prayer
> Hear a woman's voice on a mic while praying
> Go over to find a female Muslim psychologist holding a seminar
> It's about applying Ghazali's cycle of the repentant believer to modern psychology and ending drug addiction
> Audience is segregated
> Brothers side has 4-5 older men chilling
> Other side is packed to capacity with 40-50 young chador'd cuties (pic related)
> sweating hajji.jpg
> Leave quickly after seminar is done, haven't come back yet

Heil Ata!

oooohh look! another self-hating European thread!

> Implying Islamic philosophy, grammar, science, and fiqh weren't already dominated by Persians

Tell us something new

Muslims can't even win wars/conflicts unless they are against other Muslims. The only reason you're still in America is because TBT invited you into this multicultural "experiment" and brain washed the population to go along with it.

The future is female u fucking retards

LOL WHEN DO ISRAEL BOMB IRAN NIGGER ????? also we are not like sunni losers

I am indeed. Minus the salafi beard. Mine is short.

I'm not saying that Shia theology is always based but still, Iran is the biggest counter force to American hegemony and Pissrael in the region. It's something that I respect. If only we could just stop this "muh shias are kuffar" shit and get united as a real Ummah we could do great things.

Muslims literally regularly fuck little boys and say it's not gay because they're underage

You think we're sissy faggots? You're projecting

Would you like to have a cute'ish Bavaryan bf? :^)

But i don't cry about minorities while i'm here.

I shit post with silver linings of wisdom.
Also i can buy all of your goats with 1 bitcoin.

Why does it has to be burgers to make shitty arguments everytime?
Saying "Muslims do X" doesn't make it true user you know?
>inb4 bacha bazi punished by death by the Taliban MUSLIMS before that Cuckmerica 'set Afghanistan free'


request: makeapp

>mistakes Belgian flag for German flag

Typical uneducated amerimutt

ummah get united but only with white muslims as first class citzens niggers , pakis and arabs will be second hand citzens

Doesn't matter. There are no countries outside the US. You're all just a psyop.


>not being a Shia chad

Without us wouldn't exist you dumb nigger.