Hi Sup Forums...

Hi Sup Forums, I'm a muslim man who has recently moved to the netherlands to give my children a brighter future and I'd like to know; why do you hate us so much?

We're people, just like you!
We're all the same!
We pray to the same God as you!

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck your children. Their future only steals from mine.

how are you the same when your whole way of life demands submission

>56% thinks he's Dutch

same god kek, you religious tards are tards

Why you lying?


I have no problem with immigrants that integrate into their new country and don't live on welfare. If you have a job, pay taxes, and support your children without government assistance then you are welcome. But if you come to a new country and bitch and moan about their customs and try to change the schools, laws, holidays, etc that is fucked up and you need to go back to where you came from and fix your own country.

I mean, the Dutch are athiests anyways, and your conception of God is radically different than ours. The Christian God is not pure will, like the Muslim God. God is seen as the Logos, and therefore inherently rational.

This means that he has limits, ie; he cannot do things which would be irrational, because that would be contradictory to his own nature.

TL;DR, we pretty much dont worship the same God or you massively misunderstand him on a basic level

Most muslims in NL are unemployed, most criminals in NL are muslims, most terror attacks in NL are perpetrated by muslims, most religious fanatics in NL are muslims... need I go on?


You and your children will be genocided. You're welcome.

Because you're not black and honestly what we most need in the Netherlands is more large black penises.
Woman speaking here.

Why not stay in your country and make it better? You know Europe is knee deep in the blood of Europeans who died to make it what it is today?

Now you just want it for free, how much blood has your family spilled for Europe to earn it?

This is a hate board. Most people don't care where you cone from or what you practice if you are a good person

no you dont pray to the same God your religion is monotheistic ours is not since is formed of the Holly Trinity

The muslim deity is not God. The real Christian God would never allow a murderer and a pedophile to speak for His will as a prophet. Never.

>brighter future
So when do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and convert to Christianity?

Because you fucks turn a blind eye when one of your people commit atrocities.
You never blame your kind.
You stay silent while the liberals fight your battles.

t. Muttis Americanis

And Satan is the God of wisdom and freedom. Hail Satan!

go back to your home country and do the world a favor and blow yourself up for allah

Fuck off. I hate this "we pray to the same God". We are MUSLIMS. Allah SWT is one and one alone. The Christians have some strange trinity that is apparently God who is at the same time his son and a bird. I respect that, but it's not the fucking same. It may have the same origin and the Injil (Bible) is one of the holy books, but the fact that Christianity believes Jesus is the SON of the Almighty renders this comparison MOOT. Stop this shit, mate. Seriously. Be friends with them, engage in bantz with them, whistle at chicks and shitpost with them, but we are NOT the fucking same.

t.fedora wearer

Fuck you and your children you are a theif in the night.

So much Taqiyya its insane.
fuck off Shill, shuv your islam up your faggot ass

islamic immigration creates a class of poor violent people and ghettos and they launch attacks at citizens in the name of jihad, freely have mosques with weapons inside and hate preachers. also muslim immigrants do not assimilate into western society.

as a christian i view islam as a horrible gnostic religion which is a danger to the faith as seen with what happened to the churches of north africa and the middle east

>We pray to the same God as you!
pretty sure they pray to a 3 in 1 instant coffee
you're a fool for seeking the approval of your inferiors
snow niggers were enslaved by your ancestors alongside niggers no more than 300 years ago
and indeed technological level aside , they are no different than sub Saharans

It is the same. God of Abraham. The holy trinity is just a way of explaining how he is both everything, the creator of everything, and his own entity.

the quran itself teaches it is the same God as the jews, gnostics, and christians.

>with what happened to the churches of north africa and the middle east
what happened?

they are mostly gone

Yes please. I don't see a pattern here.

no, they're not

my homeland is the netherlands now, a lot of muslims are moving here and we all can life together in peace.

this is nothing but a stereotype, there are a lot of hardworking muslims in the netherlands also.
the ones that DO do bad things, often do them as retaliation against racist people like Geert Wilders.

we're all the same, there is no reason for hate.

i am from Suriname, why are you saying i am not black?

yes, but we immigrants can contribute to a better future.

Muhammad (pbuh), was a lover a peace and would never lay hands on innocent children.
you should read qu'ran.

Jesus was actually a prophed of Islam, and was a Muslim.

white people have done a lot too, especially to the middle east, but we still treat you normally.
why can't you do the same?

Christians are misguided, yes. But they are people of the book, and in the end, worship the same God as us.
we have to be kind to them, as we are their path to the true faith.

Racism is a major sin, brothers.

> and indeed technological level aside they are no different than sub Saharans

Sand Nigger can’t even

You do not belong in our countries. I have nothing against you personally and in fact would love to see you and your family prosper, but you have a home. Sure it needs some work but it is still your home. By leaving it you destroying your own culture just as much as ours. What do you do if your house is damaged? You stay with a neighbor for a while while you fix your house. You don't kick your neighbor out of his house and move in forever. We understand your home country is shit and we would love to help you make it better, but you have to go home.

Because the Jews told them to. Don't take it personally


No. And you will turn our countries into the same shitholes you crawled from.
Also fuck your disguting sect.
Go back.

extinction. carthage was evacuated and destroyed by arabs. the middle eastern christian populations were greatly reduced after eddessa, antioch were destroyed. coptics were violently opressed in the 13th century which made them lose their majority population in egypt. anatolia was ethnically cleansed by turkic tribes conquering the byzantine provinces. temur greatly reduced assyrian populations during his invasion of iraq. armenians were exterminated alongside syriacs by the turkics.

and now isis has greatly destroyed assyrian populations in Mesopotamia while there are regular jihadist attacks against copts in egypt.

You should write a comic. This is some funny shit.

Lol, talk about fake news...

How in the world would a goat fucker know that this site much less Sup Forums even exist.


>yes, but we immigrants can contribute to a better future.
You can, but you don't

>Muhammad (pbuh), was a lover a peace and would never lay hands on innocent children.
you should read qu'ran.
You got these confused, He is a lover of innocent children and never laid his hands on peace

>white people have done a lot too, especially to the middle east, but we still treat you normally.
why can't you do the same?

You don't treat us normally at all dipshit

>Jesus was actually a prophed of Islam, and was a Muslim.
Nice meme

Takiya takiya takiya.
Fuck off /pol and fuck off our lands shitskin.

>yes, but we immigrants can contribute to a better future.
You did not create a better future for your country. You failed your country. You are a coward running from your problems.

How can a coward like you help anything?

one example:


>this is nothing but a stereotype, there are a lot of hardworking muslims in the netherlands also.
the ones that DO do bad things, often do them as retaliation against racist people like Geert Wilders.

They are cold hard facts. Prove me wrong or stfu.
If we want to be 'racist' (i.e. islamosceptic) like Wilders in our own country, we will be. Retaliate, and it will get worse.
You need to go back and never return. You're going to have to do it now or learn the hard way later on. Not welcome.

>Jesus ... was a Muslim

Hahahahaha you goddamn dumbfuck. Christianity came centuries before shitlam so shut the fuck up you filthy subhuman.


>Christianity came centuries before shitlam
Technically, the Moon God base core of Islam does predate Jesus. He will probably not recognize the early roots of Islam, though.

all of that isn't a spec on what christians did to the middle east (and elsewhere)

Your resentful children. They will blame the natives for your mistake and have a massive chip on their shoulder. We see it time and time again.


the american invasion of iraq and afghanistan and obama funding the syrian rebels were secular geopolitical wars against potential russian satellite states.

What we did to the middle east is nothing compared to the literal 800 years of agression coming from that region,

Everywhere else we left better than when we came.

Because our kids can’t have a brighter future with you around bc everything you touch turns to shit

>why do you hate us so much?
>moved to the netherlands
You just answered your own question. Stay in your desert where you belong!
>We're people, just like you!
Nope you're sandmonkeys.
>We're all the same!
Nope, humans aren't shitskins.
>We pray to the same God as you!
Allah = Satan

Jeroen ga van je computer weg, tijd om je bedje in te kruipen, morgen heb je weer school

>the american invasion of iraq and afghanistan and obama funding the syrian rebels were secular geopolitical wars against potential russian satellite states.
and when i say Christians i mean pre European Christians too
despite what you believe Christianity didn't start when your Germanic ancestor's got civilized in the near past

Stop larping Henk.

>t. Muttis AmeriCANIS

>Muhammad (pbuh), was a lover a peace and would never lay hands on innocent children.
you should read qu'ran
He was a pedophile, he was crazy and a warlord.

That's why.

Your not welcome here. Go home and fix your homeland, isnstead of ruining ours. You do not pray to the same God as me. My God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Here is a burning lower case t for you. Time to leave.

Because you rape and behead children, Achmed.

First fix your own damn shithole country, then tell how "good" you are.

>i am from Suriname

I thought you hit rock bottom but you excelled in going lower by becoming a muslim.


>making amerimutts and eurocucks butthurt

May ALLAH almighty bless you and your family, brother. Don't listen to these losers, they are just bitter losers that rejected the salvation of ALLAH.

he's a fucking sissy who called me racist for calling snow niggers for what they are, snow niggers

>that is fucked up and you need to go back to where you came from and fix your own country.
but isnt america made up of people who didnt try to fix they own country and instead left for the new world?

What would happen to a white christian if they marched for the law of the bible in any of the countries Muslim immigrants come from?

A lot worse than some "racists" I would imagine.

Wettelozen houden niet stand waar recht heerst,
zondaars niet in de kring van de rechtvaardigen.
De HEER beschermt de weg van de rechtvaardigen, de weg van de wettelozen loopt dood.

mohamed was a pedophile and a war monger, and muslims cant live with civilized people, i feel bad for europe you're fucked

You're okay in my book. Pity your people are being used for Trojan horse attacks on western democratic nations

If you're an arab your biologically inferior to a dutchman and your presence is annoying. Most dutch arent religious either and your culture has very little similarities to the norther europe. The fact that you think your children will assimilate properly is insane, no girl will fuck them in high school and they wont fit in as easily. Making people less religious is actually a doable task the problem I have with you is biological. Northern europeans evolved certain traits in their own respective regions and have a right to keep their features. I feel bad for your family honestly its not gonna be easy for your kids to grow up as freaks. You're more distant biologically than jews and even they cant fuckin assimilate in europe.

All of this could have been avoided if the middle east peoples stayed in the middle east. Europe is for Europeans.

You should have pride enough in yourself and your ancestry that you want to live in your country and make yourself, your people, and your country better.
-No hatred here.

Muhammad would make a better PM than Trudeau

you're a larping mutt i bet, kys kanker aandachtshoer

we do not hate - we remove you , your wife and your kids . 05:45 ; a train will take you to Auschwitz - Sonderlager IIIb / mudskin / Minusmensch . you are done

>We pray to the same God as you!

it always amuses me when muslims see the west as being christian, e.g. a muslim will say "theres muslims and christians living in this tower block in london", when in reality they are all non-religious and fuck all anyone is christian anymore in the west

>western democratic nations

as terrible as trudeau is id rather have die than have a disgusting muslim as the head of my state

to them christian means european just like to us muslims means arab

If we had anything close to true Athenian democracy and not central banking tyranny masquerading as democracy you wouldn't have a problem with it

What would you do if I posted an image of Muhammad?

Qu'ran tells us;
"Who among men is most favored by Allah?' He, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) replied: "A man who does the most good to people."
if people have been bad to you, it is because of the evil in their, or your, heart, not because of Islam.

I did not fail. I created a family under Allah, to which I have given my everthing.
And as europe needs migrants to survive, I am simply doing my part.
Everybody wins.

I will make dua for the hatred in your heart to go away.

I do not speak Dutch yet, English please.

Geert Wilders does not care for you, he is simply using you, as he is an agent of Satan.

Thank you brothers.

There is a difference between following the law of Allah, and being a sissy.

>Athenian democracy
democrcy in anyway is really stupid , but you know that athenian democracy was limiting the people who are allowed to vote to very few people right?

>We're people, just like you!
Except that your people overwhelmingly commit crimes like rape, assault and gang crime and are notorious for leeching off welfare and destroying the culture and demographics of whatever western nation you move to.
>We're all the same!
Evidently not. Massive cultural and ethnic differences that will make any form of successful integration rare.
>We pray to the same God as you!
No, your religion is a perversion and a bastardization of the christian faith, made more violent, primitive and barbaric. Your so-called prophet was nothing but a charlatan warlord who lived his life as a charade in order to gain power.

That is why we hate you. I hope we've cleared some things up now.


>democrcy in anyway is really stupid
What makes you say that memeflag?

and you know the people that gave rise to and practiced ancient democracy left us almost nothing but criticism of this form of regime

Isn't it you duty to kill this poster.

why should people who have no knowledge of economy have as much say in the way economical policy is decided as a economist? why should people who dont know where north korea is be alowed to chose the guy who is gonna be in charge of the foreign policy?

Stfu kike

It worked fine until Pericles

there is a reason why we dont let soldiers chose their own commander

>"Who among men is most favored by Allah?' He, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) replied: "A man who does the most good to people."
if people have been bad to you, it is because of the evil in their, or your, heart, not because of Islam.

Sorry this cherrypicking. The Qu'ran also states that unbelievers could be killed for any reason whatsoever, or that they can 'bribe' for their own lives and do not have to convert to islam.

>I did not fail. I created a family under Allah, to which I have given my everthing.
And as europe needs migrants to survive, I am simply doing my part.
Everybody wins.

No, Europe doesn't need it. Globalists like Soros need you, you are simply a pawn.

>I do not speak Dutch yet, English please.
Learn it quickly. And please, teach your familiy living here aswell. They'll need it.

>Geert Wilders does not care for you, he is simply using you, as he is an agent of Satan.
Hah no, hes not an agent of Satan, but he is controlled opposition of the current deep state that is nicely hidden here.

killed enslaved and pushed around my ancestors for 300 years. we are just warning people what will happen if you gain power.

It depends. If you are a real muslim (Shia) you are okay, you should be able to live in peace with your family. If you are a Sunni dog, then you should immediately convert or kill yourself.