Anyone else miss the days before Trump when you didn't have to check the news every five minute to see what the latest happening was?
Too Many Happenings
forgot to mention the queen died
wat O_O
Oh look we found squirrel on mars.
Oh look we found squirrel on mars. Thanks NASA
Who cleaned the solar panel? Little Allens?
yea i can barely watch a movie or play vidya for a few hours before feeling like i need to check for happenings
The happenings happened as often before Trump, they just weren’t covered.
NASA a multibillion $$$ scam. We never left low earth orbit.
>raw footage of muslims attacking non muslims
>fascist videos
Leftists are so mentally ill
We got more Noah Posners. He's famous for dieing twice once in sandy hook second time in Pakistan. These people died twice and two different shuttle missions.
Guinea Pig
it says right there the wind did
It's not paranormal. NASA is a $$$ scam. We the tax payer has been fooled for billions. There are no aliens just some greedy deepstate. What's more likely, discovering aliens or having corrupt politicians and deepstate actors?
Leave your dusty things outside does it get cleaned over time or get more dirty?
I heard that. God save her I guess
LOL so you guys are actually making people believe that
which war criminal
Nothing has happened since the election, the time of happenings is over
The first thing on his picture said "retweeted FACIST video". He's not on our side. I been spreading bread crumbs at 80,000ft on this thread. MAGA
Mars does not have a strong magnetic field like Earth does. Because it doesnt have a spinning magma core like us. This means its atmosphere gets beaten weak by radiation from sun. Atmosphere is actually blown off by these "solar winds".
This means stuff on mars doesnt get the chance to get worn down by wind like on Earth. Its all jagid shit and this was mentioned when they were talking about what they planned for when going there.
So that is what is "cleaning" those. Sharp little bits being blown around in what wind Mars has.
Fucking 100% this, you would need leaf blower levels of air flow from multiple directions to perfectly clean the panels in the corners and everywhere else. That would work in a clean garage but in the open desert you'd just kick up 10x more dust
>too many happenings
i don't think you understand the definition of a happening you fucking retard
Why is /x/ so edgy? Why old school mysteries like Bigfoot, Nessie or Bermuda Triangle are not popular anymore?
>NK are going to nuke my apartment
It could happen to me guise
Earth and Mars are different. Read this.
Wow garrison got hit with the trump curse didn't he?
9/11 was inside job.
I don't know laws of fluid dynamics changed in mars. If wind was strong enough to pickup dust from the solar panels then it must be strong enough to pickup dust from ground and deposit them back on the solar panel.
Press S to spit on the Queens grave
>mars does not have atmostphere so no wind to fuck shit up
>mars has winds with shit in it that cleans solar panels
LOL no atmosphere but still wind
I'm not seeing anything about the Queen's death in da noose, user.
It's not far fetched, she's pretty old.
its only a joke senpai, to make people you did
CIA is preparing public in an attempt to bring in martial law. MSN will show CGI aliens "attacking" requiring martial law. They are very desperate
>"if i call it fascist it doesn't exist"
the state of leftist mental gymnastics
Ok kohai, I did some digging. That's her with hitler. And Did you know she owns bank of London?
No. Not at all.
It was hard to keep up, but I have to admit, I like it. I could only imagine this is what heroin addicts go through when there's 24-36 hours with no follow-up hits.
I'm actually already fiending for more.
Made you reply, though
Mars Rover press conference. Are these liberal art actors or actual engineers. Because they don't talk like engineers. Lol
that is how conversation usually works guy
7 years from now will feel so dull and boring
also bitcoin is failing
Reminder only stupid liberal cucks who rent an apartment they can't afford, are loaded with student debt, and have no aspirations to own anything voted for Hillary
People who love freedom voted for Trump
Research flat earth.
So "Project Blue Beam"?
>That picture
Because the earth is spinning.
As Johnny Rotten once said,
"That's fucking unpolite"
You tricked me, user. Too bad.
flat earthers are legit retarded. like more retarded than niggers. they are the lowest tier of retard.
So how did the dust get on the solar panel in the first place. How did rocks erode into dust? Mars has mostly CO2 atmosphere 0.087 psi or 6mbar. Any fluid at any pressure, density, viscosity will pickup objects given enough velocity. Electromagnetism has nothing to do with fluids ability to pickup objects. Therefore dust gets picked up from ground depots then into the solar panels. If there was wind strong enough to clear the dust off of the solar panel it must be strong enough to pick them up from ground at the same time re depositing them into the solar panel. There are no way for solar panel to clean its self unless it was filmed here on earth.
And yet im sooooo bored.
I did. Why does your toilet only spin in one direction. Corliolis effect. Velocity changes when you move toward/away from earths axis. Change in velocity when water goes down causes spinning motion. This can't happen unless we are on spinning sphere. Flat earth made up by CIA just like UFO.
Start dropping bread crumbs to wake up the normies. This thread I'm dropping from 80000ft. Q suggest 40000ft.
This is the first evidence to prove the earth is a globe without using NASA (they can lie), the “boat disappearing on the ocean” theory (zooming in on it kinda has been used against round earthers), but the toilet theory...the best! Let’s see them explain that!
Earth is spinning so when you go down you slow down. When you go north(northern hemisphere) you slow down. This combined causes your toilet to spin. Because object(water) in motion stays in motion. This is why rocket launches closer to the equator where velocity is the highest farthest away from earths axis. If NASA was trying to avoid Van Allens radiation belt why didn't it launch apollo from the North Pole? Faster the rocket is traveling on the surface less rocket fuel it's required to achieve orbit.
Alex Jones was talking about it few days ago.
The water in a toilet spins because it is designed to in order to move poop down a tube
A better example would be the video smarter every day did with two pools set up overnight developing a current due to that effect
NASA lies all the time. I don't think we left low earth orbit. Have you ever seen pictures of stars from the moon? Because any amateur astronomer can tell exact place on the universe by triangulating location of stars given specific time.
You mean the days where each day was another freedom stolen, another apology for america by king nigger, another lie, another failure? No I'm good with where we are.
there are two forces acting on water. First is the initial flow of water from the tank. The second is corliolis effect. Toilet is design to compliment those two forces making better flush. How about bathtub or sink where first order force causing spin is the corliolis effect.
The memes were worse then.
>Be me
>Check news
>See Trump said something
>Time to meme
Assume everything you said is true, why would then NASA blows its own cover by cleaning them? It also makes no sense.
Where's the sequel on Asian guy? He was the audience favorite.
This is nonsense. You can observe the Coriolis effect in draining water, but only under controlled conditions. The water in a toilet swirls in whatever direction that the water rushing out of the tank points.
If the conspiracy is big enough someone will slip. Google squirrel on mars
You know two forces can act conguenty with each other right?
I'll make it very clear for you, ok? The Coriolis effect doesn't have a fucking thing to do with how toilet water swirls.
When water travels down it needs to lose velocity. When it travels north it also loses velocity. End result is spinning water. Yes flow from tank is the first order force in the toilet but the corliolis effect is the second order force acting on water.
It's a psyop, they're literal CIAniggers.
The purpose still eludes me.
Its to give ammunition for people against Conspiracy theorists.
It's somewhere on the left side, iirc.
You think 9/11 was an inside must be a conspiracy theorist believing in flat earth. See how that works. We never went to the moon. You must believe in aliens.
Theory must be backed up by facts. Gravity is just a theory too is that a conspiracy? Apple is falling!!!!! You gravity truther!!
no, you are just a moron.
pic on the right is fake as shit, retard.
go back to russia oleg.
I didn't take the picture. NASA missed it when they published picture from northern Canada. When you name call you lose the argument.
Go sell some uranium to the Russians. And don't forget to send rocket technology to North Korea in exchange for cheese and lollipop. (Pedo code)
research self immolation.
that pis isnt from nasa, retard. just pretend you are a russian disinfo agent, then at least you have an excuse for posting such moronic shit.
I was doing that during obummer times at least now I can sit back and laugh at media killing themselves
recreate a martian picture on earth, then
>retweets fascist videos
I didn't know Muslims attacking white kids and destroying Christian artifacts was somehow an endorsement of centralized state authority?
>make unbelievable claims or post triggering media
>24/7 outrage in MSM
>make them defend the vicious attacker
rinse and repeat
I honestly cannot believe, that the Jew Overlords do not see through this play. It is not like it is the first or even the 10th time.
Call names all you want. All we want is MAGA. Sleeping giant has awakened. You can't put it back to sleep. Your days are numbered. We will keep dropping crumbs and soon every American will know the scam that has been pulled on to us.
totally different pic from the post i was talking about , are you a bot?
the dust got onto the panels from the wind therefore it was comprised of particles light enough to be carried away by the wind.
so you admit to being a russian disinfo agent? you are probably gonna get fired for that.
Nigger, it's been steady, non-stop, happening in crazy town since 2011. lmao
>the days before Trump
Nigger, you dumb
The fuck out my face
Tired of winning, eh soyboy?
I missed the layoffs.
fuck, I have to get some work done at some point today