What the fuck is wrong with Brits? Why do they insist on driving on the wrong side of the road?


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Yeah, look how many advanced nations are left-driving versus how many mutt nations drive to the right, like you Amerimutts. Fuck off and sage

>Canada used to drive on the correct side
>we changed it because America wanted a uniform system across the Americas
>Brazil and Argentina too drove on the left
>Austria, Hungary, Portugal, parts of Spain, Sweden and others also drove on the left
Driving on the right is degenerate. The French invented it and they invented socialism and the metric system

Not an argument


Are you ready for some AUSTRALIAN ROAD RULES motherfucker?

Argentina switched in 1945
Austria switched in 1938
Brazil in 1928
Canada in the 1920's
Newfoundland in 1947
Czech Republic 1939
Hungary 1948
Iceland 1968
Italy 1920's
Korea 1946
Netherlands 1906
Burma 1970
Portugal 1928
Philippines 1946
Slovakia 1939
Spain 1924
Sweden 1967
Ukraine 1922
Uruguay 1945

I’m glad you posted this, God only knows Sup Forums would have blamed Americans for this too but most nations switched before America even gained absolute prominence

It used to be commonplace to go on the left. Switching to the right was virtue signalling that your country was liberal and progressive. There's also no added benefit to it.

I think Canada should go back to its Anglo roots, we need to adopt the union flag as the official flag alongside the red ensign, every province should be made to adopt a red ensign or blue ensign flag as its provincial flag, all schools should play God save the queen in the morning along with the anthem which should be changed to the maple leaf forever, police constables should dress in their traditional British style uniforms, we should switch back to driving on the left side of the road, the Oxford English Dictionary should be adopted as the official dictionary of Canada and British pronunciations should be taught in school.
I remember when I was in school we learnt to say zebra not zeebra and shedule not skedule.

what the fuck 'straya
that's retarded

What kind of drug addicts thought of this retarded system?

Except now when you shake somebody's hand on the street you have to physically reach over your body since you're both on the wrong side.

What the hell is wrong with you guys?!

How would i keep my sword hand free to fight off highwaymen if i drove on the right?

Checkmate colonials

You mean the Japanese side of the road? The objectively superior side of the road.

is this what hell looks like?

Genuinely surprised that the Japs drive on the left, given the huge amount of US cultural and political influence, post WWII.


>hook turn
Would you look at that

>south africa
>an advanced country
maybe 40 years ago desu

The car is on the right side of the road and the driver is on the left side of the car. In other countries, it's reversed, so it doesn't really matter.
When my father went to the UK to visit family, he adapted fairly quickly when driving at the ripe age of 46, but he hated how narrow the roads are.

How does traffic switch on the countries touching land?

America gained providence in 1830 you retard.

Absolute is the key word here dumbass

The Dutch