Glad to see this absolute homo get the boot. He did "Prairie Home Companion" on NPR. They are eating their own.
Garrison Keillor fired after accusations of sexual no-nos
Other urls found in this thread:
>the left calls out their sex offenders, unlike the right which has no principles and is the hill the right is willing to die on
Woah what terrible optics for the left, KEK
Nobody here even knows who this is, but all the libbies do. He's one of their NPR heroes.
>ruining lives based on allegations
>choosing primarily lefty cucks to target because you know they'll roll over and let you ruin them
i have no idea what part of this is good optics aside from your assertion of "there exists a possible alternative where people who have actually raped are going unpunished"
Why lie?
Lol... that guy is such a grammar Nazi creep...
Their ship is sinking.
Rollin' for Ari "popper breath" Shapiro next.
I should have circled that byline.
It was a quite week in Lake Wobegon
Grabbin ass and eating flapjacks with old Jack Rider down at Minnies House of Slap Tits and Viagra Shake shop.
The Johnson kid just got back from a tour of Iraq, and we all gathered round to finger his pie hole down by the old springhouse.
If you didn't do it then contest it and say so. None of the people on the left ever do that, they just step down or admit they did it like pussy fags
This was just published yesterday.
Ha! Have a (you)
Agh shit I used to like this guy, too. Prarie home companion is dead with out him. He made the show. It's garbage without his perfectly paced joke delivery.
Shut up Weimar II Electric Boogaloo
I literally just read that column and then got a notification saying he had been fired. Fucking SCARY
I mean he's a lefty fag but after a point we need to realize that there's a war on men going on and that the left/women are using this shit to get the jobs they'd never get any other way by getting rid of the competition. And make no mistake it's not just men but white (and Jewish but in this case they're lumped into white) men. Have you seen any chinks, spics or kangz accused of this shit and run solely by accusations? Especially with the kangz, they can't control themselves normally as is.
I know there's a "reaping what you sow" feeling that's nice but this is starting to go beyond politics. Imagine you're at work, some woman wants your job, all she has to do now is accuse you of "inappropriate conduct" and take the time you accidentally brushed up against her and morph it into a story of a leering man forcefully grabbing her tits or ass and you're done. The HR (mostly women of course) and higher ups at companies are showing that accusations with no proof are tantamount to guilt.
This is what happens when you make a club out of throwing stones at glass houses.
Prairie Home Companion was merely "how do you do my fellow goyim" swaddled in chucklefuckery. Same thing with NPR's infatuation with bluegrass music.
it was always gay garbage for trash faggots
So? Fags like Keillor are libfag pro-feminists who supported this shit to start with and now they're all getting a taste of their own medicine
That's awful!
(Just like Prairie Home Companion was.)
Did you even bother to read my post? Yes he's a fucking low-T fag but it doesn't matter. This shit is getting out of control and it's only a matter of time before they start coming after normal people. They already do to an extent (Title IX courts in colleges).
David Letterman isn't aging very well.
Perhaps as the net gets wider people will realize how ridiculous the rules against broadly defined "sexual harassment" are.
Good, let it get out of control, if you didn't do shit then just fucking fight back, the ones who fight back are the ones in the clear, the ones like this faggot and all other libcucks all knuckle under and admit they did it or resign so it's their own fucking fault for being such beta pussies and not fighting back
Rolling for Bill Nye to be next.
ITT: numale mutts clapping as men around the globe are destroyed by snowflake feminists.
>the ones who fight back are the ones in the clear,
tell that to Jeremy Piven
>then got a notification saying he had been fired. Fucking SCARY
Oh user, it's much scarier than you think
Prarie home companion was never good. Id rather watch the big bang theory
I don't know the story with him, seems like a jew though
Huh, well, shit. The guy espoused Liberal shit, but as being a member of his target audience (regionally) I loved the PHC.
Justice Boner is Confused.
What did Garry do to Martha in the broom closet down at St. Olaf’s Lutheran Church during the bake sale and fish fry in Lake Woebegone, where the stories are always pleasant, and the Valium-laced voices of its protagonists conceal a dark history of racism that never answers why there has never been a NAACP, BPP, or BLM in the small town, nor what happened to those Jewish and African American freedom riders down at the tree with the big branches of Farmer Clyde’s land.
Car Talk was the only good NPR show.
>mfw Letterman got away with fucking his interns and eating pussy in his office at the Ed Sullivan Theater
This sexual harassment shit is getting out of hand.
>being honest makes you a pussy fag
>bitches about corruption and dishonesty
m-muh swamp
Had this cop show going called "Face in the Crowd" or something, multiple women accused him of inappropriate touching, he vehemently denied it, seemed like it was brushed under the rug, then his show got canceled yesterday.
Seconded. The rest of NPR has voices like heavy tranquilizers.
>Lake Ho-be-gone
there are lots of Sup Forumsbros who listen to NPR regularly and even then plenty of people are at least familiar with this faggot's contemptuous patronizing of middle america
Post of the Year
>I have no idea how cult mentality works
>What is projection?
>What is ideological cannibalism?
Of course you had to be a cuck kraut piece of shit
guys guys guys!!! just got $550 deposited into my account!! Only 3 hours till i leave my house to go collect my heroin. gonna be so high sooooon oh fkn yaaaaaaaaaaa!!
I've never even heard of that show, sounds more like it got cancelled because it sucked
I tried listening to NPR years ago and even way back when, it was insufferable obnoxious lefty garbage
yes that is also a possibility, and the timing was just inconvenient.
I want to say women learned nothing from The Crucible & The Scarlet Letter...but then again I think they did learn something...they found role models in warped Puritanism
Dat Jezebel spirit
Could be, honestly no idea because I never heard about it
Enjoy your fentayl OD!
well he looks like a fuckin creep so im not surprised.
>learning from the past
lol, most women have no fucking clue about history other then maybe shit that happened up to a year ago, in fact most people don't know shit about history, they just pretend by looking up shit on wikipedia and suddenly think they're experts on everything
My God, will quiet folksy Mayberry be next?
Mayberry has descended into poverty and meth use, but on the other hand thanks to the Bush era sale of military surplus to police departments, you should see what Sherrif Fife is packing these days. Way more than a revolver with one bullet in the gunsafe, I’ll tell you that.
>Have you seen any chinks, spics or kangz accused of this shit and run solely by accusations?
Oh that time will come sooner than expected. The male purge is about to commence thus leading the gender war.
Let it happen. Women will be the first to admit they can't captain a sinking ship. The nu-males will be purged and the rest of us will come in and salvage what we can.
I always thought Garry was just a closet racist with liberal veneer, like he would be ok with blacks, just as long as they ate their pie down at Ms. Maggie’s pie shop and left town, and secretly praying they wouldn’t move in with their ghetto blasters and their hip-hop break dancing. Didn’t know he was a perv.
I won't be happy until someone an heros. This guy would be as good as any.
I'd like to see them try. Are they going to declare me not a virgin so they can press rape charges? I might be flattered.
none of that shit in oz yet..
>The nu-males will be purged and the rest of us will come in and salvage what we can.
By that time we will all be dead, The females will survive the apocalypse to continue the Female Age.
Google "Mayberry 1982":
>Narrator: Opie Taylor. Once he was a young, small-town wimp who got beaten up for his lunch money.
>[Dissolve to photo of grown-up Opie in soldier's uniform] But then he left home and grew up fast in Vietnam.
>[Dissolve to photo of American soldier in Vietnam] and taught the Viet Cong a lesson in small town American values with a flame-thrower.
>[Dissolve back to present-day Opie in Floyd's store] And now, he's back ready to clean up Mayberry with a loaded .357.
You seem to misunderstand. The left isn't sacrificing anyone of importance, and those who are accused will be replaced by women or POC. The left is disappearing its white men.
Was? Is it gone? I haven't listened in ages.
He just wrote a piece defending Al franken in wash post yesterday!
After they completely destroy themselves, they think they'll be able to take down Trump with the same tactics.
They're in for a rude awakening :^)
Or all of the offenders are lefties. My supposition has as much proof behind it as yours.
Which is great, racial polarization is necessary to wake Whites up.
Exactly. Regular guys were already getting screwed by weak accusations, especially if they were on a college campus or in a divorce. Abuse charges are a favorite for divorcees looking for an advantage with the judge. Let people see how that works, on the big stage.
That had to be some comfy sexual advances.
>You didn’t spend your childhood
Sundays eating breakfast with your family in the kitchen listening to Prairie Home Companion
I feel sorry for you user
Hey, bby I got a lutefisk that will make your Lake Woebegone.
PHC was garbage hipster faggotry for people who "just get it" when their friends ask about it yet nobody with an actual brain elects to listen to THE MOST BORING MAN ON RADIO. Fucking hokey bullshit should not be paid for with tax dollars.
Reading these posts in his voice has been the hardest I've laughed all year.
>Hey, bby I got a lutefisk that will make your Lake Woebegone.
He says as blue grass plays in the distance.
Jesus... Those days are long gone, memories fading, but the /comfy/ feeling remains.
>Tuning the ancient vacuum tube radio at the cabin until you heard Garrison's voice in the summer mornings.
I got your Prairie Home Companion right here babe
This boner is brought to you by PowderMilk Bisquits, my lady.
You know it's PowderMilk when it starts to rise.
Look for it at your local grocer, next to the vibrating fishing lures.
I'm so glad this is happening.
Not that i have anything against Garrison but this new character of sexually aggressive Garrison is too fucking good.
>Woah what terrible optics for the left, KEK
This, but unironically. Always double down.
Did he do straight or gay no-nos? If gay, we should start talking about "Fairy Home Companion".
Dave copped to it and apologized instead of hiding it, now he's the one laughing.
Damn he was the last person I would have suspected.
Damn, Centrelink is so awesome.
I knew a girl who had a restraining order against him because he was such a pervy creep.
>Did he do straight or gay no-nos?
So far nothing sexual is being reported, just "innapropriate behavior".
Maybe he told Jew jokes or took bribes from advertisers or farted in the coffee pot?
I hate it when it's vague like that.
People are going to pile on and then it ends up to be a big nothing burger.
>there are lots of Sup Forumsbros who listen to NPR regularly
they really showed their true colors last year. fuck this guy, his show makes npr the cracker hour all weekend
It figures. This demon has not tried the powdered milk and is being salty on an amerimutt hot dog eating contest digest.
Checked for truth
It was true American culture watered down, processed and repackaged for the liberals
This. A breaking point will be hit and there will be a backlash and everything will eventually go back to how it used to be.
>I mean he's a lefty fag but after a point we need to realize that there's a war on men
It's the battle of the cat ladies vs. everyone sane. And the casualties will only fall on the side that is run by cat ladies. This new power they've given themselves allows them to destroy their own and further push themselves away from middle america.
>Imagine you're at work, some woman wants your job, all she has to do now is accuse you of "inappropriate conduct" and take the time you accidentally brushed up against her and morph it into a story of a leering man forcefully grabbing her tits or ass
Literally happens everyday, happened twenty years ago, will happen as long as women are in the workforce. The difference is, accusations alone getting people fired is a lefty thing. It's part of their "core feminism" which is "always believe women." They think they're being good lefties by always, ALWAYS believing the woman, no matter how outlandish her claim. Sane people aren't that committed to lunacy.
I think that you just described most Liberals. Public face and private face.
That's a well-earned (you).
>eating pussy
Why? Not everything has to be eaten, you fat fucks.
Lake Wobegon, where the men are cucks, the women are knocked up, and the children look like the etiopian immigrant next door
>but after a point we need to realize that there's a war on men going on and that the left/women are using this shit
The left is eating itself
we just need to keep sowing more and more division
Fags VS Transformers
Blacks VS illegals
Transformers VS women
POC Women VS White women
see what I am getting at?