This entire forum is meaningless, and I'm going to kill myself after this thread

This entire forum is meaningless, and I'm going to kill myself after this thread.

Western Culture is meaningless, it was just a vessel to deliver us to the consumerist era.

Christianity is the slave morality which Nietzsche correctly identified. If you make people believe in an afterlife it will pacify them in their actual life -- the only one they will ever have.

White genetics are not vital for the consumerist escalation. If they were; Indians in Silicon Valley wouldn't be a thing. Eventually genetic engineering will eclipse all of your concerns over phenotype aesthetic.

There is no great family model to return to where you can be a patriarch. Any children you have will be absorbed into the consumerist mass. Parental influence is meaningless in an age of hypercommunication.

Your wife will have social media. I don't think I need to go into any more detail on this.

There is no super intriguing clandestine force which controls the world -- only consumerism and capital. Sure, Jews are involved, but only insofar as they are involved with everything which requires skill. It was just an upbringing which emphasises the importance of study. That's the end of the Jewish mystery; it was an ingroup which held intellect as its highest virtue.

In an age where there is no great struggle; there is no need for anything aside from intellect unfortunately. There is no need for valor or fidelity anymore. So the Jews win and you never get to bring your high minded presupposition of valor to them.

There is no great war or impending happening that will bring meaning to your life. There is only the slow assimilation into the global consumerist

There will be hiccups, like Islam for instance, but humanity has not produced a creed capable of contending with the awesome power of consumerism. It will devour you all.

There is no great cause to live or die for my brothers.

Other urls found in this thread:


Use a sharp knife nihilist jew.
When are you goyim going to wise up?

Great plan:


White Nationalism:

William Pierce:

addtl. threads on Zionist agenda:


tl;dr the soyboy manifesto

>Christianity is the slave morality which Nietzsche correctly identified

He was wrong. Read Scheler



I love you brother, but white nationalism is a doomed concept. All nationalism will be also. Japan will fall to globalism soon.

the soyboy will inherit the Earth. You and I will not brother.

Now back to my suicide note...

Those among you who still socialize may feel a sense of superiority to the normie who has assimilated into the consumerist lockstep.

But is he not better adapted than you?

If you would rather die than adapt then join me in death brothers.

cool story bro, look at this cool webm i made

Don't do it.

Why not brother?

You did it, you cracked the code.
Rewatch Rick & Morty.
Rape some white wiminz.
Stab Tyrone in an eye with a shank,
You can do all of these meaningless yet still niggerlicious things yet you choose to kill yourself.

>Any children you have will be absorbed into the consumerist mass.
You underestimate the power of individual thought, individual action and creative ways of perceiving the world.

why not just be a nihilist and not kill yourself. i dont care either way.

i stopped reading at brothers.

Meh, I’m bored. I could go for some global extermination and domination. You’re only as controlled as the power you give away.


Thanks reddit, but go back for fuck sakes or just kill yourself.

This is an image-board.

>An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.

Read a fucking book. And good riddance.

It’s a Mongolian basket weaving forum, newfag.


Yeah but, Internet Forum or Message Board =/= Image Board, so my fucking noun still stands correct.
Don't make me break out the pro-nouns like this faggot

>why not just be a nihilist
Why would a nihilist kill himself in the first place lol

>You underestimate the power of individual thought, individual action and creative ways of perceiving the world.

Where is this individual you speak of?

I see a million zeroes, but no one.

Perhaps you overestimate these things.

Show me a book worth reading and I will read it brother.

>An imageboard or image board is a type of Internet forum which operates mostly via posting images.

>I see a million zeroes, but no one
This is a glass half full, glass half empty kind of thing.

Every individual has their own perspective. Most individuals also belong to multiple collective perspectives, the largest one being identified by yourself as consumerism. However we are very adaptable. Collectives change slowly but individuals can change on a dime.

You are a suicidal nihilist anyway.

It'll be better tomorrow don't do it.


And what should we change into brother?

Any great work we produce will be fleeced by opportunists before it touches the collective.

This has been the case for us the entire time, not to mention the last two years.

There is only isolationism. Find yourself a quiet place in the country, raise children if you can find a good woman.

>an autist is someone who has great difficulty not correcting others over insignificant details and interacting with others properly


Are you dead yet OP?

Why are you telling this to me, buddy?

>There is no great war or impending happening

That's where you're wrong boyo.

This is Easter Island on a global scale, and some psychotic sellout consumer is happily chopping down the last tree at this very instant.

Unrest is spreading. Chances are you won't even have to kill yourself. Death will find you before your time.

can you do a livestream of you killing yourself please?


>he’s not a constructionist
Stop being post modern

There is no more isolation. One can no longer hide from the world. Your descendents will inevitably be absorbed.

Not yet

>Chances are you won't even have to kill yourself. Death will find you before your time.

I wish this were the case.

Unrest can be dispelled with more bread and circuses. A machine has been created which pumps deeply into every mouth.

Only economic collapse would strike the madness dead.

By the time you read this i will be dead:

There is no future for great or even good causes, the escalation of consumerist, post modern, decadent capitalism will not stop until it reaches a state of absolute hegemonic tyrrany over the functions of our body and the working of our minds.The soul as we know it will be destroyed on the altar of Moloch. Men will be effectively castrated by alienating poverty and the ceaseless demands of first world feminist cadres; all sexual behavior will be subject to prosecution in kangaroo courts and convictions will be handed out like condoms to kindergarteners. Women will no longer consider sex as pleasurable but as rape and will only reproduce with designer organic sperm milked from the husk-men slaves in concentration camps. The earth will reach toxicity levels making everywhere but the confines of walled urban centers uninhabitable and those cities will be monitored at all times from everywhere by everyone. The white race will no longer exist except in the highest upper echelon, the necessary serf class made up entirely of forcibly retarded mongrels. There will be blood sports to entertain the super wealthy from their havens high above the rest of humanity. I wish i could tell you to pray but we both know what good it will do.

Go to the empire state and do a flip faggot

can you livesteam your suicide for us please?

>Your descendents will inevitably be absorbed.
Probably. That's if I'm so fortunate as to have offspring. The first priority has to be to live your own life in peace though, finding a secure place to at least try and lead a life of your own.

So how do you plan to do it? Painfully I hope.

Heh. I remember when I was 19. However, why do you wanna kill yourself?

I'm going into the woods.
I'm either going to jump off the highest tree or drown myself in a body of water.
I won't have time to set up some elaborate cam show for you. Sorry brothers.

too difficult to do now since they put in that overhanging barbed wire fence around the whole balcony

>jump off the highest tree
Retard just hang yourself from it

>jump off the highest tree
Don't do this one, if you use a tree bring rope to hang yourself

>drown myself in a body of water
doable, walk into a lake or deep enough pond with a weight chained to you

Well if you jump from the tree you should be sure you land on your head, otherwise you'd just suffer on the ground until you starve or an animal finishes you off.
Also, do you want your body to be discovered by friends/family? What do you want to happen to your remains?

Your world/life is only doomed because you choose to think so, dumbass. The world isn't 3 dimensional, it's 5+ dimensional. If you can truly learn the implications of this, your life will change radically. Learn physics.

Or before you decide to kill yourself, do a large dose of mushrooms or LSD and have a trip before you decide what to do. It will change your perspective on life and you'll find new meaning. If you're going to die anyway, the very least you can do is to have a psychedelic trip to put wonder back in your world

Bye bye you won't be missed.

it will be funny when you just break your legs. i hope you try to land on your head

Dont kill yorself
Dont b a faggot

Anons if you or someone you know is considering self harm please seek counseling as fast as you can
Also op please don't kill your self.

>The world isn't 3 dimensional, it's 5+ dimensional. If you can truly learn the implications of this, your life will change radically. Learn physics.
pls explain im begging u

>christianity: If I fight for what I believe I may die and go to heaven, but the fight was worth it.
>Atheist: If I die fighting for a greater cause, whelp thats it. Why would I ever fight?

why do you think their lives automatically have value?

dis nigga aint got past da mourning phase

I hate this world too
I don’t want to have to work a job I hate for my entire life just to make a meager amount of money while other people get filthy rich just for having the money to invest from their daddy’s bank
It just isn’t fair to me that everything I do will invariably be meaningless just so I can be forgotten about for eternity
If I’m gonna be forgotten either way why not just die leading a life of nothing to match it?

yr perception creates yr reality maaaaaaaaan

That doesn't make it any less silly to believe in an ancient Semitic blood god named Yahweh who wants men's foreskins removed

Being remembered is overrated. What do you have to offer that's worth remembering snowflake?

Why not buy a one way ticket to north eastern russia? Might be able to get some free land to homestead. Have some reindeer milk business and onion farming. No soy boys in north eastern russia.

Putin is that you?

No one wants to live in fucking Siberia m8 stop asking

>L E A F
You bloody nigger, you just show us you know nothing about christianity. Circumcission was declared absolutely retarded at the Council of Jerusalem, and no one uses Yahwe yet.

Nothing, and that’s why I’d rather just die and get it over with instead of torturing myself for 40 years in an unfulfilling life just to look back and realize how much I wasted it
Wouldn’t it be easier to waste it in foresight rather than hindsight?

You matter and will be remembered. Trust me

die mad about it

Just use periscope or whatever the fuck on your phone.

user, if IIII knew the full extent of the implications of this, the world would be a much different place. But yes, it starts with KNOWING that your perception creates your reality. You can create a zero dimensional point and out of it, funnel any possibility you'd like. How this works, I don't know yet

Look up tesseracts. Learn about how a cube behaves when it's actually a tesseract. Learn about how three dimensions would behave when interacting with a fourth.

Watch the movie Flatland for a start. It's interesting AF and gives a little bit of an intro to higher-dimensional thinking. We're only "bound to 3D" because we haven't fully understood its relations to higher dimensions, yet

One less leftist parasite.
Get the fuck outta here.

If you’re talking about religion or afterlife, that’s just even worse because that means now I have to live with torture for 40 years hating myself and life just to go into another eternity of torment for being a shit human being

>no one uses Yahwe
Still that is the supposed entity's name in the mythology. And whether circumcision is happening or no it's very silly to talk about a cosmic entity that watches us and want to make sure we follow specific rules in our diet, daily schedule and sex lives. Not to mention demanding praise and submission delivered by psychic communication. It's silly and you know it.

Your choice

Depends what you mean by "waste" but I get it what you're saying completely. Just sounds like you think human beings are supposed to be fulfilled. We aren't and never were. But in my experience what you feel is temporary. You can stop "wasting" your life any time you want but your expectations are unrealistic.

You’re an autist
If any of what you say is true, the first people to figure it out are gonna be astrophysicists, and they’re just gonna use it to jerk off about how fucking little sense anything makes even though they still are hamfist style controlling it

this ,also digits
you are victim of ego/pseudo intelectual personality masturbation .u overthink things ,ego/brains want u dead because its use for u is gone ,your soul that is eternal and is your real individuality want u alive.

Either satisfy physical aspect(brain) with stimulation like cocaine + hot prostitutes or look deeper into soul for in search of true purpose and take mushrooms ,lsd .

I agree pretty much with everything you said, I don't get why kill yourself though.
Why not fight the inner battle? That is not lost, not necessarily.

Welp I guess he's dead. I'd say he'll be missed but I don't know if he will.
Maybe he really is alone in this world, and he chose to spend his last hours on Sup Forums to try and justify his choices to himself and the world. There's something tragic about that.

Lame, if your gonna do it at least do something helpful like blowing up a mosque

>If you make people believe in an afterlife it will pacify them in their actual life
You will never be able to do all the things life has to offer.

>I'm going to kill myself after this thread.
Good. Don't be a bitch and do it like a woman either.
Be a man and commit. That means shotgun or a rope.

yes do this. this way you won't be alone when you die

>There is no great cause to live or die for my brothers.
True. Meaning you can do as you like.

If my expectations are unrealistic, then they are bred by a consumerist society that has led me to expect these things out of life
The things such as peace, love, adventure, happiness; all of which are dashed to pieces by having to be stressed out working a shitty job for my entire life just to have a week max of free time every year or so

>le it's meaningless because I don't understand the significance meme
Suicidal people are pathetic and selfish, you think you know everything?

Go learn a sport and stop pouting about things entirely out of your realm of understanding and control. Get good at the sport. Dominate. Feel good because other men respect you. Stop crying. Oh, and the sport should be hockey.

Nihilists are never missed. They fell too far into leftist secular indoctrination that they are worthless.


why is it so important to you to be remembered? why do you need so much to impress others, serve society? it is madness, you maniac

stop waging war on yourself user, just say fuck it to the world

life is more than accomplishing stuff, impressing people, being successfull

find a way, become who you are

I know you aren't a shill, so I won't be a dick. A common denominator definition of an astrophysicist is someone who studies astrophysics. So yes, it'll be one who either knows a lot of about how current AP models, or a not-so-educated APist that brings forth new ideas of higher dimensions.

This next part is a scientific fact: when a discovery is made in the world, it is made at multiple times/places at once. So it won't be a "we discovered how higher dimensions work but fuck you guys, we won't tell you". It's going to be "multiple people figured it all out at once, and now this idea/realization with create a ripple in everything we think we know"

I know that I don’t want to work
I know that I don’t care other people work and suffer “for others”
I know that I don’t care if other people don’t understand how I feel just like I don’t understand how they feel
Do you?

Nah, screw doing coke and hookers

>I'm going to kill myself after this thread.

Why wait? Seriously, this is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen, you're no more going to kill yourself than I am, you're just after (you)s and you appear to have got them. Go and read Ride The Tiger.

Only you choose what you think/feel/do, user. It is your choice to use outer stimuli to reflect into your inner experience, or to look past external stimuli and change the internal yourself

Yea there is if Im as sad as you in 5 years Im just gonna carbomb a holocaust memorial because meaning for us all is to kill fags, niggers and jews you kike.

You think every cell in your body wants to work for fat autist that wants to kill himself? Think again. Every single fucking cell in your body is doing its job to GIVE YOU THE CHANCE FOR YOU TO DO WHATEVER YOU WANNA DO. And yet you piss and waste the magic of life itself because "muh the world is gay" meme. Fuck off with that. Intelligent life obviously ends at cell form if a fucking HUMAN can't realize that it takes all life to work properly to make a higher function work properly. Do yourself a favor and love yourself, you faggot. Look how hard your body works for you.

>Christianity is the slave morality which Nietzsche correctly identified

The fact that most people and most academia has reduced Nietzsche to a rumble of pseudo-nihilism is nothing more but a cultural crime. The Ironpill is the only way to achieve the state of a "new man" - the ubermensch. Only through the realization that man has killed divinity through his own petty actions and that he created hell on earth can you actually find your wellbeing, as the truth sets your both free and filled with action. Mind you, by man killing divinity I by all means did not mean that God is dead - embracing divinity is fundamental to the principals of both Nietzsche (or Evola), albeit in different tones and perspective throughout their respective ages.

Stop being a fag, open your eyes and realize the truth - then proceed to start on your foundation as a man. Decadence and depravity all around you, yet you stand strong as a beacon of light for any to follow. The creation of a "new man" is on all of our shoulders.

Oh boo fuckin hoo

If you are aware your expectations are the product of social manipulation then you already know there is another way to live.

Sack up, quit your job if you don't like it. Stop pretending you are a prisoner. Stop giving them what they want ffs. You have free will, you are not a fucking victim.

No bang. Just a whimper. Worthless by all accounts. A traitor. To call any of us brother is an insult.