Can we meme who the next (((Hollywood celebrity))) to be accused of sexual assault will be? To do this, we need to all agree on one (((celebrity))) in particular.
Can we meme who the next (((Hollywood celebrity))) to be accused of sexual assault will be? To do this...
Other urls found in this thread:
Leonardo dicaprio
Ben Stiller
All of them. Every last one. Hollywood will die by the end of next year.
Spielberg pedo rape
seth rogen
Seth Rogen
This guy is next.
I don't care who is next, I just want it to continue ad infinitum.
I sincerely hope Seth Rogen is next, Indiabro.
Ben afflek
Ben Kingsley
Ben stiller
Ben Stein
Ben folds
Ben McKenzie
Ben Chaplin
>Ben Kingsley
It’s far more likely that PoointheLoo will get caught pooing on an undesignated shitty street.
joe rogaine by seth rogin
Patton oswalt killed his wife. Let that be the next scandal
very nice
his saudi backing is gone from twatter. who has jack dorsey raped or murdered?
Let's just agree on Seth Rogen. I can't stand that cunt.
Stephen Colbert
Fuck Soy Rogen.
this is not how you do any of this! You didn't ask for trips, or quads to confirm, fucking gay ass thread
Checked. Soy Rogen it is!
This poo has my sword.
Thanks! kek
amy schumer
>Hollywood will die by the end of next year.
And Nollywood will rise to the top.
Based Poo
Fuck you for posting that.
hold these >99
The Nigerian film industry?
activate it
No I was referring to the Nigerian timber merchants.
>soy rogen
seth rogen. $1000 says hes guilty of sexual harassment. fat 'funny' guys always are
is that a winner?
Seth MacFarlane
seth meatsock meyers definitely diddle boys
How about this celebrity next?
I love you user! You opened up a new world...
Soy Rogen
Soy Oswald
Soy DiCaprio
Soy Colbert 2 scoops of soy ice cream
Any of the big jews.
you've tried for over 2 years now WaPo. just give up.
If Colbert doesn't count as a Hollywood celebrity, I vote Seth Rogen.
I want to seed her
Me too.
iCarly foot fetishist Nickelodeon guy
God damn it! 2 years of no fap down the drain!
Plz let it be Quentin Tarantino. It's long overdue.
Dan "Dirty man hands down your pants" Scnheider
Dan "Slip something inside her cider and hide her" Scnheider
A female doing it against a male.
Hollywood will never die. There will always be a demand for movies because of how our culture has been shaped around it.
Spielberg is a good target but inevitable, so I would throw my vote at DiCaprio, Macfarlane, or Rogen
He would make black and white movie about it. And I would watch it.
hurry up fags
Geffen is also a given and Rogen is going down anyway.
I vote dicaprio if that's too niche
We have a winner. Seth Rogan. God wills it!
Jordan Peterson. You heard it here first. The only question is, with which of the heinz 57 gender varieties did the offense occur?
>heinz 57 gender varieties
>post numer
Also could be good way to boost Memerson even more.
>Trump elected president
>a year later hollywood exposed
Are you tired of winning yet?
Hey buddy
If you want maximum butthurt from leddit and elsewhere: Elon Musk.
I'm 100% sure that it's going to come out that he creeped on some girl eventually but we can expedite the process.