All kidding aside, is Trump mentally ill?

How else can you explain his behavior? It's getting harder and harder to defend him. I mean for fuck's sake, he's bringing back questions about Obama's birth certificate and the Access Hollywood tape.

Other urls found in this thread:

I went to school with guys like Trump. They seem dumb, but everything always goes their way. They can talk their way out of and into any situation like they have magic powers. They don't study for tests but somehow pass them, they always have money, and they get tons of pussy. They're like magic beings.

>politicizing mental illness
This is why they want to bar "mentally ill" people from owning guns, so leftist psychologists can diagnose right-wingers with disorders that justify taking away their guns.

First it's "Trump is mentally ill"
Then it's, "All of his supporters are mentally ill"

fine. not mentally ill per se, but at least mentally unsound. It seems like he can't make a right decision for the life of him.

It's fan service, he knows that his voters absolutely LOVE the intense asshurt he causes liberals with his every word. We love every tweet, every soundbite, and every speech of his but we really enjoy the liberal tears and screams of pain.


Do these people understand the English language

Obama was really born in Africa tho

He's made plenty so far

People call them "Chads".

Yeah dude. A billionaire who became president sure hasn't made any right decisions.

If you cant see the Sun Tzu tactics vs the Lefts Saul Alinsky tactics going on then you`re the mentally ill retard here, OP faggot

But then he always does something self-destructive right after that. Like picking fights with news anchors, D-list celebrities, and sports players. Or saying something off the cuff that gets him in trouble. Or just something after another.

>in before media's fault

yes, they are partially to blame. But Trump also has to take some of the blame. Why does he constantly generate controversies, or put his foot in his mouth? Why can't he have one quiet, controversy-free week? Why does he always have to have his name in the news 24/7?

No, he's just trolling the entire world because everyone is fucking garbage.

never forget to sage slide posts

Jonathan Chait is one of the saltiest liberal accounts on Twitter. Pushing this is the best he has and how he comforts himself in bed at night.

You think he's mentally ill because you don't understand him. You're actually too dumb to understand him. Dumb people like you always think they're smarter than they actually are.

It's all plan to make libtards think he's literally retarded so when he announces he wants a sex change they will have to admit transgenderism is a mental illness

>Sun Tzu vs Saul Alinsky
Its clear as day.

No, they're different than Chads. Chads are good with women only, these guys know how to work everyone, and can turn any situation anything to their advantage.

He plays dumb for plausible deniability.

His brain is definitely deteriorating from age and god knows what else.

>(((new report)))

You seem to equate 'self-destructive' with triggering left-wing journalists rather than actually harming his agenda in the long run.

i've seen this type of thread so many times i'm actually surprised anyone still replies to this shit

I'm gonna laugh at you mastermind dipshits so damn hard when it turns out he has golf ball sized holes in his brain.

Trump is smarter than you and the literally who verified faggot you posted, pissant

>nymag 100% convinced hillary will win
>trump wins
>uh trump is delusional guyz

But does a clown make a good leader? Isn't that more of a vice president role?

Pence playing good cop may work domestically, but foreign relations are fucked when your figure head is acting this insanely.

You just don't get it man, you hate it when he does those things so you assume we do too, when really we love it.

He's not acting 'insane' or like a 'clown', though. Just straying from the norm in a way that's good for our side.


obama was not born in the U.S.
his birth certificate is a fraud.
he should be arrested and executed

>2017, almost 2018
>STILL talking about Obama
imagine being this butthurt

stuff like this makes me wonder if i should kill myself

he's the president. he decides what is mentally ill. if you don;t believe obama was born in Kenya and that the access hollywood tape is fake, maybe you're the mentally ill one. He decides reality for us now.

>calling out the faggot MSM and Muslims makes you a clown
>MSM says Trump is bad

user, the very people Trump calls out are making the hit pieces on him.

he rallies his base. he knows exactly what he is doing. working on getting reelected and exposing the media and the deep state on the way. the football stuff is largely just for the base

yes. we elected him for our entertainment and he is delivering. I don;t care if he blows the world up, i hate all humanity. we are scum. good riddance.

It's dangerous to underestimate Trump.

lol@shill threads
all the opening posters were probably together on a discord when the thread started

But you are Polish, so nobody takes you seriously.

Obama's birth certificate
>implying that dumb smelly nigger wasn't actually born in mud hut in Africa and later groomed by the CIA to be a literal Manchurian candidate

they like legislative accomplishments. They like trolling, but they also like presidential behavior. They like having moments of quiet and humility.

>a non-wartime republic needs a strong singular leader

> the president of the United States is a retard
> you, a random guy on the Internet, are a retard

Which one of those has the highest probability?

Despite all the bull in the media
He's a 70 year old typical American with a little brains and a lot of confidence. He talks like some old lady and he posts the same shit they do.

Its actually what convinced me that democracy is real and the Jews don't control things. Because he got in.

He used to be coherent and intelligible when he was younger

man is sick. drop it already.


Stonewalled by Washington DC and rejected by all of America. It's just a waiting game until we can finally ditch him. He isn't going to walk away on his own with all the free golf trips he's ripping us off for.

The first.

I think so but its like a weird sort of focused and intelligent illness. Like I think he has a grand plan and all that has happened to Democrats and Liberals especially vis a vis sexual matters has been his doing but occasionally he takes it too far because doing nasty public shit gets him off like with the Navajo thing or still tweeting about the NFL long after anyone has cared.

It actually harms him. People don't think he's a good person and don't want to work with him. It gains him no favors.

>Grand plan
The dude is in way over his head. He's a normal guy thats trying his best and the media are hyperaware of his every flaw. Looking back on it Obama got kid glove treatment. There's a reason presidents give so many Airforce 1 rides to journos or bring them into the Whitehouse. Trump doesn't know how to use the trappings of power to manipulate journalists. Putin is a master of doing it. >Oliver Stone

He's been playing you retards for 2 years straight, and you still can't even come to terms with it.

if you don't questions the obama birth certificate that was released on the .gov site, you have no understanding of how photoshop and layering work.

>rich as fuck
>became most powerful democratically elected person on the planet

it seems like you can't identify a good decision for the life of you.

>everything he does always works every time
>it must be Trump who's mentally ill and not everybody else

Top kek.

Trump is a turtle on a post. He has no idea how he got there, and no clue how to get back down. He just showed up because the Republican Party is currently a vacuum of talent and nobody else showed up. Then his buddy Putin started his Russian smear machine on Clinton and the rest is a sad chapter in American history.

The good news is we all laugh in Trump's face together. That's what the stupid turtle idiot gets for pretending to be intelligent.

He's playing no one at this point. People either love him or hate him, there is no middle.

But both the left and right are hypocritical in their partisan squabbles, especially under Trump.

Trump just doesn't matter except to the point he fucks up or makes us look bad. Then we all rise up, tell him to shut his fucking face and make sure he has no access to power. He's all about himself, his brand and spending our money on golf trips.

This, he is a nigerian cia placed traitor. Shame it took this many posts b4 truth was told.

this is just retarded to think...

i suppose next you'll talk about how his constant controversies definitely hurt his campaign too right?

trump is a master baiter, if you don't see what he's doing when he makes a move, just wait a month and see how it plays out. time and time again you cucks repeat "this is the end for trump, he can't recover from _____ stupid controversy" BUT a week later the issue turns out in his favor every time.

>literally a senile mentally ill reality t.v star obsessed with putting ketchup on his steak was able to beat the face of democratic politics
if this isn't a wake up call that people will take literally anything over the shitty politicians we've had for decades then I don't know what is.

What does this shit accomplish? What 4d chess is there?

It was fine and funny during the campaign, not so much as president

memes aside he really does seem to be losing his shit this past week
>most critical week of his presidency, tax reform in do or die stage with plenty of undecideds
>decide to go off the rails with backchatter about further support for Moore, reviving the Obama birth certificate stuff, the hollywood tape being fake, and that's just in the news
>meanwhile his tweeting has been completely unrelated, with shit about sex assault allegations (is he autistic? or just oblivious to irony) and tweeting unvetted shit that even the most frothing at the mouth resistance member couldn't imagine him doing willingly
apparently one of the vids wasn't even a muslim, just two dutch kids
so he's not even furthering the narrative, he just looks retarded.

He's a sad indightment of American politics. Nowhere in the Western world can a guy like him get to the top the way he did. Only Macron did and he started his own party. The US should try reform and allow multiple parties. Its essentially seized up into a logjam. All your best political talent is pissed away either in the army or somewhere else. It doesn't allow the best people to rise to the top

>Then his buddy Putin

so you couldn't be bothered to read about hillary's campaigns russia connections? (uranium one, facebook ads/bots, etc?)

or you're just such a sucker for whatever is mainstream that you too repeat "muh russia" without any evidence so far? it sounds like your information comes from vox or something less credible.

The president's job is to work for the people, not to cause 'asshurt' to a third to half of the country.

People like you should reconsider what they want from a politician, for what they get so far is pols who serve plutocrats, rip guys like you off and sedate them with bullshit aversions.


how is it possible that one man call be all of these things?

Just fucking die.

>tweeting unvetted shit that even the most frothing at the mouth resistance member couldn't imagine him doing willingly

This is probably my biggest criticism. Why can't he just have someone in charge of his twitter? Who vets his shit and posts relevant shit to btfo his enemies instead of whining about his news coverage and acting like a lunatic?

>new reports
hahaha gay weekly conducts faggy survey amongst its readership and then asks the top ten faggiest queens to share their homothoughts

in the next week or two we'll be discussing how the Bigly Don set yet another trap and and snapped the necks of his enemies
happens everytime

leafs are scum

it's like achievement hunters in WoW, man just wants to unlock all these titles

Yes, this man is delusional. We gotta keep him away from the ice cream and nuclear codes!

Why? Because you have nothing to refute?

I like Trump. I don't regret voting for him. But there's only so much autistic outburst one can put up with and not cringe at without getting fed up. If Trump passed infrastructure and did other shit, and then acted this way, it would be more tolerable.

He's only fueling his enemies further.

98D backgammon

Stuff is going on that he doesn't want covered, so he's baiting the media

Read the article. It's not reader thoughts, its Trump saying the Access Hollywood tape was doctored, after he admitted to it, and bringing up Obama's birth certificate after he stopped that during the election. It mentions congress people just nodding off when they were his lies.

None of this is helpful to Trump.

I loved his speech today.

I missed it. What did he speak on?

Trump? No. Many of his followers are though.

4d chess? what the fuck are you talking about? it isn't 4d chess if trump says something reasonable (but baiting) and then dem's take the bait within a week.

and it's still beneficial; he hasn't been hurt by any of the controversys he brings up or gets involved in.

what EXACTLY do you think he's brought up that hurt him?

pocahontas issue? in trumps favor.
hillary/uranium one? in trumps favor.
russian interference in 2016? in trumps favor.
"alternative facts"/fake news? in trumps favor.
global warming? in trumps favor.
anti-islamic rhetoric? in trumps favor.
the emoluments clause? in trumps favor.

these are the 'biggest' things i can think of when people say trumps hurting himself, yet in all examples he's come out ahead. that's why his opposition takes every opportunity they can to over-react to anything he does. they desperately want him gone before he changes too many things in favor of the people (rather than the highest bidders)

also people don't think he's a good person and don't want to work for him? who the fuck thinks this realistically? you surly can't generalize that much and think it's smart; there's tons of people that would kill to work for trump (in many capacities, mainly as his staff while he's president).

jobs, economy improvement, laughing with people calling out fake news.

he sounded like he was having a genuine good time. I highly recommend checking it out, it wasn't that long.

The Controversiea always feed his aims or his base's morale

Also revenge. He is wrecking the NFL because they refused to let him buy a team, he is setting up the democrats to take the blame of no tax cuts.

blatantly i didn't read the article and won't you rapebabyboomer

Trump is so delusional he keeps winning while his enemies keep losing

Trump is a master manipulator, he causes exactly the reactions he wants.

Obama's birth certificate is fake.

Trump heralds an era of awakening, and I cannot wait.

9/11 is the big one. I'm pumped for the next 8 years.

Rare flag, nice

You mean rich people?

... so what does that say about you dipshit liberals and your kike masters, being constantly tricked by a silly old man? Every single day.


underrated digits

He's 71, his brain is already Swiss cheese

Says the people who believe that cutting your dick off is perfectly normal and healthy

Cry more shitlib retard.

Most children are better at forming a coherent sequence of sentences than him... If you watch videos of him from past decades you'll see he never used to struggle to speak. I think he's just got early onset dementia desu.. He's a retard.

>Stuff is going on that he doesn't want covered
you mean like the near passage of tax reform he could have spent the week shilling? or the fact economic growth was the strongest in the 3rd quarter it had been since 2014?
but instead he went full retard again

>further support for Moore

So, 25th amendment?