Bongs your government is so fucking retarded

Bongs your government is so fucking retarded

Our Speaker, John Bercow is an absolute leftist fag. This is known.

The Parliamentary system is better than your piece of shit system though, as terrible as it is.

Why does the rest of the world care so much about what we do?

It's because Trump is a literal walking memelord.

Don't really understand your points m8's, two members raised a point of order in a fairly empty house and the speaker said "Ok, home secretary is not obliged to make a statement atm thanks for your point."

Like literally what is your issue of this literal who's raising this point?

Because they want to believe they're actually relevant.

"Oh but didn't you drumpfettes know that nobody likes Trump in the UK?"

ok? who cares? Nobody asked for your fucking opinion Mohammed.

I look forward to the EU imploding once they have to pay for their own military.

Why does May think she needs to comment on what Trump does?

>tweet a thing
>plunge country into chaos


it's easier than actually doing something about what's happening in your own country

the british actually pay these clowns to talk about something other than BRITISH politics and concerns. their parliament is one step away from a daytime talk TV show, all it needs is for them to all be facing the same direction

Why does trump think he needs to comment on what X Y Z do? It's what heads of state do you fucking mutt.

I can’t understand how people can get so worked up over everything. Literally everything. It’s not like he said fuck niggers or heil hitler. Hell even if he did say that it’s just words. Nearly everybody still has food on the table and a warm home so what really is there to kill yourself over? We need another plague

>the british actually pay these clowns to talk about something other than BRITISH politics and concerns.

These shameful politicians will do anything to avoid actual work.

Don't you have a unelected house of Jews/Lords
Do they fight for the indigenous English?

When will the UK ban him from entering the country?

They banned him from speaking at parliament because he hurt their feelings

Because he is the leader of the free world and May is the leader of a tiny Muslim colony island? That's my guess. It's quite a stark difference.

Oh its coming dont you worry brother

>Leader of the free world

Oh my sweet summer child

Because most of the world other than a few nations are irrelevant they have no say they're not important there nothing they have as much political power as New Zealand nothing. I love when Leafs cry about Donald Trump I know they secretly wish they had him because Justin Trudeau is an embarrassment

>point of order
>trump tweet
It's been awhile since I've read RRoO, but I don't think that's what a point of order actually is.

Maybe the faggot anti free speech commie collaborators will let him tweet from here?

>Islamic Leader of the free world

Oh my sweet summer Aiesha

>royal family will be BLACKED
>Muslims taking over country
>Trump’s tweets are more important


Our politicians aren't actual politicians, no one in the House of Commons has picked up a book on political theory in their life, they have no principles, they are literal talking heads who represent foreign interests for Ashkenazi pocket money

well, their Royal Family is niggers and London has a terrorist for a mayor. What did you expect?


>Bongs your government is so fucking retarded

In other news, water is wet.


you mean khan not charles right britain is a islamic caliphate now thanks to future pm sadik khan