In your ideal country, who should or shouldn't be able to vote?
In your ideal country, who should or shouldn't be able to vote?
No vote
>gays/lesbians/trans/made up genders
>people of other ethnicities
>people with I.Q lower than 90
you and your mother
In the USA, people in Government like Jerry Brown and Obama who say aliens can vote should be locked up for suborning voter fraud.
So, start with citizens.
Then decide if you want to be free or not, and inspect this chart... Then it becomes obvious who should not be voting.
No one, everyone obeys the monarchy or gets beheaded.
Helot lives matter
An ideal country is dissolved.
The right to vote would be earned by military service.
Everyone who pays taxes should be allowed to vote for the government towards which they pay taxes, e.g. poors who pay sales tax should be able to vote at the state level, but not nationally.
The idea that people who don't contribute money to the pot should be allowed to decide how it's divvied up is irrational.
I am partial to starship troopers model.
Simply being born or walking into the country isn't enough.
Even the simplest tests, like a high school diploma would make a HUGE difference.
Can you imagine if they required everyone born in the US to take the citizenship exam we have for immigrants?
>Service Guarantees Citizenship
No one. Theocratic auspices, and a special sect will be trained to annihilate the inner circle or exile them if they betray the will of the Gods.
The people will simply vote by destroying the city if the theocracy becomes corrupt.
>>people of other ethnicities
>>people with I.Q lower than 90
These two are enough. IQ higher than 90 auto excludes the other 2 you mentioned
t. Ahmed
No vote:
>people with lower than average IQ
>anyone that is 3rd generation or lower- immigrants, refugees etc.
also, the power of each vote should be based of a percentage a person taxes, with a maximum amount of 1 vote counting as 2.
another system would be voting on multiple causes instead of parties.
people check their priorities from what they want to support the most to the least.
there should eb a minimum amount each cause gets, but the more people vote for a cause, (say healthcare for example), then healthcare gets more money to spend.
that means that the people can influence more and with a minimum amount to keep things running, this wont fuck up countries.
One vote per married, landowning, net tax paying couple with at least two children, natural or adopted. Widows and widowers retain their vote, but divorcees lose theirs. At least one of the spouses must be a natural-born citizen.
>at least 30 years of age
>with family
>with job
>with property
>has served voluntarily for at least 2-3 years in the armed forces
>IQ has to be above 95
Sure not that many people would vote, but those who would, would be the cream of the crop!
Only people with iq higher than 140 should be allowed to vote
Only married men over the age of 23 with children.
>armed forces
>IQ over 95
pick one
vote only for men
non-Muslim White (at least 95% origin in Europe, Midde East and North Africa) Goyims.
Government is more than how contributed money is divided up
My nibba.
Pretty much this.
I believe that you should have a stake in matters you vote for. So many people have given nothing to this place, nor put in anything and yet think they deserve a voice for simply existing.
A turd exist as well, dogs and cats too. We might as well let them all vote.
Give nothing, get nothing.
You are simply living here and have nothing to lose. That's why we have all these rich liberals that want refugees, but when it's time to place them in homes? Do they offer their mansions? Nope it's off to the slums where they are allowed to make things worse for the average man, woman and child.
Every one has a voice, but we should also be free to not listen. Mine included.
This makes sense, dunno about requiring 2 children but w/e
jesus christ, is california the ultimate soyboy state?
>Sup Forums actually believes this
Yes Vote = Me
No Vote = Everybody else
Property owning married men and soldiers. That's it.
>yfw liberalism is just the brain foolishly trying to learn everything too quickly, peaking young, and then never growing beyond the mentality of a smart young child
>Dixieland Catholic Monarchy with a Roman style Senate
Plebeian males who own land can vote for the plebeian section of the senate, but the lords ARE the other part of the senate. The King still has final say in most matters.
>Pol is one person
Seems like regardless of what you may believe, you're definitely somewhere on the lower end of the spectrum
In my ideal, post-revolutionary socialist society:
the ruling class
and those who defended capitalism in general during or after the revolution
will have no right to vote or freedom of speech / right to voice their opinions through mass media.
Throne and altar.
Not really. Greeks who are leftisrs are usually not of greek descend
Only right wingers and nationalists should get to vote.
Globalists and leftists should not be allowed to vote because they want to abolish nations anyway.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the thinking man's fetish
this is called intellectualism, and left-brain imbalance.
In an ideal world, we would depopulate the earth until only the depopulation overseers were left alive. Then they would each kill themselves at the same time in a method that ensures no survivors.
That would be an ideal world. No more racism. No more wealth. No more pain. No more happiness. No more death. No more life.
Just end it all without having to bicker about being too nihilistic to have as say in the matter.
women and kikes, remove those two from the vote. further kikes shouldnt be allowed to run for office, they have no allegiance to the country they reside in. dumb bitches and the tards trying to fuck them are 60% of our problem.
White men with a family (that includes kids) and no debt.
Only Jews
Voting?! HAHAHA!
Technocracy all the way!
People must pass a test that analyses the cognitive functions and the knowledge of an individual in order to obtain the license to be considered an adult and get possession of your own rights from your parents or carers
Adults can vote if they acquired a licence through a similar test that analyses the knowledge regarding politics in general, plus a more specific test whenever particularly complex issues are asked to be voted on.
in short, ideally opinions matter only when backed up with the knowledge of facts that support them.