wtf. this is inhumane.
Wtf. this is inhumane
Pretty sure the assumption is you'll buy some of your own fucking food instead of dying if the government doesn't provide your every need.
This is old and that bitch is retarded.
Why would you buy one avocado, one corn cob, and so many limes you can't hold them?
>Liberals cant survive on less than 1 lime a day
>has 29 dollars to spend on food for the week
>buys a fucking avocado
>7 green lemons
Those things aren't even ripe yet, lmao.
>small ass bags of rice and beans
A weeks supply of either is about 15$ and you still have money left for eggs and greens. You don't get to eat well on food stamps what the fuck
>7 limes
Drop the lines, lettuce, kale, and avocado. Buy some cheap protein and some cheaper veggies like squash and you’d be good. Also if you literally have no money besides SNAP then you’re fucked regardless.
I wouldn't even know what to do with an avocado.
They're called limes, Muhammed
also who buys 7 limes for a week, does she live in the lime equivalent of springfield?
1.) Food stamps are supposed to SUPPLEMENT ones food purchases, not entirely cover them
2.) The fucking items bought by a spoiled rich person virtue signaling make no real consideration for the actual needs of a person on food stamps
3.) this thread is bait
>that small ass bag of rice
lolwut? Isn't brown rice something like 4 cents a cup
Eggs. That's the only of those things depicted I've had in my fridge for the last.... 5 years? at least.
I'd eat the eggs, maybe the beans and rice. The rest is wasted money.
Food stamps are meant to supplement your own income, not replace it. You buy some of your groceries with them and then some with your own money.
Maybe they should get a job.
if college students can live on this so can people who are "unfit" to work or unable to find jobs.
Put it it up your arse?
Best post
>polteens have no concept of what it's like to have children
And you never will.
>green lemons
delet this
Post pics
Avocado in pooper
And yet, every single welfare nigger is fat
Really makes you sink in
That is quite a lot of food for a week. I bet that bitch has never cooked rice in her life, that bag alone could last for 3-4 days. Virtue signalling doesn't work when you haven't lived on minimal calorie diet in your entire life.
10 lbs of potatoes is 2$.
12 eggs is 1$.
So 108 eggs + 100lbs potatoes a week.
29$/week means you don't eat fancy but it's enough to survive.
If this is true, why is everyone that I personally know that gets SNAP is fat as fuck? (if they arent on drugs, sometimes still fat even on the drugs)
Food stamps are supplemental, they are only supposed to account for 30% of your food.
Also nobody on foodstamps buys healthy stuff, they buy soda, chips, and now even fast food then complain that they don't have enough money for real food.
buddy... I have some news for you...
You're actually literally retarded.
Lol. This was a good first post.
Is this real? Is she really this dumb?
maybe at safeway or whole paycheck.
try foodmaxx or grocery outlet, gwenyth.
shit niggy I can live off of $10 a week.
> Memeocados
> Limes
> Shitty fabricated bread
>seven limes
must be why they are in college, then, they aren't getting their required nutrients and thus are retarded.
>when australiaposters go on vacation
Get a job you bum
I don't know how you manage to not have a job it's not that hard
I can't tell if this is satire.
we need to revamp the food stamp system
it should be a supplemental program, not free food money
perhaps just making so that you have to purchase food stamps at a rate of $2 food stamps for $1 and bringing back the commodities box
Also Gwyneth Paltrow fucking shops in some meme store in Hollywood where everything has a minimum 50% markup compared to regular stores.
Maybe She can give them some of her millions of dollars?
yeah nah. a single person gets $180 a month, with a kid it bumps it up to $300. 2 kids = $430, 3 kids $590.
Do your children have scurvy or something?
Where I buy eggs they're only ¢50
One of the best sources of protein for little money
I also find it funny when burgers complain about food costs when every other first world country has produce that is much more expensive. You're literally the cheapest place on earth to buy food when looking at median income to prices.
>all fresh
Get all that green shit in cans and it will cost 1/4 of what it costs fresh.
>fresh romaine lettuce
>fresh cilantro
That's nearly 1/3 of the cost right there.
wtf... who spends 10$ on avocados and limes to "feed themselves'?
Also, I feed a family of two for ~50$ a week (syrup buxx)
Includes meat... snakcs, ect.
so fuck this lady and her bullshit "wahhhh we dont get enough free money"
>one tomato
Dumb people can't even shop for groceries.
When you send a 10 year old to buy milk and bread and he returns with a bag of skittles and complains that the money was not enough for milk and bread you know you have a dumb, lying kid.
But this has evidently been made by a grown person...
Throw some meat in there and you've got a solid and pretty healthy dinner in the making.
Ironically, my semi communist boss hates the snap program and wants to see it burn.
I think it helps that he's been poor many times.
A dozen eggs is about $5 unless you're eating Jew eggs from factory farms filled with chemicals and hormones.
>supplemental nutrition assistance program
What part of SUPPLEMENTAL did you not understand nigger. You aren't supposed to be dependant on it.
Government assistance is just that. It's assistance. Do you know what the word "assistance" means? Because I can tell you now that it doesn't mean getting every little thing handed to you for free with a side of fries and a back rub afterwards, you commie faggot. Niggers here in the US should get no assistance at all because they're just lazy fucks that leech off the working class. Wow, really sucks that they have to choose between an $800 iShit and feeding their kids, right? Maybe if these subhumans were capable of getting their priorities straight and managing their finances, they wouldn't be bitching about the $29 that they were handed for nothing more than existing.
By the way, I'm poor and I don't get government gibs. I live on around $4 a day. It's called rice, beans, and water, you fucking faggots. Learn to live within your fucking means.
yup... I can still live off 1$ a day if I cut out meat...
made a weeks worth of fresh, healthy food, for two people, cost 12$ because I watched for sales...
Normally its 50$ a week including snacks, treats, occasional take out ect.
On toast and then not be able to save for a house.
15lb Potatoes, 1gal whole milk, dozen eggs, big ass thing of oats. More than enough to eat comfortably for a week for less than half of that
>go to the most overpriced hipster market
>purposefully overspend to keep up the narrative that it’s too expensive to eat right
Fat Americans are insufferable.
Don't have kids if you can't afford them?
>various blobs of lettuce
>that weird stringy green shit in bottom right
>Spending $5 on meme eggs
Dude you're not shopping the right places.
>7 limes
>He fell for the organic meme
Family of 3 gets like 410-470 in benefits a month. I've seen it firsthand with my drug addled brother and his junkie girlfriend. Easily doable if you're conservative with your spending and look for deals.
Not that it would fucking matter because drug addicts just sell them for cash and be a massive fucking burden to their family instead.
Lettuce is also mostly meme food that isn't very great in nutrition.
Here's what you need:
- Onions
- Carrots
- Eggs
- Cheap grain like potatoes
- Table salt
- Some extra vegetables if you can fit it in the budget
No fucking lettuce or meme food chili peppers, buy the canned stuff.
>he isn't gluten intolerant with a deficiency in fatty acids only found in avacado toast
Fuck off, suburban and rural retard. You're never going to be as cultured as us.
It's government assistance, not government buys you everything.
peel it
eat it
shit it
complaining Free shit isn't enough..How about buy your food and stop being a degenerate
>not buying from Christian farming communities like the amish and hutterites
Good goyim. Eat your hormones and soy.
Don't forget letinels or beans. They're cheap and healthy.
my sides
Add radishes and you have a lot of my fridge.
If you haven't taken the radish pill, do it. Cheap and great food.
>suburban and rural
Haha he is both?
The limes are for the alcohol they trade the rest of their food stamps to me for
spending all her money on celebrity meme food instead of cheap shit made for poor people like hamburger helper and ramen
It's not illegal to just have a chicken coop on your property. If your neighbourhood really has a food problem, start keeping chickens and selling fried chicken at low prices.
literally who?
And nobody forces you to live in a metropolitan area, even in this country's capital i can get 2 month worth of food for 30$ (not fast food obviously but things you buy and cook)
>7 limes
A caipirinha a day keeps depression away.
Lol yeah they're gonna buy organic food from whole foods including 7 goddamn limes and an avocado
This too.
it's the most abused system
and easy as fuck to find someone selling their food stamps for cash...a poorfag can double their food dollars by buying stamps off of a nigger...
That cheap shit is not good value though, but her meme food is almost worse.
Don't have sex if you're not ready for the possibility of a child.
Wait until you're married and financially secure enough to have children.
t. Guy with a family
I sell fresh eggs for $3/dozen
$4/dozen for duck eggs
free range my birds too
Didn't realize families on snap have to eat burritos every day.
To be that retarded he must split his time between his hut in the country and his wife's boyfriend's couch in the suburbs.
Keeping in mind that food prices in RO are about on par with the rest of Europe $29 would get me food for a week + 2-3 packs of cigs + maybe even a six pack to celebrate not being a dumb libtard & having a job at the end of the week.
Hmm, maybe it's not money but brains she's in need of.
>green lemons
they're called limes mohammad
I literally get 10 dozen eggs for $5
>you wake up naked and cold in Gwyneth Paltrows house
>you ask what's going on and say you want to leave
>she says ok but first hands you a bowl of limes and tells you that you must eat all 7 of them
GTFO off this board. How about you do something useful like addressing the poverty epidemic of minorities in democrat run inner cities?
Okay. 30 dollars a week is more than enough for essential nutrients.
You aren't entitled to exotic fruits, prime cuts of beef, and an entire spice rack on government dime.
Fuck Paltrow and fuck her limes.
whites see SNAP as
"supplemental nutrition assistance program"
blacks see SNAP as
"feed the whole family for free program"
just another case of the gimmiedats