>90% of the internet agrees with these people that everyone who supports Trump is a KKK member.
Will the pendulum ever swing back the other way?
>90% of the internet agrees with these people that everyone who supports Trump is a KKK member.
Will the pendulum ever swing back the other way?
Well, those 90% of people who agree are talking shit online and not out participating in the economy. Probably don't vote, either. Is there really a place IRL where you can't say that you support our president? I have yet to find such a place.
t. rural or suburban intellectual who voted for Trump.
Only city retards voted for Hillary.
Afraid not. The Overton window is moving right so fast, and after trumps 2020 victory and the purge of 2021 we will never go back to "our values".
>Will the pendulum ever swing back the other way?
yes, people (normies) will get tired of Trump's daily provocations
the pendulum is going to swing back HARD the other way, into Bernie Sanders socialism and degenerate identity politics, the likes of which we havent seen before
I’m sorry, but what about the videos is rascist or anti-Muslim? They all just feature mudslimes doing criminal acts with no other commentary. God the media is so fake.
>Is there really a place IRL where you can't say that you support our president? I have yet to find such a place.
Every college in America.
NONSENSE. Trump will win 40 states in 2020
>90% of Twitter agrees
fixed that for you son
Newsflash, most of us in this country don't like muslims. This isn't like posting black violence videos, that would have a much bigger impact.
>implying facebook, tumblr, reddit, and just about every other meaningful place for discussion isn't inherently left-leaning.
Twitter is probably the worst out of all of them, but don't act like it's ONLY twitter. In fact, just about the only places I can think of where right-leaning political viewpoints are allowed is here and sometimes Youtube, if you get the right video.
> implying voting Trump was a good move
>Will the pendulum ever swing back the other way?
If it doesn't all that will be left is a mestizo-filled hellhole.
I never liked the pro-trump circlejerking on here but the bastard deserves credit for shitting on Muslims the way he has.
Muslims and the west are fundamentally incompatible, sure the west is a degenerate soulless wasteland but Muslims come to the west to leech off of decent whites and then they try to impose their ways on us.
>Youtube, if you get the right video.
But its demonitized and sometimes put in Youtube jail (restricted mode)
Black pigeon speaks made a video about how many of his vids got put there after mass flagging
Most of social media is left leaning because they silence/ban people who say the wrong things (non-left)
I mean fuck sake, in Uk and germany you could go to jail for speaking ill off mass migration and in Sweden someone was recently jailed for saying africans commit rape
>Will the pendulum ever swing back the other way?
That's not how it works. It'll swing back, but it won't swing back soon. Trump's election is the beginning OF it swinging back, from where it had been with Obama and millennial burnout culture, which is 2006-2015, no small period of time. What it swings back to eventually after Trump you or I could not predict, and Sanders will be dead from age before it ever does.
>Will the pendulum ever swing back the other way?
Yes. These bitchy whiners and the corporate-media collusion fueling them are incredibly transparent to most people.
Their biggest mistake was influencing the Democratic primaries, especially when places like NPR did obvious pro Clinton bullshit. They keep doing the same shit, sometimes contradicting themselves in the same news hour and constant focus in minority victimhood. They've gone overboard and mist people have or are slowly opening their eyes to the problem. This will not end well for the Nu-left.
They declare Turmp is Hitler and now we're supposed to believe this British group is a "racist ultranationalist group".
>be leaf
>have to listen to leftys at work shit on trump all day every day because they all watch colbert and other bullshit and just parrot whatever they hear on TV
Lol.. in your dreams
WW3 when?
Janeway killed Tuvix. Never forget.
Now that’s funny
its going to be hard to do without the nigger vote
50% of niggers have no photo id and can't vote anymore
>90% of the internet
>90% of bots and sock puppets agree
>50% of niggers have no photo id and can't vote anymore
bullshit they give u a valid state id when u get out of prison
WTF is wrong with these left wingers. Why are they on this crusade to "end hatred" when all they do is spit hatred towards whites?
Right wing political views are basically a crime at this point. Even people who vote right wing use left-wing talking points in conversations just to prevent people from flipping out.
If there is one lefty with 10 conservatives in a crowd, spewing MSM garbage, everyone will just agree with him to prevent an argument.
There are a lot of conservatives, but there are not very many good conservative candidates.
Can Brohibition Now please stop tardsplaining everything to me? It's really triggering me.
By the why, when did Sean Spicer leave and when did SHS replace him?
>90% of the internet agrees OP is a faggot
Twitter LITERALLY WHO threads need to get fucking banned
What was anti-muslim about showing videos of ISIS being ISIS? Liberals are pro-ISIS now?
It hasn't even begun to swing back yet dingus
We're getting rid of CBTS and NK falseflag threads made by bored LARPers before smarmy liberal Twitter threads.
>90% of the internet
Rusbot, you’re literally on a forum of people against this shit. While most of reddit is for it, more and more people are going against it. Retarded right-wingers on my Facebook are against it and I’m from liberal cuck California. Minorities and right-wingers both hate white liberals, pretty soon they will have nowhere to run. I’d say retards like this are about 30% support, and they all happen to be vocal and brainwashed. Spread the red-pills, homie.
Wow another poll, 90% you say thats just like the elections lol.
98.1% of people!
Its already happening.
My girlfriend voted for HRC, and nowadays she gets really irritated from all the stupid nit picking the common idiots are complaining about on the news.
Its gotten to the point where she just changes the channel, I fucking love it.
yeah i mean im a conservative (the traditional kind, not the Sup Forums kind) and i show up to every election and vote for republicans, but i fucking hate the republican party, i just hate the democrats infinitely more, but at the end of the day I dont care about politics near as much as any redditor or poltard does. I just want to be able to live a very traditional life with a nuclear family while not getting ass raped by taxes and having degenerate shit forced down my throat. So in the sense that republicans dont do shit while in office, thats kind of ok, although I wish they would implement some of their agenda.
also the general media/college/reddit/social circle vehement hatred of conservatism just makes me depressed, my parents raised me right with the right priorities (family always first) but that somehow makes me an awful person
This right here. The videos had no commentary or opinion, just pure video of MUslims doing what Muslims do.
The fact that Lefties can't into logic and immediately assume racism says a lot more about them than "us"
>inb4 Sup Forums ie Sup Forums is not a monolith
>also the general media/college/reddit/social circle
Do you remember forums back in the day? There were leftist hubs of hatred against conservatism.
True conservatism is almost completely dead in the west, Sup Forums does not represent it at all. I'd prefer it much more than Sup Forums ideals or leftist civilization-destroying nihilism.
Pretty much the same in Canada. I like the pro small business, lower taxes, cut wasteful spending conservatism.
But I don't like the make bigger prisons, start more wars, spy on everyone, pass insane anti terror laws, make all your buddies rich by privatizing Government assets to your friends businesses conservative.
Good heavens, I think it’s finally time to genocide the left.
You need to drop that shit quick nigga, you kno that hoe ain't gonna stick around.
If only their fantasies were true. What a better world it would be if about half of the USA was a literal nazi klan member, especially since the other half of the usa is a literal antifa commie :^)
The pendulum has swung back the other way. You're wrong about the "90%," Trump is the truest and best example of the silent majority the world has ever known.
God bless that man.
The masses have always been fucking retarded, that's why the US was set up with protection against them.
His name was Tuvix.
>the truth is no longer the truth if we disagree with the politics of the source
Liberals are a cancer. Helicopters are the cure.
Wow, and i thought the left can't meme
>anti-muslim videos
They were videos about muslims chimping out. If anything, muslims are making their own anti-muslim material.
They are continually the loudest section but as the election showed us there is a silent majority against them.
Younger more liberal people are more likely to use social media. A lot of apolitical and conservatives don't use it. It's misleading to think certain things are popular going by retweets. A lot of retweets are bots and non Americans anyway. Many are just feel good retweeters who are emotionally swayed by the sentiment in the moment but not engaged politically. More people are being turned off by this loud shrieking gaggle and the media everyday. A lot of people who people in their social circles thought were left wing or centre must have secretly voted Trump going by the figures. That is a huge red flag the liberals are trying to ignore. If people are publicly behind your cause or a little sympathetic but stab you in the back at the voting booth then you have majorly fucked up. It means your narrative is the mainstream but a large number of people reject it privately and people are pretending to be on your side so your zealots don't make their life hell.
>videos of muslims are anti-muslim
Ignorance is Strength
Considering the internet is a curated and carefully stacked deck, favoring the input with the most money, or, narrative to drive, unless decentralization of aggregates and social media can be reversed from the media hive, it won’t go back unless some type of singularity is reached.
Biggest issue at hand, if people are wantonly or blissfully unaware that information dilution, manipulation and fuckery is afoot, they will not ask the six great questions of critical thinking; who, what, when, where, how, and why.