BASED afroamerican man BTFO right wing SOY BOY!

BASED afroamerican man BTFO right wing SOY BOY!

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He looks pretty faggy/feminine desu

Vegan gains is right though on Soy. Sometimes I wonder how many people actually lift here. If they did, they'd know it.

Didn't care for the rest of the video. Waste of time.

PJW is a flaming faggot of the highest order. (Being gay isn't the same as effeminate, but it's just an amusing fact to point out).

Vegan gains is pretty weird and faggy himself, but at least he has some real muscles.

The entire "soyboy" theory is pure broscience.

This. Soyboys are caused by plastics and petrol products, not soy.


Not at all though, see cosmo the video game streamer, nigger started to drink soylent and then became a tranny, weird stuff and not a mere coincidence buddu

>Soy is my goddess.
>You must not insult her.

He's a leaf Muhammed, not basketball American.

VeganGains is based, PJW is a moron.

>see cosmo the video game streamer, nigger started to drink soylent and then became a tranny,

Okay, that's literally not an argument that has any scientific validity. This is just more sloppy broscience.

PJW is just an idiot youtuber who repeats whatever he comes across for hits and does zero fact checking. He also has utterly baffling diction and flow, with strange emphasis on weird letters.

Vegan Gains strikes me as a lunatic, but in this case he's right.

His voice is feminine as fuck. Though he has some nice gains.

Daily Reminder

>at least he has some real muscles
Looks like the soyleaf has a crush.

An entire thread dedicated to e-celebs, you faggots never cease to amaze me with you unsurpassed faggotry. Sage.

Based father!

t. Alberto da Silva

Move swiftly to engage disinformation campaign! That meddlesome PJW is spreading awareness about our plan to shrink the goy testicles. Send in the steroid pumping vegan shitskin to bring them back in line. Hopefully they won't notice what the tofu did to his voice.

Two faggots lol keep jerking off to VeganLosses though, I'm sure than vegan diet is helping you pick up woman other than 3/10 Belgian Divorce sharks

common misunderstanding. Afro Americans are black or brown. This guy is green. That doesn't make him afro american. Don't worry about it, mistakes happen.

Fuck off with ur shit pjw is an idiot but vegangays is a fucking piece of human garbage. Why don't u go and suck his cucumber cock

mutts are the worst

Tell him to never obscure my homeland place in the map with his disgusting head. Tell him!

Paul is qt

defending soy with his life, sounds like 14 yo boy

That guy is a faggot who hates Trump
He is kike wing not right wing

>he has real muscles
He has weird, mutated biceps because all he does is curl.

>British political commentator
>gym-rat body builder

Why even compare this bullshit? Kys

>No, it does not make you feminine.
>Except for these examples proven with science.
... He does act a bit like a pussy... High pitched voice, no facial hair.

I wonder. If PJW said he agreed to the fight.. you think Soy Boy would actually fight? I mean, PJW is a Brit. I imagine he's been in a few random brawls in his life.
I really think PJW would throw punches in a cage match, and Soy Boy wouldn't, he doesn't know how to fight and knows he won't accept.

Vegan bitch there has oily skin the way only faggots have it, looks like a total bitch. A muscley bitch, sure, but a bitch.

Based Nip deserves some credit- plastics and petrol products are a big source of our total phytoestrogen load, but soy can't be excluded either. If it makes you feel better jap, the soy isn't feminizing when you ferment it the way you guys do, it's the consumption of raw soy that pussies people.

The average woman would still prefer PJW to some roided up mulatto with a weirdly high voice



Well estrogen clears up acne and reduces oily skin so obviously the soy isn't affecting him much

You did get me thinking here.

VG has text book soy overdose. His test level are normal or high due in part to his lifting, but his estrogen level are obviously off the chart,
(high pitched voice, mood swings, pencil neck, and a soft appearance).

Pjw has zero self awareness. He is the soy boy meme was made for people like him.

Vegan Gains is Canadian.

>he thinks PJW writes his own videos
lmao, infowars are goym of the highest order, it's all scripted shit

/fit/izens speak up what kind of supplements is he most likely taking.

So then why doesn't he have gyno or anything?

phytoestrogens don't do shit unless you're consuming huge amounts of the extracted chemical. You'd need over a gallon of soy milk a day to even get enough estrogenic action to do anything.

What the fuck is wrong with his body does he do a shitty routine that involves no core workout.

That's what a decade of lifting on a vegan diet gets you lmao

Vegan Gains is a faggot

Soy is full of estrogens(phytoestrogens), its a fact. Ask any geneticist and he ll tell you the same. Noone is sure of the effect on humans but this black dude sure doesnt help his case, he sounds like a woman on her period

my out of the mountain grand father could have probably beat the shit out of him in his prime. the problem my grandfather in his prime worked in the fields not in a gym all day long.

poystaki o mabroylis

oh god pol is full of greeks and hungerian and any nation that no one cares about. how did that happen?

Biracial Boy sounds more feminine than AT LEAST 90% of women.


>Vegan gains
>V E G A N G A I N S

Did you just post that vegan gains faggot's pic?
