chad croat vs virgin serb
Chad croat vs virgin serb
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bolje rob nego grob
Okay, let's be serious for a second. Putting aside the memes, the bait, the banter and the propaganda - what would it actually take for a reconciliation and accomodation between Croats and Serbs? We both did pretty horrible things to one another, but that doesn't mean we have to constantly shit on each other and be assholes to each other. If Germany and France, two nations who did A LOT MORE horrible shit to each others throughout history than we did, could reconcile and turn to the future, why couldn't we?
>killing oneself is considered Chad now
lmao (you)
>subhuman croat vs aryan serb
based move tho
All Balks are quarrelling faggots, so piss off.
fuck off from Europe business, fucking useless mutt.
You're right it's not the act of a Chad. It's the act of a true patrician, a man who would rather die than allow lesser men to rewrite history and condemn him for protecting his people and ancestral lands.
Croats need to get rid of that Cucktholicism once and for a and join the Orthodox if it wants to be taken seriously by the kebab removing chad countries.
>Croat goes to hell
>Serb goes to heaven
More like damned Croat vs saved Serb.
topkek fucking perfect, saved
Croatians are fucking based man
Everyone get to twitter.
Post a picture of this gentleman the hashtag
lets get this trending and pay our respects
How about something that actually has a higher than 0% chance of occuring in reality?
Croats I'm looking for some nice nationalistic banners/grafitti starring Praljak. Can you help me out
he killed himself just to be confused for a serb by random Sup Forumsacks. sad!
>Okay, let's be serious for a second. Putting aside the memes, the bait, the banter and the propaganda - what would it actually take for a reconciliation and accomodation between Croats and Serbs?
nothing. that chance was had until 1991. there is no initiative or need for it anymore, and even if there was, it's too late now. sto bi rekli grobari, s vama ni u crkvu.
>We both did pretty horrible things to one another
the things you've done were way more horrible tho, and the things we've done were mainly caused by the things you've done
>If Germany and France, two nations who did A LOT MORE horrible shit to each others throughout history than we did, could reconcile and turn to the future, why couldn't we?
because we aren't pussies like the french and the german. by "we" i mean serbs.
Remind me of when Charles I entered trial and asked "How can I be judged by a jury of my peers when no mortal man is my equal?"
No other way. You’re a tool of te globalists and Antichrist as long as that’s a part of your core culture.
Stop memeing this.
I'm sorry, are you a Balk? No. So was I talking to you? No, I was not. So fuck you. But on the other hand I suppose you are a Magyar rape baby. Also, learn to speak proper English next time so that you can properly address your superiors.
I'm not talking about sharing a country or some brotherhood and unity commie shit, I'm talking about fucking cordial relations between our countries.
>the things you've done were way more horrible tho
This is true (though it's debatable whether its just to blame ALL Croats for the crimes of a minority; a lot of Croats opposed the NDH regime as well, both actively and passively).
>and the things we've done were mainly caused by the things you've done
This is a lot more dubious since the atrocities of NDH were primarily the reaction to the maltreatment of Croats in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. It doesn't justify what happened in WW2 just like how what happened in WW2 doesn't justify what Serbs did to us in the 90s, but the cause-effect thing is pretty important.
>because we aren't pussies like the french and the german. by "we" i mean serbs.
Now you're just being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, if you think peace is for pussies, you're basically a barbarian (and before you jump down my throat, I don't mean Serbs are barbarians I mean you in person are one)
We start by dividing BiH
Peace with a Catholic nation is like inviting jews into your homeland.
But most Serbs are pretty much Barbarians,so if you are a Barbarophobe,you can forget it.
>what is self improvement on a national level
I think that's a good start. Sorry our president decided to bomb you to distract normies from his corruption
The Serb has higher mudshit kd
Holy Serb>coward Croat
both untermensch
This is Sup Forums,so muh traditional culture takes priority,i mean 90% of people here think that the French revolution was horrible and would rather be Medieval Sefs.
Not to mention you will never fix these subhumans before the country becomes majority gypsie anyway.
>I'm not talking about sharing a country or some brotherhood and unity commie shit, I'm talking about fucking cordial relations between our countries.
we don't want any relations with you, fuck off. and we don't want to fight your battles again either.
>This is true (though it's debatable whether its just to blame ALL Croats for the crimes of a minority; a lot of Croats opposed the NDH regime as well, both actively and passively).
while i am aware there are good croats who oposed this, in general croats are completely brainwashed. just go to vecernji and read comments about this. croats are schizofrenic on a national level, there is simply no reasoning with 90% of the croat population.
>This is a lot more dubious since the atrocities of NDH were primarily the reaction to the maltreatment of Croats in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
while i could agree you were treated badly, that same kingdom also saved you from basically the end of your existance. also, in 1939 you got a authonomous banovina which included a lot of serbian populated areas.
>f you think peace is for pussies, you're basically a barbarian (and before you jump down my throat, I don't mean Serbs are barbarians I mean you in person are one)
i don't think peace is for pussies. i am ok with having peace with you, i don't want to war you, you got your territory in the way you got it and that's done now. i however also don't want anything to do with you since i consider you to be the scum of the earth. it's really that simple.
from a strategic standpoint, that's not in our interest. if we go with croats to 'divide bosnia"(or even ally so we get rs and they get their ethnic parts), we will get fucked by nato(not to mention the zagreb gov't has no wish to do this). it's much better to make a deal with muslims that we get rs(with small border changes so we have a decent coridor), and let them(and possibly subtly help them) get rid of croats in fbih(which is what will most likely happen).
Please Serbia Jr, listen to your papa.
See, this is a constructive statement. How about we get majority Croat areas + Bihac to avoid bordergore, you get RS and Brcko district and the Bosniaks in Central Bosnia become a protectorate or something?
can you redo this with a better caption and font please? I want to put it on a t shirt
It's impossible. You would need to blow open the Serbian oligarchy which Russia would never accept. Serbia, like Belarus is the last line of Russian strategic policy and important intelligence / arms dealing lilypads.
Croats, Bosniaks and Slovaks will never again willingly give up their identity to Serbia for at least the next 2 generations. The lost family members to genocide and stolen property / technology from 1995 is still unsolved and painful.
If Serbia were to take down their skolvoki and try to rehabilitate their oligarchs like Germany and ukraine, then I would consider it. But right now, Serbia will always remain a latent threat and their revenge lust is too dangerous to ignore, even if they reject Rus.
Note, Serbian people are cool. They are cool bros Most villages in hervatska don't care if your dialect is off. I I just got a big problem with the government and wish the Serbs would grow some balls and stop selling girls and guns for Moscow.
>The Serb has higher mudshit kd
In the 90's, yes, since all we did was to defend our country.
Prior to that the Se*b has a long and proud history of being a literal cuck and killing fellow Christians to please his Turk masters.
>aryan serb
Stop being so butthurt over your inferior genocide. Here, have a shot of raki to calm you down.
vs dramatic italian
I agree. You guys are like the crows and the wildlings.
>90% of people here think that the French revolution was horrible and would rather be Medieval Sefs
Honestly I'm all for restoration of monarchy in this country as NatSoc clearly wouldn't work, but living in a perpetual state of distrust and antagonism against your neighbors is a shitty proposition regardless of where you draw the lines
>just go to vecernji and read comments about this
You can't possibly be this dense m8. Are you seriously basing your RL opinions on international politics on the basis of newsportal comments shitposting?
>while i could agree you were treated badly, that same kingdom also saved you from basically the end of your existance
You should agree we were treated badly, it was unnecessary cruelty that bred massive resentment and basically mined the whole Yugoslav project from the get go. The second part is true (something many Croats don't like admitting), we'd get fucked by Italy and Hungary in the post-WWI period. We'd probably get our own nation after WWII, but who can guess what could have been?
>in 1939 you got a authonomous banovina which included a lot of serbian populated areas
True, but by then it was too late because Europe was about to get fucked up hard. Either way, Yugoslavia I was doomed anyways because there is no way in hell it could have beaten Germany (perhaps with Croat cooperation, the war would have lasted two weeks instead of one week) and pro-British Serb generals would never (and didn't IRL) allow a Yugo-German alliance.
I don't want you to fight our battles for us. I just want us to reconcile and put this shit behind us already. It's toxic and opens both our nations up for easy manipulations by inept politicians.
I can't.
thats because its still too fresh
Things will change in about 30 years
Do you and Croats still have nobles? Or did Tito purge them all?
Western sources on Yugoslav nobility are scarce, and it drops off after the Turks more or less.
A glorified reservation, deal
die cr*ats die die die
Who here lives with distrust?Maybe some dodjosi,but nobody gives an actual fuck.Hell,even next gen dodjosi don't give a fuck.Contrary to popular belief the governments also work closely together and Serbia already has many agreements with Croatia.
If Croats are actually scared,or mad,they should fix it themselves,for i see no reason to give a fuck or how it is our problem.
>I am all for restoration
I am pretty sure that wanting to serve some bloodline of peasants from Monte Negro is pretty embarrassing for even other Monarchists,but you do you pal.
>You can't possibly be this dense m8. Are you seriously basing your RL opinions on international politics on the basis of newsportal comments shitposting?
i am pointing it out as an example. if you look at statements from croatian officials, it's the same, just worded differently. croats live in some kind of a parallel universe and there is simply no reasoning. as a matter of fact, i am sure you believe pic related.
>You should agree we were treated badly, it was unnecessary cruelty that bred massive resentment and basically mined the whole Yugoslav project from the get go. The second part is true (something many Croats don't like admitting), we'd get fucked by Italy and Hungary in the post-WWI period. We'd probably get our own nation after WWII, but who can guess what could have been?
i agree with this. honestly, if yugoslavia had to be made, it should have comprised of serbia, croatia and slovenia, with clear borders between those 3 from the beginning.
>I don't want you to fight our battles for us. I just want us to reconcile and put this shit behind us already. It's toxic and opens both our nations up for easy manipulations by inept politicians.
do you want us to split bosnia? if you do, you do want us to fight your battles. also, i don't want to reconcile with you, because i consider you to be a mentally ill nation with no shame. you got most of what you wanted, enjoy it, but don't expect us to be your friends or whatever.
Maybe a few here and there. The commies were thorough in their purge.
You have some bastard children with a 90% peasant family LARPINg as nobility becasue of one grand-grand parent(Mainly in Croatia as Barons) but they have no actual holdings.
>This is Sup Forums,so muh traditional culture takes priority,i mean 90% of people here think that the French revolution was horrible and would rather be Medieval Sefs.
The disorder caused by the FR was so great they needed a dictator to Make France Great Again.
the croatian slavic nobles were slaughtered by the habsburgs and replaced with germans and hungarians, and those are gone now too
and serbian nobles converted to islam to keep their status and today call themselves "bosniaks"
Fuck off niggerleaf,we were removing kebab before it was even cool,did it for longer and did it till not so long ago,we are also the only european power with colonies in muslim africa.
Also poland,malta,even italy...we have been removing kebab for longer and protecting europe,Croatians were the node of europe,as we were,orthodox did fight and to me they are brothers.
Our current pope is a cuck and the vatican council probably made the church go full kike but still catholics have a long tradition of kebab removal
*were the border of europe
Suck a dick Miloš, you already tried once and now you are shitting pants in prison
How does the Church operate in Spain these days? Does it have a lot of infulence or has it been reducing?
Here, the local Catholic bishops ignore the sillyness of the Marxist Pope as much as they can without risking excommunication. But they are pretty much 99% against Francis' stupid commie shit.
Ottomans killed most nobles because they feared could lead an uprising and appointed a local peasant as a "new noble",while a few of the families Magyarized or wet as Rapefuges in Russia.These subhumans sure got disappointed when Obrenovic told them they will have no more privileges after the revolution,but now days they don't show their ugly mutt,because everybody knows they had to suck some major Turkish dicks for their fake titles.
>why couldn't we?
Because you are dumb slavs.
and you are a german
What did I miss?
Mind you they don't have be actual royalty, we could just hold a massive competition and choose a family based on education/aesthetics/character
Dude was sentenced to prison for genocide and he basically told the judge to stick it where the sun don't shine and chugged down poison
It's fucking hilarious
There is noble families but most of them do not have formal title and most of the oligarchy are old Ban's / Equatires who trace back to the 1400's or the first Punic war.
Croats and Serbs wiped out most of the written noble history when Hungary acquired Yugoslavia and any formal royal structure was wiped out by tito to ensure Stalin did not have a reason to put proxies in Yugoslavia postwar like Poland and ukraine. Nobody wanted to pay taxes and just converted their land into homesteads, some of which became national parks. Most changed their names also to ensure they would not get purged in 1790. Beyond some eyebrow perks at a church congregation or a diplomat invitation, there is no real recognition in main society or even a need to bring back a royal constitution. Splitting Yugoslavia into monarch/torys would just add another layer to the drama which nobody wants. There is not even enough inventive to repair the old castles post-war (1995), so the people have effectively voted on bringing back a noble caste in any form. A few villages tried after season 2 game of thrones to build tourism hype but it never took off. Maybe there will be more interest after James Bond 25.
You can't chose Blue blood.It is lost in Serbia,and choosing peasants is spitting in the face of our dad nobility.If you want absolutism than "chose" a dictator or a tyrant.
do you live in a cave?
also, is google blocked in your country?
I got the vid lad, sorry. I also don't follow the news at all, just looking for laughs.
>he apologized
mate stand up for yourself
No, he's right. Spoonfeeding is a sin.
Spoken like a true Croat.
based portuguy, true humble christian
Then so be it, societies were much more stable back then and I refuse to believe it's just because church dogma
Fuck off boomer fuckhead what he did was honorable just like what Otoya Yamaguchi did in prison he's an honorable man. Not like you chirstcucks would ever fucking know what that means.
this is true
watch yourself croat
No, I'm a Jew.
The real chad quench
>Slovenes: Actual Croats
>Croats: Catholic Serbs
>Bosniaks: Muslim Serbs
>Serbs: Orthodox T*rks
>Albanians: australopithecus albanicus
>Macedonians: Heirs of Alexander
>Greeks: D E N B T S
>T*rkey: Mordor
>tfw slovene
croatia BTFO
Nothing will change, because your people are stupid. Literally stupid; the worse IQ in (((europe)))
You have yet to evolve fully into normal human beings. So you have not yet learned how to empathize
oy vey!
Croatians are illyrian brothers.
fuck serbs
t. Second gen albanian that thinks hes white but probably swarthy and haves around 87 IQ and is a patriot even though ive been home about 3 times in my lifetime.
>>the things you've done were way more horrible tho
you still buying that 700K jasenovac meme? lmao. you're conveniently forgetting you started that round of bloodshed by commiting unimaginable atrocities to croatian commoners in bosnia, herzegovina and slavonia, as both partisans and chetniks because that's both the same to you.
Pretty accurate desu
Apparently there were Irish men in the Croat Army during this war.
Bosnian talking. If it weren't for Albania, you'd be the niggers of Europe.
Yeah, mostly because it was internationally perceived as a religious conflict.
There were foreign fighters joining all sides of the war, catholics fighting for Croatia, Orthodox for Serbia and various muslims fighting in Bosnian paramilitaries.
This is why we're so fucking retarded. I swear to god, everyone says the clever people leave Ireland. In reality it's the other way around. The clever Irish stayed and survived using their head while the potato niggers left the country to go across a fucking continent.
There are some hardliners up there but on a local level it depends on the priest,most are basically hippies.
I feel a bit sad that I won't get them to bless my weapons for a +2 attack and holy damage.
Other than that my ancestors died for their faith so their beliefs are the correct ones,so I don't care much about the Pope, to me the church is all the christianhood,that's the true house of God.
this post makes you seem like a potato too
>There were foreign fighters joining all sides of the war
Wow, seriously? (((CNN))) never covered that.
This is literally the most rational and best option
>(((CNN))) never covered that
Who'd have thought.