Does supporting open source software really makes me a communist?
Does supporting open source software really makes me a communist?
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That actually makes you anarchist more than anything.
Now you can be either anarcho-capitalist or anarcho-communist. Depends on you.
The United States government uses a large amount of open source software.
>let that sink in for a moment
Tux is anarcho-capitalist
He's been wearing the colors this whole time!
No but it makes you become this
>Deep state will use any means for more powergrabbing, regardless of actual political ideology
Really makes you think
Yes it does. Welcome to the Party, comrade!
you are only a communist if you support GPL
Damn, you're right!
Because anything they develop ostensibly belongs to the taxpayer.
>socialized software development
I'm not either of those but I so support open source software. If you were to categorize it politically it's definitively right there as communism is strongly authoritarian, doesn't jive with allowing forks at all.
Actually, non free proprietary software is true communism
>You don't own the software because the software is owned by the vendor
>You can't do whatever you want with the software you "brought" with real money
>You can't re-sell the software
>After subscription period you must give it back because you never had ownership of the software
>let that sink in for a moment
fuck off
I think I even saw something where stallman said something to this effect
only if you try to force other people to give their work to you for free. if you want to make something and give it away and then sell support services for said thing that is in no way communism
>be me
>do some no-name project for practicing my programming
>host it on a public github
>somehow I'm now a diehard communist
>strongly authoritarian
stallman is "not" a marxist. he's a supporter of democracy in his own words, and doesn't believe in any sort of concept like the socialist revolution or dictatorship of the proletariat or the end of history... but he WOULD if he lived in the 19th century. what I mean is that as far as his over-arching ethos, it's one and the same with marxism- the idea that humans act to gain power over each other, and everything in the world can be looked at through a lens of who has the most power, likewise the world's problems can be solved by getting rid of power hierarchies.
stallman's definition of democracy is "the people who have no power bound together to force the people in power down"
there is not a goddamn liberal of any flavor in the entire world who has that view. that is fundamentlly marxist.
oh yeah extremely important I forgot to mention
the entire essence of the free software movement of the fsf and stallman is the belief that the developer should have no power over the user. everything that stallman and the fsf have come up with descends from that basic principle. for esr and linus, free software is about forming good communities and writing good code. for stallman, it's about anarchy. he's a traditional marxist but he really got caught up in the whole computer thing. he's literally autistic, like medically. that's why he can't understand political theory and realize that he's a communist
>we can make communism happen without forcing people guys we just need to all smoke weed get in a circle and sing kumbaya
cool move it to /bant/ next
just have a magical floating thread
fuck you it was fine where it was
no educated predator moreso
Of course not. It's an example that humans can work together of their own free will.
Forcing people to use open source would make you a communist.
By the way, I agree with This thread is about tech culture. It belongs on Sup Forums.