Why do so many Americans not believe in Climate Change?
Why do so many Americans not believe in Climate Change?
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Because global warming and climate change have been shilled as different things
Climate is always changing. Kill yourself E.U cuck
You do realize that liberal nut jobs run the planning departments... so flooding of approved construction is a liberal created problem.
1) look up previous weather/temperature records
2) laugh at how it was actually hotter/colder 70-90 years ago
3) laugh at global warming
I'd rather shit up the whole planet than admit i'm wrong.
Climate change is fake and gay.
Is Sam Hyde the most dangerous man on the Planet? Watch : youtube.com
replacing the roads with rivers and canals would be so comfy
We like conspiracies, contrarian attitudes, and calling liberals liberals too much. Its like the 3 Cs of Conservatism
Brainwashed by big corporations.
Same reason they think net neutrality is bad.
It's the man made part that we don't buy, idiot. It always comes with "solutions" like the US should become a third world country and europe should get gibs. Shit-tier socialist bullshit.
They found oil and gas under Israel, so now they need to stop the green technologies they've been shilling for years.
Because they're retarded.
Just look at American posters on Sup Forums and then extrapolate that lack of insight and education out to 300,000,000 people, many of whom are even dumber.
This answers a lot of my questions about America. Why does their healthcare suck? Why do they keep voting for tax cuts for the rich? Why do they keep doing dumb things over and over again?
The answer is because they are dumb.
because climate change and global warming are entirely different things and everyone knows climate change exists because that's just basic logic but if anyone questions global warming they can simply conflate the two as being the same thin to make the person sound stupid.
You shouldn't have to try to trick people with words if you've got science to back your shit up
>Why do so many Americans not believe in Climate Change?
Climate change does not cause hurricanes, faggot.
because it has been reduced down to buzzword double speak. the definition itself is political so no true discussion can be had. kys
you wanna know what pisses me off about that pic? that girl on the top right
>city flooded
>peoples homes are ruined
>people may need help
>girl try to do a cute pose for a pic in hopes of confirmation on social media
fuckin disgusting whores
Because we get memed by pundits so often that most people don't know what to believe anymore. Personally I believe in climate change, I just wish we would stop being pussies and embrace the WHOLLY NUCLEAR CHURCH
Climate change is just a ploy the left came up with to implement a "carbon tax." This carbon tax is essentially a tax on being alive and producing CO2, which to me is the ultimate cucking. If you want to know what the temperature was over the last 800,000 years, look at the ice core data that is produced from the South Pole. From looking at that data it is clear that CO2 follows the temperature level, not vice versa. That alone shatters the classical lib argument of climate change.
Go suck a dingo. We are just not brainwashed by your queen loving faggot government like you.
But since this board has been taken over by redditors that are probably a freshman in high school and only came here after the election, I doubt anyone wants to have a real discussion.
Because they live inland and they hate the liberals on the coasts anyway.
And also because AGW is commie agitprop.
I'd be more willing to believe in it if liberals didn't blame it for everything. Hurricanes? Claim change. Blizzards? Climate change. Flooding? Climate change. Earthquakes? Climate change. Apparently all of these disasters only started happening within the last 200 years.
A. We are still in (and leaving) an ice age.
B. The kikes defined climate change as being global warming caused by human caused CO2 emissions, which is false.
C. The science is politicized, any scientist speaking out against it is ostracized, true science cannot happen in this climate.
D. I want the world to warm, it has a higher carrying capacity at warmer temps, people who live on the costs are leftists and deserve to get flooded.
E. You are a nigger kike and I hate you.