Seriously why do Trump voters vote aganist their own economic intrests?
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You people are retarded, next.
Because propaganda is a hell of a drug.
I'd rather be poor in a majority White country than poor in Mexico 2:Electric Boogaloo.
Tell me how paying more taxes is in my economic interests, you college soyboy. Sage
why do killary voters?
>only voting for your own benefit
>being unwilling to make the smallest sacrifice if it could benefit your nation
Literally nigger mentally.
>Tell me how paying more taxes is in my economic interests, you college soyboy. Sage
LOL did you see the tax increases that's coming you cuckboy?
>Trump voters vote against their own economic interests
>first time for 3%+ growth since before the Obama years
>first time for 3%+ growth since before the Obama years
>real economy=/=wallstreet
>Center on Budget and Policy Priorites
>CBPP was founded in 1981 by Robert Greenstein
gets 'em every time
I don't care about trump.
I didn't vote for trump because I wanted him, I wanted to shift the overton window to the right. That's all that's important.
>A weaker dollar
>More pay
>Still can't afford food and rent
Dumb br macaco didn't even read his article
Why does the progressive stack mean shit as soon as a Schwartzas step out of line
(((White Anglo Saxon Protestants)))
>Losing all your property is in your interest, goyim! Communism now!
oh sorry, you're right. Obamacare was actually good. nevermind that I can't even afford "catastrophe" insurance with a full-time job
curse me for voting against my economic interests lmao... I should have voted for Bernie, he was going to give me free Internet and forgive my student loans (just kidding, I don't have student loans)
>being demographically replaced
>in their own interest
>liberal trying to run class warfare scam on Sup Forums
do you know where you are?
Because every hard working 9-5 tradesman knows 3 pieces of shit that sponge off the system and do nothing but have kids, and it pisses them the fuck off.
For every guy making under $20 an hour that makes too much for benefits and pays taxes so the 3 fucks that don't do shit all day get the fruits of his labor, this enrages the working class. And they fucking see it daily and have to live next to it.
Seriously, go get another college loan, work at a coffee place, and complain about how you don't make enough because you've never worked for your livelihood a day in your life, faggot.
I have a masters and work in research and hear you faggots not understand basic life, all day. Kill yourself.
More money in the hands of wealthy investors means more money getting re-invested, which is good for our markets.
>push for women in the workforce
>import millions of Mexicans to replace factory workers
>act surprised that wages remain stagnant
Welp, better cut off my penis and vote communism!
because for some people money isn't the be all end all?
>against economic interest
>economy at highest it's been in years
>job creation at highest it's been in years
sage'd obvious bait thread
>The (((elite))) losing all their private property is against your interest goyim, free-markets ™ NOW!
How is voting for people that will bring in million of cheap foreign workers in the interest of anyone but rich corporate elites?
Why should I want my salary to be lower or even lose my job to someone that is cheaper than me?
Your chart doesn't show what you think it does, mutt. Rises in productivity have been more due to technology, not to the output of workers. Kys.
It's raising above inflation you retard, and cheaper energy results in a lower aggregated cost of productions so a weaker dollar would only be significant in regard to imports, home-made production would be cheaper and more competitive overseas (also due to the weak dollar).
That's macro 101 dumb merishart.
Face it, youre not that great.
why don't you take a short walk off a high cliff?
>More people working means lower wages under capitalism
>Meanwhile under communism, more people working means more productivity which mores more wealth and shorter work days
>import millions of Mexicans to replace factory workers
Yah and I WONDER who did that.
So I take it you don't want to import the scabs and strike breakers which are the immigrants of today? Are you saying that immigration isn't the bread and butter of the money holding class?
Go eat your monkey soup macaco
>More productive society
>Somehow everyone asides from the rich capitalist jews are worse off
Ironically here in Europe it has always been socialist parties that supported immigration, under the excuse of "international solidarity". Do you really want to make people believe that the average modern day left winger would be against immigration because it damages workers' rights? Lol you clearly never talked to one
>Yah and I WONDER who did that
the cultural Marxists that want white people to become a minority so they will vote democrat unchallenged
>Somehow everyone asides from the rich capitalist jews are worse off
I personally think that two more bailouts are needed. Three to make sure there.
>get BTFO
>make non-argument that was already proven false
Lmaoing @ ur lyfe senpai.
By "everyone" you mean you, cause you're a loser and can't handle it. Less people in food stamps, average wages increasing, more people in the middle class, higher consumer confidence, more people buying more stuff, overall good economic growth, yet you're still a sad pathetic loser.
It's funny because the (((elite))) are the ones pushing communism
Seriously, why are you such a pozzed fucking faggot?
>Are you saying that immigration isn't the bread and butter of the money holding class?
These capitalist motherfuckers influence "socialist" parties with pro-immigration. Immigration is a tool by the capitalist class to import cheaper labor when they can't build factories overseas for slave labor, any other reason is a bullshit reason. The root of it all is money and immigration is profitable for the capitalists which is why they're flooding the capitalist west. This shit only happens in capitalist countries.
>so they will vote democrat unchallenged
>so there will be no viable group that can challenge certain interested parties
The majority of cultural Marxists are bourgeois decadents who are willing to import strike breakers for their capitalist overlords so they can signal about not being on teamwhite.
Communism is a tool of the Jews.
>Trump voters
Explain to me how voting for shillary would have made a difference.
Seriously the shills are out in full force today
You realize if a communist revolution unfolds, the elite will be hanged and lose all their illegally acquired shit. The fallout would be massive. Now tell me why the fuck they would ever want that brainlet.
Best post of the day.
Where is the wall?
And would voting for Clinton (or even Sanders had he won the nomination) have fixed that? They both are against the worker and for devaluing wages.
Trump was a wildcard that has been a bit disappointing so far, but at least he had a shot
No. They'd just fuck off back to Israel. What is capital flight?
Nice pic have one back. So reaching across the idle you would accept the ethnostate so long as there were massive public works programs (not free gibs)?
The people with the most power control everything in communists governments. Mega corps hold all the power they by out politicians from both sides, it benefits them to destroy their competition and the free market and institutionalize their complete control.
Funny how the ex-communist eastern bloc countries are whiter than the West at this point. Capitalist America is the leader in non-White displacement. Travel back in time to the USSR and everything was white. Tell me how a nation run by communists for 70 years became whiter while a nation run by capitalists became browner.
The economy is your God, vote for the jewish Rome a good nigger, I mean goy, I mean bull
kek I don't think I'll get a reply and we all know why
The elite won't lose anything, it will be the middle class/kulaks who lose everything.
>Funny how the ex-communist eastern bloc countries are whiter than the West at this point. Capitalist America is the leader in non-White displacement
Funny how the ex-communist eastern bloc countries are the most anti-communists right wing nations compared to the West at this point. Capitalist America was one 90 percent white into soviet subvert infiltrators launched their demoralization campaign in the late 50s and has been poisoning society since to the point that a communist kike garnered the votes of millions of brainwashed millennial drones.
No, under communism, it just means you have 9 parasite do nothing's for every atlas that is actually making widgets in the factory. That inefficiency eventually brings a company down in capitalism, but does not in communism.
I just like to see liberals cry
Turning my country into Mexico is not in my economic interest.
Accelerationism. Let capitalism implode instead of keeping everyone sucking on the gubmint welfare tit.
Because of the inevitable hanging all communists will receive.
Fucking /thread. I don't know what kind of mental or social deficiency prevents liberals from seeing this.
t.Bernie Sanders donor
no bump for effortless shitposts
What did he mean by this?
its not about money
money aint everything. there is more important issues
To trigger Libcucks, right 'Pedes?
A monkey countered your point and all you can do is sling shit. I think you're done for the day.
if you did your own research rather than let someone do it for you you'd realize that is not the case, and before you credit it to Obama think why did none of this begin until Trump took office? the presidents power is mainly as a figurehead, companies will change policies depending on how favorably the president might treat them
>Why do commies support a system that would cause them and all their loved ones to die?
Riddle me that you leftypool fuckface. You fuckers make my blood boil
>Fucking up healthcare
>Removal of NN
>Removal of exemptions
>OP was not a faggot
In a few years, after many of anons pockets have been looted, I cant wait to see the rage against Trump in this board (if Sup Forums hasnt been blocked by the ISP's there).
No, the elite go to their homes in other capitalist countries. The middle class is the one that gets destroyed. It happens every time.
Because they had other interests that were more important than economics.
rekt by a D E L I C I A
consider suicide.
Why do commiecucks hate masculinity so much?
dont you leftypol niggers have cock to be sucking just like your tranny BO?
Voting for Hillary wouldn't have been in my economic interests either you /leftypol/ faggot.
>not stealing money from someone is a "tax cut"
Massive tax cuts are against my economic interests? Who knew?
Do we know if the person who drew this pig thing was a jew or not?
It's called Porky and is from Soviet propaganda so in all likelihood it was
>muh economic interests
It's not always about money you fucking kikes
>fucking up healthcare
I'm sick of people who have never had to deal with the (un)affordable care act acting like they're experts on American healthcare. There is nothing Blumphf could do that could possibly fuck healthcare up anymore than Obama did.