The theory behind Trump’s tax cuts is exactly what gave us the failed Bush economy
Trump is Bush 2.0
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>a leaf
... Obama extended the Bush tax cuts.
Really you fucking idiot?
Linking to Vox?
You're just whining like a bitch about the source because u can't handle the facts.
so a couple of wars and two terms, sounds good
They won't notice your post and if they do they'll ignore it.
Vox is tabloid trash.
Obama raised taxes on the rich.
Trump's tax cuts are Bush 2.0 on steroids. Exactly what the economy doesn't need right now.
Republicans are obviously just trying to bankrupt America to give tax cuts to their billionaire donors.
u should read the article and educate yourself
instead u lemmings have been programmed by your owners to not even look at information that is outside your safe space
Where is the rest of the picture?
But, Bush was Bush 2.0?
>linking vox
kill youself
Fuck you poorfags
not an argument
read the article retard
Trump is doing something he constantly lambasted in the past. Pic related.
>failed Bush economy
>people felt financially secure, spending went way up, and we had so much extra money the government could send everyone a check
>successful Obama economy
>no one felt secure, financially or otherwise, spending went down, tons of jobs left, unemployment at all time lows, and the debt quadrupled
digits, kek demands it
is that obamaleaf? its been a while since we've last tangled
>not an argument
No one is arguing with you faggot
We are pointing out you are a faggot leaf and your source is fake and gay
>unemployment at all time lows
I love how right wing retards think this is a bad thing
Right wing retards thinking the crashed Bush economy was great and the soaring Obama was bad just proves that right wing retards love crashing the American economy.
The Obama economy is so amazing, Trump can't stop bragging about.
>tax cuts hurt the econemy
You just be supremely stupid to think this and Obama was closer to bush on policy than Trump is.
>force all businesses to provide healthcare to all full time employees
>companies hire double the people at half time and they all get counted as employed
>stop including people at certain ages and that have been unemployed for too long and unemployed
Just remember to ignore all the industries that left under Obama.
Times change we can't keep listening to alan greenspan.
>my trumpfag blogs tell the real story
Obama never changed how unemployment is calculated. You retards literally just made that up because u couldn't handle mentally, positive economic news under Obama. Even Trump admits the numbers are real.
He just told u retards the unemployment rate was 42% because he knows u morons will believe anything he tells u
Obama cuck,
When will these right wing retards learn you can't argue with an autistic, jobless troll?
and Obama job creation was 95% full time. Maybe u should actually pull up the jobs data yourself instead of being a retard and falling for fake news headlines from ZeroBrain and
not an argument bitch
read the article
The "Bush economy" was cause by a housing market collapse due to shitty loans handed out like candy to niggers without verified income.
Only that's not true. Not only because ilt would be Bush 3.0, since the dumb fratboy drunkard was actually Bush 2.0. but also because Trump hasen't liked pedos since meeting Jeffery Epstein.
>not taking people's money = "giving"
Lol you exist to give Soros everything
"what failed in the bush economy"
do you people just really not want to recognize that the 08 crash was caused by sub-prime lending? because i mean pretty much everyone knows it was caused by subprime lending in the housing sector. that's not really a controversial assertion. that's been known by literally everyone ever since it happened and its been only recently that people are trying to blame it on "bush" and "tax cuts" for their own political purposes, when there's literally not a single shred of evidence to suggest its true and literally a mountain of evidence to suggest that its not
It was a lot more than big bank shenanigans.
It was compounded by 8 years of failed Republican economic policies.
>95% full time
now that 30 hours is "full time"
u people should read the article and educate yourselves
The seeds of the mortgage meltdown were planted during Bill Clinton's presidency.
Under Clinton's Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in "credit-deprived" areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting. If banks didn't comply with these rules, regulators reined in their ability to expand lending and deposits.
These new HUD rules lowered down payments from the traditional 20 percent to 3 percent by 1995 and zero down-payments by 2000. What's more, in the Clinton push to issue home loans to lower income borrowers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made a common practice to virtually end credit documentation, low credit scores were disregarded, and income and job history was also thrown aside. The phrase "subprime" became commonplace. What an understatement.
Next, the Clinton administration's rules ordered the taxpayer-backed Fannie and Freddie to expand their quotas of risky loans from 30 percent of portfolio to 50 percent as part of a big push to expand home ownership.
dude the 08 crash was caused by sub prime lending that turned sour, how can you be this fucking economically ignorant to literally think it had anything to do with "bush tax cuts" it was literally a 100% unrelated thing, with a very definite and concrete cause and the irony is that the cause was essentially that the economy was doing so well and things were so good that banks decided they could just lend and lend and lend even if people couldn't pay the loans back and that is eventually what caused the economy to tank. literally "tax cuts" had zero to do with it and weren't even a part of the discussion on what caused them
Because I have fuck all to do with tax plans in Congress? Don't act like I have any representation in government. I am the 50.4%. Keep shilling for your Muslim vs the Jews while I watch you fucks burn it all down.
Instead trust the faggots that are so unskilled they are scared that Mexicans with water bottles for sandals will steal their job
No offense but the economy and your broke ass don't need the same thing.
More socialism isn't going to make the economy better.
BLS has counted full time as 35 hours+ since the 1930s
Seriously where do u retards get your information from?
Wait. You do know that qualifying for Obamacare has nothing to do with how BLS tracks full time right?
Do u feel at all ashamed that you believed lies from right wing sources for years? Meanwhile a liberal Democrat like me is here simply telling u the truth?
Full-time workers (Current Population Survey and American Time Use Survey)
Persons who work 35 hours or more per week.
>a fucking leaf
>Exactly what the economy doesn't need right now.
you know what the economy needs? for the government to stop borrowing money for stupid shit
Way to oversimplify the dire state of the US, retard.
I did say right wing retards.
your vox article? dude i don't need to read your vox article to educate myself, i lived through the 08 housing market crash and the ensuing tanking of our economy. i had a business that literally went under because of it and it took me years to recover. i was more intricately linked to the 08 crash and everything that happened surrounding it than you or the fag who wrote that article ever will be. "tax cuts" literally had zero to do with it. neither did ANY republican OR democrat policy. banks literally thought they could lend and lend and lend to people who couldn't pay their loans back (known as subprime lending) and then when the day came that these people all en masse defaulted on their loans it started a chain reaction that knocked the bottom out of the economy.
that's the simple fact. that's what is historically true. no matter what anyone tries to spin it as and anyone who was alive and of age to understand business and politics at that remembers it and knows you are all full of shit
No, fractional reserve banking and the business cycle gave us the failed Bush economy..
u should read the article and educate yourself
Why don't u conservashits understand that when u cut taxes for your billionaire buddies by trillions of dollars, it creates bubbles of hot money that disrupt the economy?
The difference between Bush's economy and Trump's economy, already is GDP growth. Bush 43 averaged just above 2% GDP growth, and as I'm sure you know, Trump's economy has already gotten above 3%, bringing in more revenue.
How is Trudeau growing your economy, ya cunt?
The 07 crash is the fault of the Clintons and the FED. You can thank Barney Frank, as well. You must be a total fucking idiot.
ITT: a lot of leafs telling americans what to think about their taxes
Republicans know they are such failures in life, they have to dindu an entire 8 year Republican presidency
fucking harper holy shit i didn't know he increased the debt that much
This right here. I'm all for affordable housing but what they did under Clinton was beyond retarded and negligent.
Doesn't the US bring in record new highs in tax revenues every single year?
Maybe it's time to stop raising taxes and start cutting spending.
The government is going to borrow even more under Trump's plan
You must be under 25 with that edgy glib bullshit. Pay attention and you might learn something.
Republican President
Republican House
Republican Senate
every fucking time
99% of the new wealth created under obama went to the .1%
Rural retards lol
that would be great for the economy!
this is retarded, there were multiple natural disasters plus the trillions spent on multiple wars over GWB's entire tenure.
Obama being a do-nothing president only made it appear that "his economy" was growing. when in reality he was just raking in more tax revenue. the economy =\= tax revenue
there's so many things wrong with this it's better to just ignore it. The only salient point is that cutting taxes on the rich does not promote economic growth for the poor and lower to middle-middle class. That is well established, but it's not like it hurts them substantially either. Trump's other policies will hurt them more if ever enacted (getting rid of gibs, work-for-welfare, etc). These people are not really affected by the economy, they affect the economy.
Republicans never cut spending tho. They are huge spenders.
Wouldn't the intelligent thing to do would be to see them cut spending, balance the budget, THEN talk about tax cuts?
I mean even a 1st grader would understand that's the smart thing to do
Can we at least agree Bush failed to stop Clinton's stupid policies because he was, in fact, a moron? I hate all the spook planted leadership personally. I'm not gonna pretend it was entirely one sides fault though.
Pay attention to the dipshits that voted for Bush twice and now trump, no thanks. You guys are dumb as duck
dude screw your vox article, you just say "read the article" and "conservashits" VOX is a lefty publication that's full of shit dude. i lived through it and i had a business during this time. the reason it happened was because things were SOARING and everyone thought money was going to pour in no matter what, so banks said "we can do whatever we want" and they made a fucking terrible mistake. absolutely a dreadful mistake. and it ruined everything. it was 100% on the banks it literally had nothing to do with republicans or democrats or anything else. this is just revisionist history nothing more
if you're going to try to spin it as "a bubble was created by right-wing policies" then the only kernel of truth to that is that those policies inspired a lot of confidence in people and got a lot of people investing. that's why the banks thought they were fucking invulnerable and thought they could do what they did. it was absolutely fucking retarded of them to make the move they made with subprime lending, and that's what caused it. it had nothign to do with bush though. he didn't "cause" that by enacting sound financial policy that inspired confidence in the markets and in lenders, doing that is actually crucial to a healthy economy. there is literally no way to spin this as having anything at all to do with bush or his tax cuts. the democrats are just trying to say it now because they know their base if full of fucking retards who can't think critically and most of them never followed politics back when this happened because they're mostly fucking teenagers or early 20s people
did't know harper is still prime minister of Canada
Clinton's policies created 23 million jobs, cut unemployment to 3.9% and had a $230 billion surplus.
Bush's policies wiped all that out
The GOP TAX SCAM is even worse than Bush's tax cuts and it will crash the economy.
Then Trumpshits will dindu chimpout and blame Obama
when did trudeau take office? what month and year? most right wing retards don't even know
read the article dipshits
Since the aca bullshit put health insurance as mandatory for employers with over 30 employees working over 30 hrs p/wk not many places hire for more than 28 hrs p/wk. You need two jobs or more now where 9 ys ago you needed only one. I dont talk about legal bestiality because Im not a leaf, so stay out of our employment.
WTF does qualifying for Obamacare have anything to do with how BLS tracks full time jobs?
Full-time workers (Current Population Survey and American Time Use Survey)
Persons who work 35 hours or more per week.
The fact that Trump triggers dumbass uniformed Canadians makes my vote so much sweeter
2020 is going to be great
obamas economy only grew and recovered because of quantitative easing, which is no kind of recovery at all. it's essentially "cheating" and its an unsustainable policy that drives us into debt. all of the "growth" under obama (which was actually pretty meager) was bought and paid for by the US government, artificially. i'm not knocking obamas choice to use quantitative easing necessarily (though thats a separate decision all together) but lefties keep on wanting to suggest that he somehow "fixed the economy" magically when in fact he only bought treasury bonds with our gold reserves and with debt we shouldn't have taken out, which is a tab our future generations have to pay and in all likelihood they won't be able to
but most lefties today, who are teenagers or young 20s people don't even know what "quantitative easing" is and didn't pay attention to politics at all during this period of time so saying this to them just falls on deaf ears. they just stare at you blankly and don't know what you're saying. then they call you a "nazi" or a "conservashit" and walk away
>where do you retards get your information from?
That's the thing, they fucking don't.
Whatever isn't made up on the spot is usually some regurgitated from another source equally stupid.
You can never win against stupidity, but I appreciate the effort Obamaleaf.
thx bro
The fantastic publication Salon was right
Bush continued the policies, making him no better than Bill. But the practices that led to the subprime collapse started with Bill, and continued with George. This isn't a conversation about Republicans vs Democrats...its about establishment elite, of which Bush was a part of.
You cool about repealing Dodd Frank?
oh my god is this the same obamaleaf from that other thread that was similar to this one from a few months back? the one that was totally gay for obama and kept posting all of the pictures of him and whining about "conservashits" and spewing off totally ignorant stuff about economics and our countries economic history?