One of these threads
europe too
Purple: Homeland
Blue: Love
Green: like
red: nuke
this is how i feel about the USA
you have to go back, mang.
Same OP, I'm 708
Is it possible to put from new york and still hate it?
Why would you dislike the Dakotas, Nebraska and Montana?
Don't tell me you're from Chicago. You cannot put IL as your homeland if you're from Chicago.
What is there to like?
t nigger
Most of PA is amazing, except for State College, Harrisburgh, and Phily.
Stop talking shit about roman descendants you cumskin subhuman.
whats wrong with the map? its objectively the most accurate representation of productive states in the US every state i dislike is irrelevant nonentity nigger tier
breddy gud
How come you only like Democrat states (except for PA and AK)? It's because you're a nigger.
Old template because I am lazy.
Fuck yanks
i dont care about US politics, like i said i only care about relevance and productivity, lets be honest the states i dislike are full of ex slave niggers and worthless white trash losers
>irrelevant nonentity nigger tier
The only irrelevant state in that area is Wyoming
Now I know that you're white.
Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and Arizona all have big industries you fucking retard. Enough to put all the green states to shame.
This. I live in Pittsburgh. A lot of blacks and white trash. Fun city none the less.
I'll probably end up going to state college for geology in a few years anyways.
Also our city for sports is bretty good. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Especially since our state went red.
I want my Empire back and Europe wants its culture back.
>all this Virginia hate
Damn sure feels good to be the best
Florda isn't that bad. It's actually pretty nice if you get away from the large urban centers.
>get stomped in WWII on literally every front and lose entire empire
>get saved by americans and soviets
I like your accents but that's about it desu
However, our city is getting quite jewed. Roads, water and hunting are getting kinda jewy.
We need tom wolf the fuck out, build the pipeline across state. Potential for natural gas here is too great to have the Jews shut it down or have Obama take credit for it. Same with bill and the .com bubble.
this is my less edgy/extreme map
>mutt education
>I want my empire back after destroying my country with two great wars and letting France mutt the homeland
>this is Muttland's fault, we dindu nuffin
hows richmond doing
>kill the only White, Christian areas with fire
Don't give us too much praise: our main agricultural crop is soy.
>side with kikes in suez crisis and get btfo by mudshits, lose superpower status
>get middle finger from EU after brexit vote, do nothing about it and remain slave state
>prince marries a literal nigger
>all you can do to escape your humiliation as the greatest empire on earth to an irrelevant joke of a country is go on Sup Forums and post MS paint memes
is this better?
There is no Jersey accent, those are refugees of peace from NYC.
DESU I don't really know what goes on in Iowa other than corn stalks and Slipknot.
>leave alive most of the mexicans and blacks
You just want us to be even bigger mutts, don't you?
>I know MA
People on this board need to realize MA is basically white paradise outside of Lowell and Boston and its burrows. Everyone hate niggers, we call them Mondays or Hamsters, schools are segregated beyond belief, and the blacks know which places they aren't welcome with all their 'hood shit.
That sucks. I wish I had a gf with that stereotypical New Joysey accent.
>I don't really know what goes on in Iowa other than corn stalks and Slipknot.
Daysoo, not a lot.
ok this is my no edge honest opinion of the US
what did Hawaii do to you
>All Green states
Texas still takes more from the overall economy than it gives you dumb Kraut fuck, along with the rest of the southern states. Those states are full of niggers and spics too. The rust belt is fucked because it lost its automobile industry and manufacturing jobs
The Amerimutt pics are getting better.
>Texas still takes more from the overall economy than it gives you dumb Kraut fuck
No it doesn't.
>hates Maine, NH, VT and West Virginia
why tho
yes yes tons of beaners here
but I'd rather have beaners than muslims.
My minor is in Spanish anyway, I get along just fine with em. Working as a waiter made me put them farther up on the hierarchy than niggers. Always tip, and their kids are usually well behaved.
Islam is your future
They keep suing the federal government when it goes right of Lenin.
i forgot to color it in i have mixed feelings on Hawaii
Too cold. Legalized gay marriage first.
Maybe it's pretty up there but New Englanders rub me the wrong way.
>too cold
Are you even white?
>Too cold.
Mexican confirmed.
Yes I've just lived in Houston my whole life.
It's 70 degrees here in November.
No just a Texan. You don't understand what a 1 week long winter is like.
Didn't rate the states I haven't been to.
Damn, does a football rivalry really get you that worked up?
Yeah, I am a huge fan of pittsburgh, especially the Penguins. Its only two hours away and is the best city i've ever been to. If I had to live in a city, Pittsburgh would be my first choice. Though it is certainly not without its problems. State college is a nice town just full of liberals from Penn State.
Why can’t CO ever turn up as green by states I like? CO used to be red, damnit. Now it’s just a bunch of fags moving here from shitty places bringing their shitty politics with them. I wish I could get out of Denver. I’m the only one in the world saying that, apparently.
You know what's good.
Other than the Dindus, the Whites in Arkansas are BASED AF. We hate them because they give us a bad rap. No Northerner KEK can comment genuinely on Nigs until they have experienced the south.
>have experienced the south.
people look at you weird up north if you just say
>hey how's it going
>California anything but dark red
Retard confirmed.
There are very few states I hold strong opinions of that isn't hate.
South Carolina is the greatest state in union and confederacy.
>You cannot put IL as your homeland if you're from Chicago
can confirm lived in chicago for a decade until late 2011
You’re full of shit.
>Kids are noisy af
>Speak constant amounts of Spanis
>Order anything in Spanish
>Shops have to hire bilingual people so we can take their money
>No integration
>No “Based Tejanos”
>Founder of La Raza is a Tejano
>Constantly causing problems with the Teas culture
They all have to go back
You can thank you bbc sucking queen for that :)
Whats wrong with NC?
This is the perfect map
>red is love
>blue needs tough lovin'
I live in the Salt Lake Pocket, I can lead the local militia to specific cities/areas/neighborhoods.
Nuke west virginia
I Don't know what you're speaking of lad
not a clue
tough lovin ;)
We are going around giving free guns classes! Nothing bad! ;)
Florida is not the worst state by a long stretch. Only people that haven't lived there say that.
Would never want to live in a place that doesn't experience the white man's weather.