Why do people on Sup Forums adore Sikhs/Punjabis...

Why do people on Sup Forums adore Sikhs/Punjabis. I'm one myself and I find that my race is no better than the Street Shitters of India. Sure a
we have beef with Muslims, but plenty of other religions and races do as well. Muslims have had beef with Communists, Jews, and Christian Blacks; all of whom are groups that Sup Forums despises?



Northern Indians in general are fucking subhuman. It's funny cause Southern Indians are far more civilized, educated, and cleanlier than Northerners.

North India is where most of the rapes happen.

That's because the whites pulled them up from acting like animals.

>I'm one myself
Poo in turban indian Jew

Anyone who thinks sikhs are bro tier is cucked by their lefty mysticism and has never spent time with any punjabis, these people are the dirty Jews of India.

Sikhism just stands out as being far superior to everything else in the shit pile that is India and the middle east.

we only thing normal of india because of the indus valley civilization. when in REALITY that civilization was ruled by caucasions from the northern caucasus.
They brought buddhism NOT to india but to china and established the silk road with the yellow river civilization.
india never amounted to nothing and they never will. you will always be street shitters