This triggers the white supremacist retard.
This triggers the white supremacist retard
If by "trigger" you mean a snort and coffee all over my screen, yeah.
"Wee waz kangs an' sheett!"
Shouldn’t this make the sheboon shatisfied. They’ll never be happy will they..
It seems they want harambe or barack`s husband to president.
>went to college
>goes in all fields
>Black and women like to spend their money in frivolities
This is great and everyone unironically spreading this meme is a retard that can't into maths.
Black women are only represented in proportion to black men compared to other ethnicities, meaning black men are too busy being in jail to go to collage.
But my ebony queens, those meme degrees arent worth a penny and wont get you a job at all
>Affirmative action gives free $ to women and blacks to go to school.
>Black women now have the most degrees.
The problem is they don't deserve those degrees because they have inferior brains and test scores. Have fun having a society run by losers who were picked for things other then meritocracy. I mean the Chinese only figured this out 3,000 years ago. We truly are barbarians.
bait thread. Article is basing its claim on enrollment stats, not completion of the degrees.
A trained monkey is still a monkey.
>85 iq
Umm ok
Yeah and once they get their worthless arts degree and can't get a job, they'll still blame it on white people.
So who's the least?
oh yes, the famous amerimuttian education
>blatant lies are triggering
here's the reason
"I has uh Peee yaych DEE n' I steal taw liya ghetto ho, sheeeeeit."
>black wamen now smart and shiet
plus, as pointed out, they don't complete their degrees and when they do it's shit.
Does GENDER STUDIES really counts as higher education?
cosmetology degrees from Jr colleges don't count
and yet if youve ever worked with one you know how fucking lazy they are
theyll never create like white men no matter how much affirmative action you give them
meanwhile there are white male billionaires who never finished college
enjoy your certificate of supplication from the mind control farm
ill just be busy building the future for you to take for granted
Well then, looks like they'll be handing in that victim card soon right?
I guarantee 80% of these niggers have degrees in psychology. Funniest meme of all time.
Are for actual SAT scores
Not really. It makes me laugh to think that maybe this is true, but there still isn't a single adept shitskin woman anywhere in the country running anything important.
social work
their only employment hope is to get diversity hired by some government entity and push papers around. the meme of the sassy black lady at the DMV who does nothing is real
shit man look at Asians and whites
compare Asians to nigs
Diploma in advanced text messaging and social media.
It's interesting considering we apparently had the same IQ in the 90s. I'm guessing our dumbing down has come from accepting and glorifying nigger culture and wanting to imitate them
Institutional racism in America still exi-
Degrees in gender and ethnic studies will not even land them a job at McDonalds
paying 100k for a "degree" in liberal studies does not make you "educated"
> gender studies
> lesbian dance
> black history
> We waz kangz
> Educated
Now they will finally learn that the dash don't be silent.
> Hip-Hop Studies
let's see them do calculus
wewuzzing studies doesn't fucking count
>but also the most educated
I guess college isn't worth shit
Asians are notorious for cheating on the SAT actually.
women can't hip hop to save their lives. You need brains to actually make rhymes. (not just black women)
But yet, not smart enough to figure out the negative impact associated with having fatherless children.
Most educated, yet somehow still the least intelligent.
Go figure. I guess affirmative action degrees aren't all that they're made out to be.
It goes against the narrative that niggers are discriminated against, so it works good for us in that respect.
companies deliberately dont hire sjw degrees because theyre troublemakers. gender and ethnic studies are trying to look for a lawsuit
hurdur fake news
awesome, this means they'll stop bitching about white privilege now right? right?
Higher education is a meme. Envision mindless black girls holding up a useless piece of sheep skin screeching their joy with ebonics, "I be da kween now, I be gettin' a nice job, right, Bee?"
Where are the stats to back this up?
>enrollment rates are accepting black females who enter college because of all the media outlets and noise that tells you that you need to go to college
this doesn't mean they are the most educated, they wont learn shit in college
If you havnt noticed, college is punping out retarded socialists. Trade schools are going to be the future, i see more and more people refusing college on the premise its a waste of time money and in the end its still hard to find a job, when we are being flooded with foreigners in the tech field ect. ITs dividing this nation and turning Whites esp disenfranchised young white men against migration, and Socialism that sold our futures out. We are becoming national Socialists in response to Jewish dominated International Socialism.
With the economies of tomorrow favoring those who are proficient in math, science, computers, how do you expect sheboons to compete in the future? Blacks are at a severe disadvantage in these areas as of today and nothing on the horizon promises to solve this problem anytime soon. KANGZ studies BTFO.
Now post their income
I'll be impressed when one of them achieve something with all that "education"
The great recession made me more libertarian. I want more after and more. It's like the hungry person who came out of a famine. Metaphorically speaking I want to eat the entire buffet.
What? Fake news.
>degrees in african american and womens studies
>ww wuz educmacated n sheeit
Yea nah get fucked cunt
I'm just curious why their scores were about the same in the 90s and then Asians take a massive upward trend?
>most indoctrinated
what a strange misspelling
Wasn't it actually just enrollment and not actually getting degrees for black women and blacks in general? They're in there just to rake in the free bucks and pretend to study.
my man
Are you a black woman?
How much do they earn on average compared to other races/gender?
No but I think libertarianism is a good idea. I don't want my peers controlling me or harsh laws controlling me. Zero tolerance laws and other rules enforced on us made me anti authority.
>2 degrees (1 hard STEM, 1 gentleman's business)
>Great university
>2 years biomed research as an undergrad
>Volunteered a fuck ton, leadership positions
>Can program in many languages
>Have a website to showcase my software
>Have a GitHub
>Unemployed for the last 6 months
>On Tinder
>Match with a brown girl that went to a shitty college, majored in cultural anthropology and minored in CS, also just graduated
>Software engineer project manager as her very first job in life at a well funded startup
I'm ready to off myself lads, it's been great
>Article is basing its claim on enrollment stats, not completion of the degrees.
More intellectual dishonesty from the left? Color me shocked.
>Given leg up from high school without passing english or maths
>diversity quota spot in african joojoo studies
>spends entire time arguing that essays and exams are racist and shiiiiet
>still cannot read
>Gets credits for protesting.
>drops out 2nd semester; pregnant to jamahl (who violated probation by holding up a drug store for baby formula)
The absolute state of america's most educated.
>black women have an 80% acceptance rate to college
>become the most educated group
>hey maybe we can finally do away with affirmative action
>no fuck off you privileged bigot
Take some SJWs with you
Not really sure. If I had to guess, probably because they became richer with time.
Better start giving out grants to white men then...
Having the most degrees in gender or African studies is not the same as being most educated.
Nigerians are the most educated minority group though. And they tend to get useful degrees in things like law and medicine.
>university of lateesha online
why because its false? lol ive been the quite a few college campus i barley see black women they are a minority, asians jocks and white girls
"Most educated" as in "highest percentage of people, by demographic, to have gone to college"
Because they're absolutely the most spoonfed demographic. They get affirmative action for being black AND female. I've had black women from my highschool get a full ride scholarship with a 3.4 GPA average, whereas the Asians, who all had 3.9+ GPA, didn't get any scholarship money.
Turns out when you pamper and baby a group of the population, they tend to do better than the ones who receive no help.
So affirmative action.
Children of foreign PhD students.
Every single day, new evidence emerges that universities in the United States charge a fortune and yet are worth less than toilet paper.
Yea right. Can't wait to see all their new scientific discoveries
Perhaps, but then why that sudden drop?
> women studies
> education
the absolute state of the west
"Educated" now means indoctrinated, blue-pilled and anti-White.
>educate yoself
>newsflash bigots, black women are now the most educated group in the US
>compared to black males
Wow what a well presented article that says deep and true things about society without a hint of ebellishment #gurlsoWOKE
But seriously how mentally deficient are these people that they can broadcast lies to themselves and everyone else and feel good and smug about it
Affirmative action reserves a lot of places for blacks. Black men are often temporarily unavailable for college attendance so the places go to black women.
That's the way to becoming the "most educated" group today...
>muh college meme
the numbers will always prove your feelings wrong, queer boy.
Yup you lost me with chimps with degrees
He just said that liberal studies is a waste of money which is the truth unless you've got an in to be a professor. Which is the truth you dumb fag. He could be an engineer for all you know
triggers me into a little dance? Yes sir \o/
participation awards
Damn, better rev up those affirmative action programs for whites so we can get closer to equality
>Howard university
>that fucking ref
whats current rate of welfare
saged GTFO with your race bait
replace the word "educated" with "intelligent" and the statement becomes false.
I thought this was the most oppressed group who is having such a terrible time in this country etc, etc? Fuck off.
Good, could they educate black males now?