Wow, I just finished S1 and it was heartbreaking. How can anyone see Lelouch as a good guy after what he did to Euphy? And there was barely even a moment of reflection, he just went "Welp, whats done is done, time to take a steaming shit on everything she stood for"
Wow, I just finished S1 and it was heartbreaking. How can anyone see Lelouch as a good guy after what he did to Euphy...
>Suzaku venting his frustrations about being forced to wear the Zero costume while Lelouch is fucking CC and Nunnaly
The end justifies the means
Honestly wondering how they're going to recover without ruining the satisfying end. (At least I think it was a good conclusion)
What are they going to do? make a story where he's revived, becomes god-emperor again and then rules forever? Doesn't seem as good imo
Nobody ever said Lelouch was a good guy. He's a pretty textbook anti hero
Everyone thinks their ends are worth it. The means are all that seperate them, a Utopia built on peace is different than a Utopia built on genocide, even if they appear identical
Nah they'll just do some fanservice pandering where Lelouch finally ends his path to becoming a Wizard and gives Pizza Butt the one thing she always was meant to get from Lelouch. 'His manlet dick'.
With Orange being as based as ever, which in itself is worth another season. It will suck, but this is only meant for one thing: Money.
Well he starts the series as a hero. He's been clearly wronged and wants justice for his mother and sister, he devolves into a brat who can't see past his own nose
I wouldn't call him a brat, I would call him someone who is way in over his head. Even with Geass, the conflict he started was something he could never hope to control. Being a human being meant he was bound to let his emotions get the best of him and make decisions that might have had unforeseen consequences. By the end of R1 he realizes that there's no way he can control the situation and only through dirtying his hands and owning up to what he caused can he move things forward. If he had immediately turned himself or admitted the truth after the massacre all those deaths would have been for nothing.
>Oh shit I fucked everything up
>Better leave regretting about it for later and try to use this failure to my advantage to try to fix everything
What would you have preferred?
Lelouch crying about it and letting things get worse?
Best case scenario is he gets the code and spends the whole season trying to achieve redemption he's been inadvertently denied. Worst case is he gets resurrected and start doing some dumb shit.
Are you ready for her anons?
I finished S1 yesterday. Strating S2 tomorrow.
One thing that seemed stupid was Kallen's reaction in last episode. Why was the bitch so angry/sad/traumatized? She was the one who earlier recriminated Lelouch he had a passive attitude towards everything and didn't compromise.
>Lelouch fucking Nunnaly
you wot m8
Merry CChristmas anons
Yes? If you fuck up badly enough that tens of thousands of innocents get murdered because of you then it's time to take a step back and reassess what you're doing, not blindly charge ahead and shrug saying "Oh well, can't cry over spilt milk"
But the best he could do for the Japanese was make the sacrifice meaningful and try to free Japan
>How can anyone see Lelouch as a good guy after what he did to Euphy?
>what he did to Euphy?
>what he did
>he did
it was the geass which fucked up, not everybody got a body which listen 100% to you suzaku
>How can anyone see Lelouch as a good guy after what he did to Euphy?
It was a total accident. I know that's a shitty excuse, but it's shitty writing in the first place. His geass just happens to malfunction for the first time with no foreshadowing right when he says something ridiculous to someone in a position of supreme power. Euphy was written out of the story because she could easily have paved the way to a peaceful ending. Best to forget it and move on like the writers did.
He didn't do it for the Japanese people or Euphy though. He did it to advance his own selfish cause. Suzaku was right all along.
It's kind of annoying because of all the characters Euphy was the one with an actual realistic solution that didn't involve bloodshed and she did it out of purely unselfish reasons. She didn't deserve such a horrible fate
I wonder how they're going to characterize her in R3. She, and everyone else for that matter, should be quite a different character, yet something tells me it's going to be the same ole shit.
But their interests still line up. If Lelouch had up and quit no one would get anywhere. Forward was really the only option
suzaku pls go and stay there
It is like 2-3 years later.
Kallen, and the rest of her and Lelouch's group will be in university.
Nunnally will have developed to a pretty teenager. Probably looking like Euphie.
Suzaku will be as lonely as ever, and Gino will still do his thing.
Jeremiah and Anya will still be farming bodies, and picking Oranges with each other.
Tianzi and Xing-ke is together, with her being cute as ever.
Everything will be the same no matter what what. It won't really make sense for them to have chanced that much by a few years.
>Tianza and Xingke will be together
user I have some bad news for you
Euphemia's solution was pathetic--after a brutal conquest of Japan,give them a small area of limited autonomy which could just as easily be taken away, while the rest of the country remains under the Britannian jackboot. Also, Suzaku is quisling scum.
Long live the Resistance! All hail Zero!
I'm mostly talking about main characters who actually had arc. Her, Suzaku, and Lelouch all had their worldview drastically altered by the end. The dynamic between all of them should be different, and all of them should be different people. The same goes for their dynamic with the rest of the cast.
I like how you're not even arguing whether or not it was the right decision for Lelouch to make, but your criticism is that Lelouch didn't break down and start crying because he accidentally Geassed his sister into Hitler v2.
The fact he saved the emotional breakdown for later, and instead sprung into action to make the best of the situation despite the monumental fuckup he just performed, is a good thing and shows strength of character and his convictions.
Stop with that meme shit.
Just because he isn't there at EoR2 doesn't mean that he is dead yet.
True, but he certainly wasn't living for another 2-3 years.
He was coughing up blood and on death's door when we saw him in R2. He wasn't lasting long.
Lelouch left him to be Zero.
Plain and simple. He is a symbol to the people now, but something mustn't fell right to him in R3. So he might just have chanced his perspective on Lelouch's plans for peace.
Dude the only cure that Chinaman needs is the empress's sweet loli-love, and then he will be cured.
Lelouch was never really a 'good guy'. The character is actually written like a villain, only the story is told from his pov (therefore antihero) and he's put in a somewhat sympathetic light. He did feel terrible about Euphie but in accordance to his philosophy, he keeps the ball rolling to achieve his aims.
Having finished rewatching that season myself, he's pretty terrible. His arrogance, carelessness, and absurd edginess is what lead to that. Not to mention he went there in the first place meaning to put a stop to her plans because they wouldn't allow him to fulfill his own personal desires (avenging mommy, getting bad at daddy, making the world HE wants for his little sister HIMSELF, all essentially to gratify his ego by proving he's 'alive' and blah blah). And ironically he effectively accomplished what he set out to do, even if it certainly didn't transpire the way he had expected. The ending with him throwing the Japs under the bus was the cherry on top.
He's charismatic, entertaining, and you can feel for him, but he's a self-absorbed teen on a power trip and people suffer for it, including himself. It takes a good while for him to realize the whole world doesn't revolve around him and his concerns.
Well, he does become a bit better about his aims later on in R2. He realizes that the creation of a peaceful, gentle world should not just be for Nunally's sake, but it should be something he should do for everyone's sake, even if it costs his life. Also, he wasn't planning on stopping Euphy just for the sake of his ego, he knew that the creation of a special zone would just be a band-aid and wouldn't fix the underlying problems with Britainia's rule.
He never died, he's been traveling the world with c.c. staying hidden and some asspull will force him to come out and be zero again
>no forshadowing
did you sleep through all the Mao eps or something
Nah, that would cast him in too bad a light. It would mean he cucked his only friend into being a faceless servant of mankind for the rest of his born days while he himself is getting all jolly playing in the grass. Ain't no way that's the way they'll play it. Some much dumber shit is going to happen.
Actually there was foreshadowing.
At the beginning of the episode, he was talking to a noble and almost used his Geass on him but he shut his eye and it didn't complete.
Yeah I agree with this, well put.
>wants justice for his mother and sister
He wants revenge, not justice. He's specifically angry at his father for not following through on the investigation, for using him as a political hostage, and for not caring when his own troops almost killed them when he went to war anyway.
Well, half and half. His motivation is wanting to give Nunnally the life she was denied. He wants revenge but it's ultimately to give Nunnally justice
>he knew that the creation of a special zone would just be a band-aid and wouldn't fix the underlying problems with Britainia's rule
It's a start. Of course Lelouch reasoned it would be a bust because he prefers quick and effective solutions, but it's just a rationalization and not the real reason he's mad. He's upset because it would render the BKs obsolete, foiling his personal plans and returning him to the meaningless life he once led. He didn't even mention it being ineffective to Euphie while alone with her, instead going on a butthurt rant about how he conceitedly thinks of it as charity and wanting to do things his way. When Euphie displayed her nobility and tells him how Nunnally inspired her, he agreed to cooperate, showing it wasn't really a bust.
Euphie is the real hero
>His motivation is wanting to give Nunnally the life she was denied.
No, it's to give her the life HE thinks she wants.When he's finally forced to stop lying to her Nunnally herself tells him she never wanted any of it and doesn't support anything he did, she was perfectly happy to begin with.
Lelouch is basically retarded. How did he expect that conversation to go if his Geass didn't kick in and brainwash her? I mean mass genocide isn't exactly the best conversational icebreaker.
>Code Geass Season 3
>all of the Pizza Hut advertisement is gone
>replaced by Papa John's advertisement instead
Yeah, casually bringing up genocide in a conversation with your younger sibling is a brilliant move all around. No wonder Lelouch is such a playboy.
She really was. Lelouch wasn't kidding when he said she had defeated him. She was bringing everything together with her plan and we are left to imagine where things would have gone if it wasn't for Lelouch's prank.
It was the most pragmatic course of action. Things immediately reverted to status quo after he was captured; the same would have happened if he had given up his quest as Zero. Sure, his methods changed drastically along the way, and were definitely unsavory, but the end result was more fruitful.
Ragnarok Connection happens; everyone is tang'd (or the Code Geass equivalent).
>Ragnarok Connection happens; everyone is tang'd
Yeah, there's that. I'm trying to remember, did Lelouch and Suzaku just stumble on Charles and Marianne about to end the world? I don't think either went there knowing anything about it. That's something.
Yeah, they literally just stumbled onto it.
>How can anyone see Lelouch as a good guy after what he did to Euphy?
It was an accident
The idea was to show just how powerful the Geass is, he could tell her to do something so incredibly against all she believes in, yet she would still do it.
It's essentially like telling a SJW, "I have this power, if I wanted to I could tell you to suck Donald Trump's dick and you would do it."
I want to fuck Euphy so bad. Even her corpse will do at this point.
fuck off Suzaku
I was genuinely happy when she died
Well now I'm doubly glad she's dead, because you can't hurt her anymore.
>no foreshadowing
maybe you should pay attention
Everyone always speaks as if Euphys Special administration zone would have fixed everything. It was an extremely half-assed patch that wouldn't have fixed the underlying issue.
Lelouch/Zero had planned to completely overhaul the world, and to do that he needed 2 things.
1. Topple Britannia
2. An army to do said toppling.
If Zero had just outright denied her special administration zone he'd be labeled a warmonger who doesn't want peace. If he had announced his plans to actually destroy Britannia, all of Area 11 would have been carpet bombed or he'd be assassinated. If he accepted her S.A.Z. Zero wouldn't be needed anymore (Which is why he fucking said those exact words.) Zero knew that ONLY helping the Japanese wouldn't help himself, or the world at large, only a small nation.
Lulu did nothing wrong.
This is the kind of logic that pissed me off about the show. In R2 The Black knights get pissy that he's a Britannian and a prince at that, so they decide to fucking oust him not because he's incapable but because they didn't like being had by a Brit prince
Everyone's playing checkers, but I've been playing chess for years.
I pray that Ohgi dies in a very horrible eay. The way they all betrayed Lelouch was stupid and pissed me off.
He's so damn charming. Why is he 2d?
Lelouch did nothing wrong. He killed people to save the world, but he also killed only the people he had to. He had the conviction to do what needed to be done, but at the same time wasn't a genocidal maniac like some purge memer. He knew who to kill and how to make sure only they were killed. If many elevens need be killed, so be it, but only as many as necessary.
Very rarely do you ever see someone like this in any story.
Not only because he was a Britannian prince but mainly because of his geass power, they feared that the were under his power and that all the war was just a Britannian conspiracy.
Yeah. It's clear that Cornelia, Schniezel and Dalton saw it as a useful tool, but no threat to Brittannias overall priorities.
>there was barely even a moment of reflection, he just went "Welp, whats done is done, time to take a steaming shit on everything she stood for"
The guy was in tears and was moping like a kid in the episode after, I don't even think he smiled once for the rest of the season besides that smirk he gave suzaku after getting found out
Besides, at that point he's killed so many people (like shirley's dad) he's a bit broken
Can't blame him, they're boring afterall.
This. Lelouch was Light Yagami done right.
>Constantly say they're nothing without zero and it's proven time and time again they're incompetent without him around
>Some untrustworthy third parties come in and they heel turn without hearing his side
I was glad when they all got fucked over when he was emperor.
Killing innocents is never the right thing to do. Every genocidal maniac thinks they're doing the right thing and that the ends will justify their means. Lelouch is no different, he will casually throw away the lives of people who serve him to reach his goal.