Drumpf dun goofed
lol Trump posting videos of violent Muslims being violet is inciting violence... isn't that what the Muslims are doing?
Please provide a reason why this is not protected as free speech?
Asserting something and quoting a tweet is not evidence
Islam is literally the antithesis of the 1st amendment.
Why are Leftists so fucking dense?
Did the videos even mention Islam? Don't think so. So it's now illegal to show videos of ISIS doing ISIS things? We're supposed to pretend that shit didn't happen and that those people weren't murdered? Probably for being gay even.
By very nature having an opinion could lead to violence these people are insane, ignore them.
No it isn't.
Cool feels tho.
I do find it interesting how Americans, even as un-PC as Trump, can attack Muslims and Mexicans (long overdue desu), but can't speak or do these kinds of things for blacks.
Can you imagine if Trump retweeted blacks chimping out like this? He would be impeached immediately.
these people don't know the law. It is LEGAL to incite violence against a group, just not against an individual.
I am allowed to stand on a stage and preach "we must exterminate the niggers!" but it's illegal to stand on a stage and preach "we must kill [that specific nigger]" fucking Mill wrote about this in his utilitarian shit (utilitarianism is shit) and we do this under our US law.
These people are dumb
>random nobody tweet
Fuck off, not Sup Forums
Sandniggers will establish a new caliphate in Germany and/or Sweden the instant they have the numbers.
It is fucktard. Go express yourself in any muslim controlled area and enjoy.
He has in the past.
Phonefag so I don't have a pic, but he tweeted about how crime in New York would drop by 90% without blacks a few years back
A presidential declaration of war would 100% incite violence and is also protected under the 1st amendment
>using your free speech infringes my 1st amendment
The absolute state of the 50.4% US.
Isnt it time you got back to ruining your nation?
>it's illegal to stand on a stage and preach "we must kill [that specific nigger]
Not only is it legal to say but it is also legal to send seal team 6 in after your ass to make it happen.
I think it goes with the whole "Hate speech isn't free speech" thinking they have. Remember, facts are racist, racism is hate speech and "hate speech isn't protected under the first amendment". Even though no matter how many times the Supreme Court says other wise they will keep saying differently and trying to get the court to change their ruling.
>liberals believe that their interpretation of hate speech is law
>"Mexican" listed as a race instead of "hispanic"
Great meme there bud
why don't you put another tampon in your bleeding vagina and move on to another thread if you dislike the topic in this one you fucktard autist
fucking thin-skinned wusses on here can't even tolerate when other people are having a discussion that violates their wuss autist code of egocentric stupidity
>Can you imagine if Trump retweeted blacks chimping out like this?
Oh child...
Nigga practically everything could theoretically incite violence...
Tell me, Dr. OP, if you can: you have baited so much — what is it exactly that you have contributed? Can you name even one thing?... I thought not.