Why does Germany hate the USA?

Why does Germany hate the USA?

>Majority favorable
>they hate you
You guys are really stupid

>le refugees welcome face

hmmm i dont know

We beat them in a war, but unlike Japan they refused to become our vassal so now they hate us.

George Bush 2 was definitely evil incarnate.
Obongo got the Nobel Peace Prize and used it to drone kill hundreds in innocent bystanders.
And then there's Trump.
And all the time, you stand by these guys, you say "we elected him, he represents us", and to show it you really mean it they all get a second term, even though non-brainwashed people have seen in the first 4 years how bad they were.

>Italy: Country we fought a world war against
>Vietnam: The nation where we killed millions of their people, dumped Agent Orange/napalm that permanently destroyed their country/genepool, and actively fucked with for half a century
>Israel: Country that we've supported since its inception and supported with billions to trillions of dollars of aid
The fuck is this bullshit?

I would understand this logic if Germans were nationalist minded in the current post war climate but that is obviously not the case

>declare war on us
>get mad when we beat you

When will Nazi larpers fuck off and die?

>Italy is the highest rated European country that likes us
T-thank you Italy.

>Australia pretty low
Feels good.

Fuck yankees.

How could you?!



Your meme flag is stupid

Cultural appropriation.

Because we are everything they aspire to be. You know this to be true.

Clearly you haven't seen the updated version.

Fuck Australians, go huff some gasoline with your abo and convict friends

Isn't Jordan one of your most loyal allies on Middle East after Israel?

>send Israel billions in aid every year
>veto every UN resolution calling them out on their tricks
Retake the holy land when?

The east Germany are still Russians plants they will never assimilate


The majority of those wars wasn't even the US dragging you in

The leftists dislike you because they are leftists.
The conservatives dislike you because your retarded attempt at cultural cleansing created the leftists

Our culture is closer to actual natsoc ideals than yours currently, meanwhile you get thrown in jail for having a nazi flag or holocaust denial, so no I don't think this has anything to do with it.

Where do you think all the Jews will go if Israel is destroyed, huh?

Plus it's nice to have somewhere to actually ship Jews off to, when the time comes.

Thx for liberating us. We will be forever greatful.

Without America we wouldn’t have fast food, multiculturism, abortions, drug crime, foreign religious extremism nor feminism.

America, the gift that gives on giving.

Shouldn't have declared war on us then, fucking retard.

>On 11 December 1941, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States declaration of war against the Japanese Empire, Nazi Germany declared war against the United States, in response to what was claimed to be a series of provocations by the United States government when the US was still officially neutral during World War II. The decision to declare war was made by Adolf Hitler, apparently offhand, almost without consultation. Later that day, the United States declared war on Germany.

We didn’t really declare war on you. You declared war on our ally Japan... and had supported our enemies the Brits and commies for over 2 years when we finally said we need to stop the nonsense and start declaring war.

Anyway, thx again for all the degneracy, it really made us the cucks we are today. We are striving to become the Le 56 percent just to be like you.

>Billions of war equipment, pilots, advisors and engineers sent to the commies and Brits

oh no, we Americans were neutral all the way!

4 out of the top 5 in Afrika
Guess niggers likes niggers

wtf is going on in the Philippines?

>they refused to become our vassal so now they hate us.

Wants to immigrate, tensions with China.

who would have thought?

gee I wonder why nigger

>We are striving to become the Le 56 percent just to be like you.

You know, you really don't have enough space to make that work.

I'd rather be a Kraut than a mutt

Italians are better than other humans. Get cancer you degen fucks.

>America declared war on Japan
Holy fuck Germans are retarded

>America supported Britain and the commies
Britain is our ally. Supporting commies is unexcusable though.

So is the dislike we see really attributed to modern day Germans feeling jaded about being "liberated" (conquered)? Or is that just kraut Sup Forumsacks? Because if the majority of Germans feel the same as you it really contradicts with who Germans elect

It was easy money for us and we probably would have tried lend leasing to the axis as well if it didnt involve risking war with our friends. We even lowkey supplied you

>John D. Rockefeller Jr. owned a controlling interest in the Standard Oil corporation, but the next largest stockholder was the German chemical company I. G. Farben, through which the firm sold $20 million worth of gasoline and lubricants to the Nazis. And the Venezuelan branch of that company sent 13,000 tons of crude oil to Germany each month, which the Third Reich’s robust chemical industry immediately converted into gasoline. But business between the two nations was not limited to fuel sales – in addition, tungsten, synthetic rubber, and many different components for the auto industry were also being shipped across the Atlantic to the German Führer by Henry Ford. In particular, it is no secret that 30% of all the tires produced in his factories were used by the German Wehrmacht.

Brits are just as much of a euromutt as the average American

You're the evil capitalists in our media

Too many of you have mudblood

yeah nej

Dutes/Trump broship

Do you honestly believe 50% of England has blue eyes?

57% of Ireland?

They probably hate the fucking idiot libtards in the US. I know I do.

>America declared war on Japan, correct
>Holy fuck Germans are retarded

Learn some history, mate. America declared war on Japan.

President Roosevelt formally requested the declaration in his Infamy Speech, addressed to a joint session of Congress and the nation at 12:30 p.m. on December 8.[5] The declaration was quickly brought to a vote; it passed the Senate, and then passed the House at 1:10 p.m.[5] The vote was 82 – 0 in the Senate and 388 – 1 in the House. Jeannette Rankin, a pacifist and the first woman elected to Congress (in 1916), cast the only vote against the declaration, eliciting hisses from some of her peers. Several colleagues requested she change her vote to make the resolution unanimous—or at least to abstain—but she refused.[6][7] "As a woman, I can't go to war," she said, "and I refuse to send anyone else." Nine other women held Congressional seats at the time. After the vote, an angry mob followed her from the Capitol building, forcing her to take refuge in a telephone booth until United States Capitol Police could rescue her. Two days later a similar war declaration against Germany and Italy came to vote; Rankin abstained. Nine other women voted in favor of the declaration of war.

Roosevelt signed the declaration at 4:10 p.m the same day.[5] The power to declare war is assigned exclusively to Congress in the United States Constitution, making it an open question whether his signature was technically necessary.[5] However, his signature was symbolically powerful and resolved any doubts.

>Japan attacks us
>we declare war
>hur dur look at these American warmongers

America declared war after being sneak attacked at Pearl Harbor. Technically you're right and formal declarations didnt happen till the next day but we were definitely already in a state of war

They’ve always liked us. Our friendship with them is underrated. I’m surprised Japan is so low, thought it’d be right next the Philippines.

seytan amerika

At the very least i was expecting them to like us more than SK does. I thought Japan was our best friend ;_;

>Beyong resposible for modern degeneracy and throwing away an ethnostate for plastic products
>Being closer to natsoc than any western country

We should have shot you kikes and let the poles have germany.
Your country is responsible for ruining europe and the woestern world
Fuck you kike

Germans have a Holocaust trauma . It turned them batshit insane like slavery turned Americans batshit insane. Germany rules Europe. But this time with a smarter strategy. One has to admit though that Germans were mostly right about military adventures in recent times. They even abstained from the Lybia disaster