So I was just watching the BBC and it would appear Trump retweeted a video of Muslims beating up a teenage boy and throwing him off a building. Guess what angle they take on this news.
They begin to go on about how could Trump retweet something from Britain first who's leaders have been arrested for inciting racial hatred.
They are saying that Trump's tweet was anti-muslim even though its just a video of Muslims killing an innocent teen.
Trump retweets a Britain first "anti-muslim" tweet backlash
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This shit is driving me fucking crazy. The media - every channel - all day has claimed videos showing Muslims murdering defenceless people are “anti-Muslim”! What the actual fuck!? How the fuck is this allowed? Why are we not marching against the media?
Im a bit upset he is using British nationalist propaganda and not American
Archived that for you
Patience my young leaf, soon.
Fuck dorito lovers, trump is a racist beeotch lmao
Of course you did
What's wrong with "racism"?
It's not about the content of the videos, it's the intent behind them. And they're right about that. What is truly insane is that they're more worried about the sentiment than what is actually shown in the videos.
whats hilarious is the guy he retweeted got arrested for "racial hate speech" or some similar bullshit
>post videos of illegal muslim immigrants killing and raping your civilized countrymen
>get arrested for inciting hatred
such is live under the queen's flag
the leaf is correct
if anything they are actually pro-muslim videos, since those muslims are merely doing what the quran tells them to.
Based Nordbot.
No joke the CNN headline right now is "Trump retweets convicted racists anti Muslim video". I was thinking "how the fuck can you be a convicted racist?" and assumed he was convicted for something else. The video being from a British person makes sense.
I wonder if he's a bot. Every now and then he replies.
The headline will never be "video of muslims doing muslim things surfaces"
How is this anti-muslim? Its literally a video showing you what is being described. THATS anti-muslim now?
>This shit is driving me fucking crazy. The media - every channel - all day has claimed videos showing Muslims murdering defenceless people are “anti-Muslim”! What the actual fuck!? How the fuck is this allowed? Why are we not marching against the media?
reality is 'racist' as fuck dude so media cant stand it, reality is TOO racist and anyone who talks about reality is a racist piece of shit
this woman is charged with using insulting words?
I'm legit surprised to see this work. The left has worked very hard to strip the original meaning from "fascism" so they can convince people that it instead means "right wing person". I'm curious what was going on through the authors head... how does he think Trump is authoritarian?
I'd like to see there head on the chopping block with an Isis executioner wielding a blade. I can see their last words being
"I implore you to stop being anti-muslim people! Come and join me in heaven, inshallah!!"
According to leftists, yes, because it's "just durr culture" and "u gotta understand it hurr!" and you're automatically a far-right racist Nazi KKK bigoted everything-phobic straight white male regardless if you say otherwise.
>the leaf is correct
>if anything they are actually pro-muslim videos, since those muslims are merely doing what the quran tells them to.
Spot on. We really need to get on there leave of tolerance. Its just their culture
That comic is transcending into reality. Its like the memes make themselves.
Trump reposting Britain First? Damn he’s more based then I thought.
Think we can get him to repost the Oswald Mosley video on his speech about multiculturism
they are more worried about what might happen to muslim then what is actually happening to white people and christians wherever there are muslims
he is here
it's not a bot, it's a script
>Drumpf is such an authoritarian! That means bad man!
>Obama was my favorite president!
Britain First are retards though m8
The best part is if some Muslims do revenge attacks over his tweets the MSM won't say that they're not really Muslims but that it was actually Trump's fault for provoking them and he's not fit to be president
Mark my words
they did the same thing with Elizabeth "Pocahantas" Warren. They attacked Trump for being (yawn) racist and totally ignored the fact that she lied about being Indian and that she got a very high paying job at Harvard because of her lying about being Indian. It's just unreal how corrupt they are.
I have the BBC app on my phone and for hours this has been the top story over Praljak killing himself in the fucking courtroom. I do not think I could possible have any less respect for the media than I do at this moment.
Nordbro strikes again.
You have to understand. The do not care what reality is, they care about what makes them feel good to champion.
That is the whole of their mentality, most are indoctrinated enough that they cannot even genuinely address their dissonance (because that makes them racist).
Dopamine addicts.
Guys do you know the implications of the videos he posted? They're Muslim Brotherhood. Muslims Brotherhood
If Trump were smart he'd shit on gunless Britfags at every opportunity.
Yes but they are more hardline than trump so I was surprised.
Based but incompetent
This is the reason that Paul Jospeh Watson didn't like these tweets.
They're anti ZOG
>"The woman in question has already been convicted of hate crime in this country"
Thats all you really need to read IMO
Muslims beating, robbing and raping? not a problem
Posting a video of it however, thats a jailable offence
The beautiful thing is that the Dutch Embassy has tweeted that the guy in the Dutch video was born and raised in the Netherlands.
Of course they can't publish the guy's name so there's no way to verify this.
The two boys fighting were both non-Muslim and white, Britain First get shit for fake news quite a bit
I think we should condemn anyone who re-tweets Save the children videos and shit too because they are leftists who share the video.
British nationalists need to kick out Muslims. Trump is supporting.
clever way of getting masses people to go on his twitter feed, i mean lol it's so obvious you wonder how they keep falling for it? They got baited into making a huge story about it without actually showing the tweets
when you go on trump's twitter, it's really all about shilling the burgerland economy and TAX CUTS
when did the people of bongland last get a fucking tax cut
>The do not care what reality is
i know and they are too stupid to realize their bias helped get Trump elected.
My wife's 82 y/o grandmother has been redpilled thanks to the media. At first she didn't like Trump because she watched shit shows like The View. Then she started seeing how mean they were to Trump and especially Melania and she didn't like that. Funny thing is she has Facebook and her old ass Facebook friends would post things from sites like Breitbart and she was like stunned at how she has been lied to most of her life.
not time yet, soon.
Funny thing is niggers and beaners love doritos. kek.
Mockingbird is a helluva drug
so many isis vids to pick from and he chooses these? because they are from europe and not their homeland? was that the point he had? because isis isn't muslim per se but extremists? something's off
Since when is it wrong to show muslims practicing there religion as its taught in the Quran?
>the electoral college is broken because the values if NYC and the left coast are all that matter
What would happen if he countered that it's about race not religion? Instant impeachment?
>britian first?!?!?! that sound awful!!! the british should be a minority in their own county!!!
how did it come to this
this is it
he has finally gone too far
Trump is finished this time for sure
liberals fucking love to play the victims and defend predators as long as it fits their needs
remember the DNC hack last year?
they were so busy shitting on Trump and Russia and intentionally completely ignored the misconducts the leak actually uncovered about the Democrats
they just love killing the messenger if they don't agree with the message
If it's about race, he gets impeached.
If it's about religion, he gets impeached.
Our enemies are just looking for an excuse to kill him.
Someone should edit in white men instead of muslims so the videos become unoffensive
Doesn't the head of the Church of England have a title? Other than "head"?
>his munificent omnipotent lord of the realm of the spiritual and all its environs
CBC spent the last 20 minutes showing tweets by leftists and interviewing the guy from CAIR going on about Trump being Hitler. My taxes paid for this. At no point did they explain the content of the video, they just repeated "far right" 1000 times while literally pointing at tweets on a screen.
Being a leaf is suffering
MSNBC cut Trump's speech off and are saying the tax bill is unpopular and will hurt all Americans except the top 1%.
I fucking love this man
Because he is a reasonable person.
he's british, what do you expect
even the most conservative people in the UK are cucks when push comes to shove
>British nationalist propaganda and not American
Yes, everyone is calling trump a racist, no one pays attention to one boy that got murdered... This reaction is either total anti-trump extremist, or just a flock of bots
one of the stupidest memes I ever seen
"an independant camaign, research and Muslim advocacy"
How can you be independant and a Muslim advocacy ?
The media is absolutely bootyblasted lmao
It's anti muslim because it shows the truth.
Each time I go on these threads, I see all the leftist bots or braindead posters still trying to revive interest for Hillary and I become more in favor of Trump..
Trump has no arguments so he could be defeated easily, but leftist fight him with so much stupidity that in the end you begin to prefer him.
>What is truly insane is that they're more worried about the sentiment than what is actually shown in the videos.
ofc they are
you're willing to do anything to not let your world of lies built over a decade, crumble
>such is live
if you post a video of nazi atrocities are you inciting hatred against the poor nazis?
From the thumbnail, the video is of a muslim guy destroying a statue of the virgin mary.
isn't he retweeting something thats anti-christian?
That was in egypt, he got hanged and the other one hitting the 13 year old dutch on crutches wasn't a muslim.
i thought Zionists run our media, shouldnt they be praisng Trumps tweet to fuel more suport in expanding Israel?
Politicians* there are some very based people here, just will get fucked by the law if you say anything
KEK, nice trps
It's about being consistent with race=religion=racism
The absolute state of Britain.
Drumpf is one to talk about skin color, fuck dotards they’re the lowest of low
do you think he has some built in self-JUST mechanism like schizophrenics do? I mean he can't resist fucking his own shit up
>FCC chair says social media censors right wing opinions
>If twitter bans Trump, there's pretext to remove net neutrality
>If twitter doesn't ban Trump millions get to see videos of tolerant muslims
Is this a win-win situation?
Wait, isn't the head of the church supposed to be the monarch? Who I s this fucker?
they mean the archbishop of canterbury, but you are correct.