That's DOCTOR Peterson to you!


Other urls found in this thread:

>45 minute interview
That's 200$ for you,bucko.

>Dos likes...

Well looks like TRS just got a couple thousand more paying members

Ive always said anyone who thinks that race is just an extended family is a fucking idiot. Have fun getting taken advantage of by white niggers.

You spelled asinine wrong! Opinion. Discarded.
Start sorting yourself before engaging in an argument with a certified DOCTORATE OF HUMANITIES, plebian.

That's why you NEVER place your trust in man, folks!

Why is everyone such a backstabbing piece of crap these days?

welp, i guess someone has been binch watching rick and morty, checkmate brainlets

>mocks for spelling errors
>"that's not how it words"

>That's "works" there, buddy. Although maybe you have a particular reason for that misspelling.

There's also been numerous studies provinf that, yes, in-group bias is some powerful shit. Almost like it's genetic or something.

That will happen every single time you trust and idolize someone 100%. Have no heroes knowing this, it's a lot easier that way.

Wow, you're really triggered, hunh?

Peterson doesn't live near niggers and would cheer plebs being murdered for resisting integration with niggers. What's good for the goose is good for the gander Peterson. Or are you saying that you are too good/important to walk your own talk on racial integration? Also, why do the vast majority of cheerleaders for forced integration not live near more than token levels of diversity and darkie servants?

There is no such thing as a Liberal who can honestly answer why so few white Liberals walk their own talk on racial integration. Hammer them with this point until they are unable to speak. They are hoping to avoid all discussion of such questions for fear of being revealed as even slightly Pro White. These same Liberals will have you shot for not doing as they say though, so you need to stop making excuses for them.

They're not, you're just a retard for listening to these faggots in the first place

I still admire him to a degree, but only insofar as his actual body of work.

Used to think I'd become a genuine misanthrope, but it's just a general lack of faith in human integrity at this point, not 'hatred'.

Iranians and iraqis aren't white for the same reason albino subsaharan africans aren't white.

When talking about a group of people, white doesn't mean anyone who is lightskinned, it means people whose stock, whose ancestry is native european (for the last 2000 years say). That's it.

swarthy mediterraneans are more white than light skinned iranians.

Why you ask?
Because europeans are the people who made having white skin matter.
When people talk about white people, whether they're anti-white like black lives matter activists or pro-white they're talking about people of european stock , not random light skinned iraqis or afghans.


But if you take this view you're also agreeing with JBPs points. That WESTERN culture is worth saving.
Why does nobody get this?
You don't hear him championing the ideals of IranIan Religious history constantly.


My dyslexia is hilarious.

Stop shilling this faggot here.

But ethno nat recognize that there is some sort of link between race and culture. That link can be associative, causal or constitutive.

He is so obviously rustled. Petercuck knows his position isn't tenable.

57th JP thread today with a meme flag. I can smell the fear from you lefty little bitches.


arent the multiculti cities almost entirely liberal?

we need to change it to european so i can stop hearing this retarded strawman about skin pigment

mount leafmore is unassailable.

PHD blown the fuck out by American mutt with no formal education:

This right here. Don't fall for the D&C lads.


>Ive always said anyone who thinks that race is just an extended family is a fucking idiot. Have fun getting taken advantage of by white niggers.
You know it's possible to police within your own group with shaming and such in a homogeneous society, right?
Le 56% strikes again.


H-heh yeah f-fuck white people man... Jews are based.....

Guess I'll un-pre-order his new book. Fucking twat.

>Dr. Peterson
I'll call the faggot a doctor when he teaches a real subject.

Are ppl finally waking up to the fact that peterson is a greedy little cuck?

DOCTOR Peterson.
I didn't spend six years in Bucko Graduate School to be called "mister" thank you very much.

Seriously....Clean your room! Bucket man! I mean Bucko.


this guy should take a look at the fallacy macro at the top of the board. he couldnt argue his way out of a wet paper bag.

Can someone please tell Peterson that it should be "in regard" and not "in regards"? He loves using the damn phrase incorrectly in interviews. If he's gonna be smart aleck, then his grammar should at least be perfect.

Exactly, Dr. Boomer, that's why we have the biggest hate for Asian Americans and especially Indians, who outperform Jews in all metrics. I seriously can't contain my overflowing resentment, jealousy and irrational hatred. Thank god, you reminded us all that there is nothing to see here!

Bucko up! Clean muh room!

> mfw far right idolises someone (centrist at most) because he hates leftist fanatics who want to shut him up and generally talks about improvement
> mfw far right is butt hurt because he isn't as far right as them
> mfw most "far right" people are technically "far left"

Wow this faggot turned retarded pretty quickly, wonder how much hes getting paid.

Hey man just become a plumber

>appeal to his own authority
is he jewish?

spotted the magapede
next time try to use your tiny little brain and think for yourself
Sup Forums can't always be your mommy

>criticizes blue-haired SJWs
>extends an offer to debate to the SJWs
>SJWs refuse
>Peterson claims this is proof that he is right and they are wrong

>criticizes white nationalists
>this time the white nationalists extend offers to debate
>Peterson refuses
>"o-oh but I don't need to actually debate THESE ideas! Only my own ideas should be freely expressed and entertained!"

Honest discourse for me, but not for thee.
What an intellectually dishonest man. This is what always ends up happening with these centrist figures. Just once I'd like to find one of these guys who's actually open to discussing REAL wrongthink. Not just basic bitch "did you know there are only two genders?" shit that the vast majority of the population outside college campuses agrees with anyway.

Or you can just make a ton of money telling people to clean their rooms while acting as a surrogate e-father to kids raised by single mothers.

Leftypol is so afraid of Peterson that they are shilling against him full time here. Look, Peterson is a good man. If the world were full of more men like him, this world would be a better place. I'd much rather he be my neighbour than some drugged up tattooed leftist fetishist who hits the vape all day. So really, fuck off. Peterson is a good man and we do not hate good men here. He took a wife, he fathered good children, he took responsibility for his own fiefdom aka his home and family, and he taught generations of students. Peterson is a good man, and that's more than I can say for a lot of you faggots here.

I'd rather have Peterson as my neighbour than this guy. Understood? If you have not accomplished something or if you do not take responsibility to make this world a better place, you do not get to know the feeling of pride. Peterson has done all of that. He's better than you so fuck off.

>that white quilt
Someone send this white knight a mirror so he can scream at himself for being too smart for his own good.

Who wants to save western culture? Euro-descendant white people
Who wants to destroy western culture by eroding its values and flooding it with migrants and gibs? Jews, subsaharan africans, and kebabs

It's kind of funny that perhaps criticizing white people and nationalism might be his undoing when he was so worried about being attacked for criticizing leftists

>FUCK white people am I right? Fuckin' faggots ya'll are just JEALOUS of the super intelligent Jew.
>uh oh

peterton doesnt enjoying scrutiny guys we should probably leave him alone

I don't know why this quote makes me laugh so hard. Maybe it's contrast of him trying to reestablish the dominance hierarchy and him actually being a bitch.

>hurr durr never send your kids to university it's a waste of time

Fuck him. I'm done with this asshole. It's not even that I'm invested in the jewish question or a fan of Goldy, but he's acting like a cunt. Just some arrogant quack who has spend his whole life going blabla who uses his title as a shield when he gets triggered.

It is truly the best metric for knowing who is right, when one side totally refuses to even debate you know what's going on.

>having an in-group preference for your own race makes you a FUGGIN NAHTZEE

HOW DARE YOU! Have you even sorted yourself out yet?! Who cares about the white birth rate! You should be sorting yourself out goy! Just forget about it! If the migrants rape your women- SORT YOURSELF OUT If the banks inflate the markets, cause a bubble, and then get socialized losses- SORT YOURSELF OUT If the (((powers that be))) start a war for gold, oil, and drugs... SORT YOURSELF OUT If the elites are running giant pedophile rings... Well, then you must SORT YOURSELF OUT Can't you understand goy that all the other lower iq, lower consciousness races are gonna sort themselves out too?! YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE READING THIS! YOU NEED TO SORT YOURSELF OUT!!!


>muh skinheads
You're clearly not from around here.

Also, you seem to have an inability to separate the argument from the person. If someone is arguing against the opposition, then that's great and they deserve praise. But when they argue against us, then they deserve criticism it's our duty to point out when they're wrong.

you don't need to take people as package deals. If I say 9/10 things that are on-point but that last 1/10 is wrong, are you going to say "well, he's still good overall, so I'm not going to argue against that last thing".

No. Or at least I hope not. you should argue with me about that last thing that I'm wrong about. That's how understanding and truth are reached.

If it's not a nationality, race is a joke

Hispanic is too broad

Latino is too broad

White is too broad

Black is too broad

Asian is too broad

Middle eastern is too semitic

It does for Petercucks. It's seriously what he is teaching them.


Ask me how I know you're not white.

White means native white Europeans

Is there any biological basis to what he is saying? Aren't we just about evolutionary facts? And nobody has talked about aryans. The guy is strawmanning the shit out of this.

ask me how i know you arent Sup Forums

This alone did it for me

>A whole fucking continent
>Italians and swedes are the same
>Spanish and irish are the same
Fuck off

Say your primary nationality, not your continent of origin

And there are 3 main races with a lot of subspecies that evolved differently in their heritages. Yet, it is about genetics and not skin color - there is no 'white race'

>what is white?
Culture of critique strikes again. This goy needs to free his mind from this jewish brainwashing.

Nope, only if you're white. Israel, China, Japan or any of the other dozens of ethnically homogeneous nonwhite countries in the world are allowed to have an in-group preference toward their own people, but if whites have that, then something something GAS CHAMBERS AND ZYKLON B

This is the exact same logic that the frankfurt school kikes used when writing their garbage like the "authoritarian personality" and other works used as pure propaganda on the goyim. The EXACT SAME POST-MODERNIST BULLSHIT that Jordan Peterson has made a name for himself rallying against.

This level of hypocrisy is unprecedented.

You understand nothing. And indeed: Italians, Spaniards, Irish and Swedes share a common European heritage

Because he cares about the race of an anonymous imageboard poster other than jewish jokes

This is like saying that you can't talk about dogs in general, and can only talk about different breeds like golden retriever and poodle.

Lrn2 cladistics you fucking subversive.

You could already tell he was a hack when he used Nietzsche, the intellectual great-grandfather of post-modernism right to Foucault and Derrida, and Freud - an integral part of the Frankfurt School ideology - as tools to """attack""" post-modernism. It's absurd.

Not now that Europe is filled with Africans and Arabs you fool. No I never said America was "white"

Right? The purity shit the TRS crowd pushes when they raid a board or a social media personality is just weird, but also obvious.
I thought those faggots were outed as worshipping a kike loving soy boy by 8ch.

Enjoy every pale mongrel calling themself white then and every proud national group to get called a "white supremacist" group

The reason why he won't debate a white nationalist is because he will get labeled as someone who platforms that view point. Nothing makes you look more alt-right than talking to the literal alt-right.
It's political suicide if he wants the be taken seriously in the mainstream, obviously.



Can you stop moving the goal post when I already refuted you in my fist reply? Thanks.

If there's no such thing as white race why is everbody else lactose intolerant?

It's actually pretty smart.
Can't go full 1488 -- will lose the center
He's going 100% after transhumanism

Oh no! He would have to retire on seven figures and stand by his principles!


Shouldnt u protect your family?

>hurr durr family means having zero boundaries


>Mocks people for misspelling words, makes typos himself
>tells only whites to not be collectivist, defends the jews hardcore at the same time

Christ what a hypocrite. He makes $60,000 a month ALONE from his patreon.

It is not that filled. Even the most cucked EU countries are 85% white natives, with on top foreign whites and then the colored minorities. But the migrant crisis trend IS indees worrying, should it persist for decades.

You still have to be an idiot to think a continent of 500million whites would get brownwashed faster than america within a single decade/crisis.

plus tip

>T. Mrs. Peterson

Gotta keep that blue check somehow...

Is that supposed to be an argument that puts him in a favorable light? Part of his whole shtick is that ideas should be debated and that you can't just dismiss others and deplatform them. And then that's exactly what he does.

If he didn't want to have an actual conversation with white nationalists like Kevin MacDonald or Jared Taylor, then he shouldn't have gone after white nationalism in the first place. you don't get to open up a one-sided argument and then hide behind "oh, it would be bad for my career to engage with you" after that. That's just being weaselly and intellectually dishonest.

It also could be developed culturally. Force people repeat similar task simultaneously and they will synchronize like neurons. Thats what religious rituals are for.

>I make everything immediately my opinion because Peterson said it
What a fucking beta cuck.

>be Yarden Peterstein
>get 70 gorillion shekels / month
>shoah Faith Goldie because she didn't corner (as a fucking interviewee) le natzees
>get blasted on twatter by white nationalists
>get accused of being a natzee by SJW
>try to cuck your way out by virtue signaling
>praise jewish IQ
>there's no race though, what's even white lelelelele
>get blasted on twatter by natzees yet again
>oy vey you are anti-semites because you like your minorities unsuccessful
>you are now between a rock and a hard place just because you didn't want to endanger the 70 gorillion shekels/month in the first place
>and chances are you are going to lose both the shekels and your employment

he will lose everything for his hubris, and i will absolutely enjoy it

The guy has been saying hes a classical liberal from the start, why are you all disappointed? did you expect him to hate black people?

>you agree with a centrist on his views on leftists
>you disagree with a centrist on his views on the right

I don't see how you're surprised.

I'm really interested in his next interview with like minded individuals
