Fuck muslims this guy was a hero

fuck muslims this guy was a hero

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We really are in the end times.


Slavs really are pink

Fuck you and your mother.

At least some still can die with honor, even today.

Let's all follow his example as a tribute to his bravery and courage. Down the hatch it goes!

An hero

What's the deal with him all of a sudden ? someone explain pls

>fuck Muslims
except those snakes were literally allied with Muslims, until it became opportune to stab them in the back
and then they were allied with them again at the end of war
Bosnian Croat general, committed suicide in court after being declared guilty for war crimes

He just drank poison at the Hague court

Sup Forums thinks that ethnic cleansing is trendy.

>war crimes
what were the actual accusations?

Good stuff


you have it under ICTY indictment

He was against bosniaks and not agains muslims bosniaks. Also his wife was muslim, probably bosnian

Bosniaks are like 99% Muslim.
is a regional term

>What were the actual accusations ?
Someone explain please. He must have thought the judgement he would get from them was worthy of literally killing himself. Must be juicy stuff

>commanded directly and indirectly the Herceg-Bosna/HVO armed forces which committed mass war crimes against Bosnian Muslim population in around 30 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
what a legend


Killing mudslimes in heaven now

20 years in prison apparently

I thank this guy for defending Christians against Islamic terrorists


This right here, he smiles down from valhalla

stoic death

Where's the video?

The Hague BTFO!
He went out on his terms.


>Croat general who removed muslim shits in the Yugoslav war, defending Christians.
>Put on trial for (((war crimes)))
>Goes to the Hague voluntarily 15 years ago to prove his innocence
>Spends 2/3 of the sentence therefore was to be released immediately
>Court tells him he is guilty after all and sentences him to 20 years (he would still get out soon since he spent 2.3 of it in prison already)
>Says fuck your rules I go down how I want and drinks Hemlock poison like a boss.


He said “Slobodan Praljak is not a war criminal. I reject your judgment with contempt.”


Slobodan PraljakJust was a Bosnian Croat engineer, film and theatre director, businessman, author and retired general in the Croatian Army. This madman graduated from 3 different colleges (College of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Philoshopy and Dramatic Art) all with high marks, wrote dozens of books, made plays and television series and was a Philosophy and Sociology professor .

He voluntarily joined the newly formed Croatian Armed Forces after the outbreak of the Croatian War of Independence. He formed a unit composed of the Zagreb artists and intellectuals. Although he did not have any military education, he successfully defended this position from the technically superior forces of the Yugoslav People's Army and the Army of the Republic of Serb Krajina. Then he proceeded to remove Bosniak muslim shits and the Saudi mujahedeen sent to Bosnia, who were attacking and slaughtering innocent Christians in the war.

And mind you that he voluntarily surrendered to the International Court, not caught, only for all of this fuckery to happen in the end.

Press F

His misfortune was that he was the leader of a small Balkan nation army, not of the United States, Israel, China or the UK and other untouchables. What he did were petty crimes on comparison to the bombing of Belgrade, CIA backed "Arab Spring" that keeps Europe flooded with "refugees" and the occupation of Tibet by China. Those are the real crimes, but nobody will get punished!

So what. Mos balkaners converted in islam during ottoman rule
Some reconverted in christianity after, and other did not


Died with honor, a true soldier.
Might he rest in peace.


Don't cut yourself on that edge

Socrates worthy

I just watched some interviews with him because I knew almost nothing about this guy until today. He soounds so calm and intelligent in every one of them. He obviously hated muslims and "western" nations. Glad he didn't die like a nobody.

Wait you mean both at the same time?
I'm sorry Puff, but I don't give a fuck
If this chick was my own mother
I'd still fuck her with no rubber and cum inside her
And have a son and a new brother at the same time
And just say that it ain't mine, what's my name?
I'm Slim Shady (I'm back)
I'm back (I'm back)
I'm back (Slim Shady)

He is more white than the average american/british

Intelligent men do the right thing in every situation.

Good play.
Now he can die peacefully in 20 years on Barbados or Virgin Islands.

Looks like some russian bum taking a vodka shot. Who the hell is he?

For this he deserves a spot in our history next to Gotovina. Muslim filth needs to be cleaned and Bosnia partitioned.

Santa Claus

Warriors deserve praise.


checked and keked

100% ALPHA

anyone know the poison he took yet?


Fuck It!
We'll do It live!

well he had three university degrees

i hope of getting an answer from my muslim friend

You guys shouldn't have intervene in that bosniak war against serbs.
You should have just went against them together.
I know you hate yourselves too much, but both Croats and Serbs are suffering because of "bigger players" and backstabbing muslims.

An example to follow for all peoples of the Balkans


Fuck me and my mom? Well, i guess i could go halfway in and jerk the other half. Does that count?

No, we want to see him drink it.

le remove kebab amirite?


He literally did nothing wrong, just blew up a shitty ottoman bridge

can we stop DC threads?

he drank poison 2 secs after the judges have him 20 years

the red pill

He drank poison, not big black cock. You yuropoor idiot.

Probably a shot of home-made Raki


>DC thread
>A thread where even fucking Serbs F on his death.
Fuck off Bosniak or Albozerg or whoever the fuck you are.

t. muslim albanian ape

What's going on in this thread?

What are saying? He escaped from his punishment. Thats cowardice.

tako ste vi hrvati sigurno i za vrijeme austro-ugarske i osmanlija mislili da su muslimani loši i to sve ali ste tek onda pod srbima u prvoj jugoslaviji naučili pravo značenje pojma rob i robovanje

my guess is cianide


The funny thing is this fucking Haag was a joke. Šešelj made fun of them, calling them idiots etc. and this guy drank a fucking poison infront of them. Was was the point of this court anyway? Give overpaid jobs to old jew judges?

Thread theme

>after the judges have him 20 years
The impressive thing is, he already served it waiting for the court to decide. He was about to walk home, but didn't want to walk home labeled as a criminal.

was he a consul of Rome

is there a dog whistle you wont go ape shit over, alt right retards?

odjebi budaletino
ako se post nije odnosio na tebe nemoj odgovarat

>over 1 million views
how the fuck

i'm christian you dumb slavs


Probably since he was going to kill himself


>3/4 of our population never watched this
How the fuck indeed.

To put slavs in jail, it doesn't have any other purpose.
Goatfuckers and Goatfuckers with wide ears were acquitted because they suck US cock. F.e that haradinaj guy literally ordered to kill all witnesses of his crimes and now he is a PM in Kosovo.

It really is a circus

The core principle of Christian world view is universal love - agape.
This world view has led to all the greatness our cultures. The idea that we are all children of God and God loves us all, thus if we truly love Him, we must also love each other.

However, due to mistranslations, many have misunderstood this as cuckery. No, hostis, a blood enemy is something you have to fight, even though you tried your hardest to avoid the conflict. Why? To save lives. Basically, when you act to save lives, you are allowed to take lives. What matters is the intent.

If he honestly believed his suicide would lead to a greater good, this was not suicide (giving up on life for selfish reasons), but charitable act.

If this charitable act produces results, he will be a martyr.

a dose of american vaccin

rare flag

Any Kebab remover is alright by me.

Honor ! He fought agains t murd-slim for everyone of us #

people really need to know information in the post related
he also had 3 diplomas and made a tv documentary, movie and tv series

You are a retarded meme flag and you are not Europan for sure.
Get out of thread wich you don't know shit about.

cowardice is killing innocent civilians on your way to hell. like muslims.

>mfw browsing Sup Forums

it's a song about foreign courts judging our generals for defending our home

shit song but a strong message

Too bad it wasn't Putin

>a charitable act
I chose to believe it was. How can he look at his home country, being labeled traitor, and accept it? It just doesn't compute.

You are an albanian faggot. Fuck off

In memory of Santa
who worked his ass off for us
just to get betrayed
it´s over now
you did everything you could
