The same things that preceded the fall of Rome (by that I mean real Rome, i.e. Western Empire) are befalling the US: uncontrolled immigration, endless wars, weak demagogue leaders, ideologic attach from within (SJWs) and without (Islam). Are we at the beginning of the end? How can we recover?
The same things that preceded the fall of Rome (by that I mean real Rome, i.e...
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The time for zionists honoring themselves will soon be at an end.
When are you goyim going to wise up?
Great plan:
White Nationalism:
William Pierce:
addtl. threads on Zionist agenda:
secure the borders, stop immigation, kill or deport millions of dissidents and pay off our debnts with the new growth. replace bread and circuses with life closer to what other generations had.
How the fuck is Islam making the US collapse?
>Implying any desision US takes isn't approved by either UK or Israel.
You are just a British/Jewish colony that was/is only useful as a military tool. That's why your population is so under-educated, they want to keep Americans down intellectually, because you are unironically the most dangerous white men of this era.
it's too late. Become a prepper so you can actually enjoy the collapse and watch SJWs go hungry.
>that filename
Kult-leader Molyjew did a pretty good video on the fall of Rome, contains lots of probable bullshit but the general picture should be right.
History is a record of causes and effects. But noticing correlation is not identifying causation.
Also good riddance
spain is the israel of mexicans, why would we expect you to support us.
and youre the canada of mexicans and not immune to getting plowed.
Will a strong leader rise and set things right?
> Aurelian reincarnation when?
We're too far down this road to stop.
We are at 133 bc
Trumps are the grachi brothers. The republic will not survive another century
How it goes and what comes after, I have no idea
Heathens wiping out tyrannical legions when
>canada of mexicans
Don't know If to take that as a compliment or as an insult.
Look nigger. Gibbon poisoned Roman historigraphy. What destoryed Rome were the campaigns to win it back. Belasaurius's campaigns destroyed Italy. Rome might look big and thickm apporn on a map but in reality it was scattered mining outposts and cities crammed with Phoenican, Roman elites in Spain, Germany was full of military camps, Gaul was populated heavily near the Meditternean and Switzerland.
The West was populated in a scattered manner. The East was were the wealth and power was.
The West was abandoned because it didn't generate that much wealth.
Justinians camapign in Italy killed literally MILLIONS. They were so hungry the eat acorns and ground grass into paste and eat bark. Uneducated plebs are still repeating Gibbon two centuries later
>How can we recover?
stop killing your smart males.
America has a long time to go before it crashes and burns. It took two world wars to sink the British empire. The EU is on the rise and they are natural allies of the Western Order. The "West" whatever that is is the only game in town
You can't stop the tide of history. All you can do is prepare and ride it out the best you can.
>America has a long time to go before it crashes and burns.
I don't think you realize just how dumb our population is getting.
Say that to your 14 aircraft carriers. Everyone here is retarded. Do you know how much carnage WWII caused? It would take a war of even bigger proportions to take down America or if they collapsed economically like the USSR. As long as your institutions function to some degree it'll survive and prosper.
To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand reddit.
So Trump wants redistribute land?
America has become the biggest corporation on Earth due to the level of rampant corruption among the oligarchs of this country...
>Say that to your 14 aircraft carriers.
I think I'd rather say it to the billion or so lines of code that maintain our communications infrastructure.