Which is the lesser of two evils?
Koreans, Japanese or Chinese
>Koreans, Japanese or Chinese
>lesser of two evils
>of two
could this be one of those slide thread thingy's everyone talking about?
What happens when I write "sage" in the options field?
They're just questions Leon?
being the weebs and gookboos pol is, they'll say those, but the real answer is chinese
Chinese are fucking scum
Koreans they pretty much bend over to be colonized. They love Christianity. They're boring as fuck but they're far worse things that boring.
Like less than 30% of Koreans are Christians, get that shit out of here. The only Koreans who are majority Christians are the immigrants who had ties to the missionaries during the war.
All 6 had some form of plastic surgery and 5 of them were born male....
Doesn't matter, America is always first, thats why we are winners!
They all look the same tho
US stands with Japan
I'll take Chinese. Every Chinese person I've met has been hard working straight up guy. Have a Japanese friend too, he's wishy-washy and beta as fuck, not a bad guy just fucked up. Also, jungle Asians are based
China's culture was destroyed by communism. Corea had none to begin with. I'll take Japan
The Chinese are subhumans.
Your pic is all mutts.
>Which is the lesser of two evils?
That's three, dipshit. And I choose the Japanese as our allies, they understand the principles of white civilisation more than any other non-white group.
I can smell the delicious roast dog enemating from that video. What You don't see is the effciency of preparing the dog whilst it's still alive cause you're skipping a step in preparation.
To answer OP's question they're all the same.
Fucking subhumans.
Korea left
Japan right
Japanese > Taiwanese > Koreans > Mainland Chinese
Chinks are animals
Gooks are subhuman
Nips are honorary aryans
Why are there seemingly more sociopaths/psychopaths within asian societies? Empathy towards smaller, weaker things is a hereditary trait of humans, we as a herd species need it to survive because it is the basis of preventing infanticide. Are Asians lacking a certain gene or is it cultural?
>Why are there seemingly more sociopaths/psychopaths within asian societies?
Chinese societies******
Meanwhile in Japan
keep to themselves
>worst koreans
wanna sell you a phone and plastic surgery for your misses
want to colonize you
pretty obvious
Meanwhile in China
Japanese kill whales and shit all the time even though they're just driving thme to extinction. Plus if I recall there's a video that gets posted every now and again of some Jap faggot torturing and dissecting a puppy because somehow animal lovers made him late to see his famiry.
You're talking about this guy. He's a subhuman Chinese.
>Japanese kill whales and shit all the time
Parts of Europe and Canada kill whales and shit all the time.
The entire Western meat industry revolves around throwing tens of thousands of weak malnourished animals into a small confined area for their entire lives to be slaughtered for consumption. Killing animals for food is natural. Torturing animals for no reason isn't natural.
I've clubbed seals before and would do it again.
Oh well shit, could've sworn he was a Jap. Oh well, either way their whaling is fucked up and they still refuse to stop.
they all look alike to me
I've never heard of the West killing whales in modern times, and I always thought the seal clubbing was just natives because muh traditions. I'm not too familiar with most of Europe's laws, but I'm willing to bet most of them have animal rights laws that prohibit animal cruelty like starving animals in pins and such. I'm sure there are probably Eastern European shitholes that do it, but they're practically third world anyways.
At least the Japanese don't do shit like this.
The Chinese are literal cannibals and savages.
I only care about the erotic pamphlets makers.
This is the Faroe Islands, a Western European country.
Which one is which?
Well yeah, I'm not defending the Chinese by any means, but that doesn't mean the Japanese aren't guilty too.
>doesn't mean the Japanese aren't guilty too.
Of what? Killing animals for food, a fundamental aspect of all societies? They don't torture animals.
At least the Japanese are civilized. The Chinese are literal insects.
>Koreans, Japanese or Chinese
>Which is the lesser of two evils
Quit making us look bad.
Why are they so disgusting
I honestly have never heard of them before. Still, they're only like 50k people so it's not like Europe as a whole should be grouped in with them. With Japan whaling is at least a nationwide industry and the rest of the continent behaves very similarly.
So being repeatedly stabbed with Spears and bleeding out while trying to swim away doesn't sound like torture? I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it if they had better methods to kill them other than harpooning them over and over.
You're comparing Japan, a country that hunts whales as a food source, to China, a country that tortures cats, dogs, rats and rabbits to compensate for their lack of self-esteem.
That's essentially what hunting is, you retard. Do you think shooting a moose multiple times to down it is torture? The larger an animal is, it's harder to kill it humanely.
I'm not comparing anything, I'm simply pointing out they aren't perfect.
Because Chinese history is a constant cycle of death and famine.
China is literally the niggers of asia. Korea is... weird but they are doing pretty damn good now. Japan is and always has been based
Bullets are a hell of a lot more fucking effective than spears, especially when shot in the head or heart. If they have so much trouble killing them, maybe they just shouldn't do it? Hell, They barely even eat the meat.
>muh oversized fish pretending mammals
Every fucking time. People kill animals for food. What makes whales so special?
The method used to kill them and the fact they're incredibly smart?
Do you realize how hard it is to effectively aim at something in the water, especially something that moves fast and panicking? It's a fucking fantasy to suggest people should aim at a whale's heart or head instead of just aiming at the whale in general.
Pigs are smarter than dogs and they're pretty much a staple of the Western diet.
Then like I said, don't fucking hunt them.
i think Japanese are the most beautiful but they are too stiff and autistic.
so it's between koreans and chinese.
I don't care that they're bring killed, I care about how they're killed. We don't take 20 minutes to kill a pig in America.
it's in every Asian country besides Japan, because Japan didn't get barbaric Mongol genes raped into them
>don't fucking hunt them
Then instead we breed and raise sick and malnourished animals in groups of hundreds in a tight confined space to be slaughtered by machines in a factory?
I'm fairly certain that pig that's been fed poison and raised to be slaughtered lived a far more painful life in it's 2-4 years alive than that whale that lived 50+ years in freedom and died in 20 minutes did.
Says the nigger mutt who eats chicken nuggies made of ground up live chicks.
please go figure out a way to efficiently kill some of the largest animals on the planet, sell it to the Japanese. I'm sure you'll make a killing
>The method used to kill them
Yeah they should learn from the united mutts of america.
>incredibly smart
>30 ton animal can't defend itself against a bunch of 5'4" asian male.
Not smart enough.
Whoah kinky
Except every bit of that is bullshit. We don't malnourish our livestock, that's just fucking stupid and inefficient because you get less meat. Have you ever seen an American livestock show? Our animals are healthy as fuck and weigh a shit ton. Hell, the only animal abuse here is giving them diabetes by feeding them so much. You have no fucking clue how our animals are slaughtered. We don't poison livestock, that's fucking stupid and contaminates the meat. We use bolt guns that shoot through the skull with hundreds of pounds of pressure and instantly destroy the brain.
Implying Japan isn't a carbon copy of Chinese culture and ideas. The Japs just got a big head start in the 19th century because they whored themselves to the white man. Look up karayuki-san. Japan today is a stagnant shithole that's dying of Fukushima radiation.
A retarded burger tried to compare soulless chinks torturing mice for pleasure to a Japanese whalers hunting whales for food.
Again, DO NOT FUCKING HUNT THEM. Jesus fucking Christ, they don't even eat the meat half the damn time.
Oh please nigger. Japs are just pretending to be civilized. The Chinese gave them civilization and culture, and also taught them philosophy and morality.
Oh yeah, a few shitty, pissed off workers are the entirety of the American agricultural workforce. You realize thesee places get inspected regularly and if they're violating the laws they get shutdown? These guys are only getting away with it because nobody is seeing it. I suppose we should shutdown hospitals because a few nurses are sadistic cunts that let their patients die while they laugh? You're a fucking dumbass.
Because Asians hunt whales?
They're all subhuman gooks
>we don't poison livestock
They're pumped up on chemicals and hormones
Also malnourished doesn't mean that they're starving or skinny. Malnourished can also be implied they're being fed TOO MUCH and are incredibly unhealthy and in constant pain. The livestock you're eating are being raised to be morbidly obese, they suffer from the same pain that a 400 pound man would feel.
Why? The meat of a wild animal is much more healthier than the meat of a captive animal. Livestock are subjugated to more pain in their entire lives than the pain a wild animal being hunted feels.
I'm getting tired of Koreans. They all look alike and I don't mean because they're Asian but because they all came under the same scalpel. They're not creative so they're doomed to copy that same face they were taught in barbie med school.
Food which they don't fucking eat.
>whale cocksucker
>commie china supporter
Now we just need a korean roastie crying about rape.
>At least the Japanese don't do shit like this.
Think they do eat tiny octopus alive though.
Fuck off idealist, whales have been hunted for fucking centuries and killed in extremely brutal ways. The UK killed thousands of them during their whaling days using methods more brutal than the Japanese do now. The only reason they don't do it anymore is because they had access to modern trade earlier and the cultural aspect has had time to fade away. As with all traditions, whaling will eventually phase out, quit being a little bitch too.
The guy who wrote that was a spy for the Japs you stupid weeb.
Yeah but it's completely ok to group a whole country because less than 0.001 percent of their population goes around whaling. Kill yourself landwhale.
I see we have a self hating Finn.
Humans are also pumped up on chemicals and hormones, are we being poisoned? The definition of malnourished is "lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat." Tell me our livestock doesn't get proper nutrition. Don't hunt them because there's no reason to, they aren't being eaten, and livestock literally jus get to walk around in an enclosed pen for their whole lives, eating away. What part of that is painful besides a few dickhead workers that would be fired if their supervisor caught them?
Muh japan!
I want to kerb stomp her
So basically don't try to phase it out because it'll be phased or eventually? How the fuck does that make any sense, even in your autistic mind? It's not going to go away if they don't get forced into making it go away. You think China is just gonna stop torturing animals because they'll get bored of it?
Muh muh Japanese GF!!
It's a fucking nationwide industry you dipshit. The entire country condones it because even the fucking government refuses to outlaw it or do literally anything about it. Hell, it was your stupid ass bitching about how they're eating the meat this whole time.
Whoa! So samurai! So cool. Let's Japan fighting love.
Yeah tell our POWs that. They never apologised. They don't give a fuck. They buy virgin period blood and used panties from vending machines, produce disgusting porn and have so many sexual hangups due to their soy diet and tiny penises they're all either herbivores or rapists.
Japs are scum. They might be clever scum but they are not human.
Implying Japs aren't a race of degenerate pedophiles.
even though nords act like white niggers, as long as they eat the meat and utilize the animal I have no problems, assuming that they arent endangered.
I'm not sure what you mean
Once they become capitalist like Japan yes the problem will improve. The whole issue with chinks has it's source in communism, they act the way they do because of how frequent life and death situations occured during those days. This was passed down generationally, as with all things, it will eventually fade away if they modernize.