Question for white men

You are genetically predisposed to violent tendencies just like Araps. Just because you do it with more sophistication doesn't mean it isn't there. Every human male with functioning T levels needs to be able to put up a fight and to extent enjoy violence. Your viking,celtic and britonic heritage shows it you can fight and be aggressive just like Araps and niggs.

So why don't you concentrate about throwing out or killing muzzies that are raping your women and stealing your money right now. You leave it to your politics to sort it out? You think writing on some forum will end it or satisfy your hormonal balance?

Because we are civilised and we outgrew that kind of backward, brutal lifestyle almost a millennia ago

You and your countrymen are backwards fuckwits. We are a nation of laws. There is a time and a place for everything.

You're soy boys.

Lol, trophy photo...

I would do the same...

You're asking why large empires become weak and incapable of fighting. No historian has ever really answered that question.

It is certain however that whites made a huge, huge, fucking mistake not conquering the entire world via nuclear bombs after WW2. We are so fucked.

If I kill randoms I go to jail. The best thing to do is prepare. you don’t sound too bright boyo

Only reddit fags and shills /thread their own post, faggot

whites are more violent than anyone else, we just hide it better.


Shill faggot faggot shill

You said it yourself, we’re more sophisticated. The Nazis didn’t just start wiping out the Jews on day 1, they started with words, Hitler got sent to prison and wrote a book which mad election the rest of the country become woke af. After that they slowly began breaking their spirits, subverting their business and eventually sectioned them off. Hitler didn’t even want death camps at first, it was Geobbels who built them and persuaded Hitler.

Whites like to be orderly, clean and do things with civility. Whites use gas and Nukes while the nips use shovels, the niggers use their feet, and arabs use stones.

You are waiting a long time and probably are preparing nothing as an individual...I mean you already had 3-4 bigger incidents of allah akbar in country and also pressure from community to lean to their wishes and submit,I don't see much changing. You need violence on government level for true effect. Diplomacy only prolongs inevitable.

I'm too comfortable man.

We can't because it's illegal. The government monopolizes violence and nothing short of civil war will change that.

USA is 100% brainwashed by media narrative.

>We can't because it's illegal.
Just fyi non-psycho people doesnt kill people because compassion, maybe you will cured soon.

yee that taketh the sword


wow, didn't know they had sjws in Croatia. Guess sucking german dick all the time wasn't such a good idea after all.

>probably preparing nothing as an individual

When the times are right again ... Gott erhalte!

The police will come arrest you, they have permission to be violent and arrest you, whereas exiling rape niggers and taco benders carries no permission. Otherwise I would be out killing dune coons.

False, you're thinking of niggers. Virtually everything good in this world that's happened over the last 300 years is due entirely to white men: abolition of slavery, universal human rights, growth of the free market, medical technology, social progress, etc etc. You parasites blame us because you're a bunch of racist leftwing fags with an inferiority complex